

Hannibal and I walked through the forest for a few minutes while I looked at the map that was having its clouds chased away as I passed, "Let's see at this rate I think we can clear a good part of the forest before the end of the day." With that thought in mind, we continued walking and picking up some fruit on the way that happened to be delicious.

However as we walked the map showed a reaction and 3 red dots appeared on the map quickly approaching him, "Red dots? These are ENEMIES!" Leo yelped in surprise and prepared to draw his sword as he looked around only to see a horned rabbit jumping towards his head.

"I can't react fast enough." I said and started to fear the rabbit coming towards me slowly with that horn, I could see death approaching faster and faster and there was nothing I could do but luckily Hannibal was there.

With an extremely quick movement Hannibal drew his broadsword and slashed the rabbit's head still in the air before swinging it in an arc and slashing other rabbits that had sprung towards him with clean slashes.

" Incredible." I could only exclaim in awe when my subordinate eliminated all these rabbits in just two moves, "My lord, don't let your guard down, it's not over yet." Being remembered by my general, I drew my sword and turned my back to him.

For the first time in my life I smelled fresh blood with iron and guts, but adrenaline and nearby enemies secured my focus, the bushes around us began to move violently and two dozen horned rabbits fanned by the blood of their fellows they jumped out of the bushes towards us.

I reacted instinctively and cut the first one that appeared in front of me decapitating him but this move opened my guard to another rabbit who prepared to stick his horn in my torso but was stopped by Hannibal who grabbed him with his hand and threw him against another rabbit .

This rabbit cried in pain when Hannibal squeezed it and I could have sworn I heard some bones cracking but I turned my attention to the other rabbits attacking me and stuck my sword in the torso of another making him scream in pain.

The animal's fresh blood splattered on my face and I felt like vomiting as I smelled that nauseating smell but I still forced my body to move and ripped the sword from its torso splashing even more blood on my clothes and without hesitating I attacked another rabbit that was in the My front.

The battle lasted another 25 minutes with Hannibal killing 15 rabbits and me killing the last 5, but you could see the obvious skill difference as I was soaked in blood and Hannibal had only soiled his sword and hands even though he had killed more.

" Thanks." I let out a long weary sigh and thanked Hannibal who nodded and stood guard, "Rest sir, this was your first experience with death and combat, you better take a break." Hannibal said to me making me contemplate a bit before I walked away from the rabbit corpses and sat down in a tree.

I let out a long breath and as the adrenaline wore off I started to smell it entering my nostrils and my gastric juices churned making me want to vomit, at that moment my eyes met the body of a rabbit, dead in half and its guts out and I wanted to throw up.

But more than that, I felt something else when I saw all that flesh and blood, "Hungry?!" I whispered as I felt my stomach growl and remembered another feature of the giant rats, or more so their nickname.

Those who devour everything.

The giant rat race could literally survive anywhere and feed on almost anything, they have high resistance to poisons and toxins and as long as it's made of organic matter they can digest.

"Are you hungry my lord?" Hannibal of course listened to my stomach and questioned me about my hunger, to which I simply nodded and he took a look at the sky before continuing.

"Let's get some more whole rabbits and move on before we set up camp, it's getting dark and predators may come out." Hannibal spoke and took some corpses of rabbits before putting them in the backpack, I followed his actions and put some corpses in my backpack before we continued walking through the forest.

A few moments after we left the place and the sun started to set I could hear the roars and screams of animals and predators where they had killed and some of those roars sent shivers through her fur and tail.

"Go on sir, we have to get out of here your scent will attract them soon." Hannibal warned me and we quickened our pace towards a stream that was surrounded by trees with roots thick enough for them to sink into.

"This is going to be a long night." I muttered before we continued.


Hey guys, this is the author and are you enjoying the first-person narrative?

It's the first time writing so I hope you like it.

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