
What a Noble Man

"Don't forget what we discussed earlier…" Ban said, interrupting Belle who was about to say something. 

Belle was surprised about his interjection and she ended up yelping a little due to it. She nodded head after her initial surprise but Ban thought that her nod was a little forced. He thought that she might have forgotten most of it already. 

And with that in mind, Ban started recounting what they had discussed earlier to refresh her memory. 

Belle could only nod her head while listening to Leon. She does not want to interrupt him so she only listens. It also helped as she actually really forgot some of the details of their discussion earlier. 

The discussion ended up taking most of their time and they did not even notice that they were already near the Adventurers Guild. 

At the same moment Ban finished recounting, the carriage also slowly stopped, followed by George's relieved voice. 

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