
Chapter 24 Disgusting Evidence Of Love

Matteo's POV

My door bursts open at my home office as is stared at the wedding ring, within a second I shoved it back into my draw and glanced up. Seeing, Marco, Gabriel, Lorenzo and Francesco by the door. I groan inwardly as they stalk towards my desk. "I knew I was right; I knew I was right." I hear Lorenzo say, I raise my eyebrows as Marco steps forward handing me a laptop.

I set it onto my desk, "what's the meaning of this?"

"Press the button Matteo." Marco announces, within that minute I press it. A video is shown from a security camera angle. Without another though I press the button and it plays of. The video starts of from the shooting as smoke covers the area. The minute it disposed I notice Amara remove herself from the desk slowly as she looks around. I was standing up holding my wound before slowly falling to the ground.

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