

"Careful, my little princess." Wearing a full armor suit, she squatted down and smiled at her little daughter. Little Fuyu and Little Makoto just turned one. 

The twins' birthday is the happiest day for the married couple. They watched their little prince and little princess make their first tiny steps. Little Makoto fell on the ground and stared at the little scratches on his knees. As long as it is not bleeding, he will not cry. He looked at his twin sister and saw her getting teary-eyed when she fell. The twins' mother smiled softly and carried her youngest one in her arms. 

"One day, you will feel loved by everyone and there will be one and only person who will make you feel like you have everything." She kissed Little Fuyu's forehead and then, she carried Little Makoto in her arms as well. 

"My little lucky shining stars." She carefully put the twins down inside their cradles and then, she took a music box from the drawer. 

"My Little Fuyu will have the music box. They said that if you found the other half of this music box, the owner of it is your soulmate." She said softly, opening it to listen to its melody. 

Little Fuyu stared at the music box and smiled widely while clapping her tiny hands. Ever since that day, she will not be able to sleep without the music box playing besides her. The twins grew up into fine children. Makoto got the sword that their father used during the chivalry. They said that it killed hundreds of bandits and it will protect you as if it is an amulet. 

"Mother, will you attend the banquet with Father?" Fifteen-year-old Fuyu asked while wearing her chemise. She was about to go to bed when she heard her parents talking in the living room. 

"We will. The King invited us. For now, you will need to stay here with your brother. You still have classes tomorrow." Her mother smiled at her and she nodded, hugging her gently and kissing her cheek. 

"I will take my rest now, Mother. Be careful." Fuyu went back to her bedchamber after that. She took the music box from the bedside drawer and opened it. 

"And they lived happily ever after." She mumbled while staring at the fairytale book that her own parents wrote for her. She took it from the music box. The book is just small, so it fits well inside. 

"Prince Charming and the Lady of the Starry Night Sky.." She continued to mumble and she traced the book edges with her fingertips. 

"Mother said that I'm the main character of this fairytale. Then, who is Prince Charming?" She asked as she flipped the book open. 

"Brother doesn't believe in fairytales, that's why Father gave him a sword instead." She puffed her cheeks and laid down on the bed. She hugged her pillow and stared at the ceilings. 

"There is only one prince in this country but when I met him years ago, he got mad at me because I was crying." She pouted and then, she sighed. 

She got up from her bed once again and opened the windows. Her eyes glimmered under the starry night sky. It will always be her favorite view. The manor is near to the Northern Forest, so whenever she is opening her windows, she can see various wildlife animals. There is a small lake inside the forest, so the fireflies are like the stars during night. She bit her lips and took her fur coat. She looked around and silently left the manor to go to the lake. 

"No one is around." She whispered while wearing her coat. She kept the music box open to keep her brother thinking that she is just inside her bedchamber. 

The forest is deadly quiet and she is trembling in fear when the cold wind is passing by. It is creating a scary sound, thinking that ghosts might suddenly appear in front of her. She almost screamed when she accidentally tripped on a huge tree root and fell on the ground. Her chemise is now dirty and it is stained with blood since she got wounds on her knees. 

"Are you alright?" She screamed but a hand covered her mouth. She was on the verge of tears but the sky uncovered the moon and it lit the face of the person who asked her. 

"What are you doing here? It is already late." It is a young man. He removed his hand from her mouth and she started crying softly. 

"Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" He kept on asking but she was too afraid to answer. He carried her in his arms and went to the side of the lake to clean her wounds. 

"W-who are you?" She asked between her sobs but he didn't answer. She slowly stopped crying when she found the sense of familiarity between them. 

"Are you the Prince?" She asked, hoping that he is the Prince because he also took care of her wounds since she was a little child. 

"I'm not the Prince." He finally answered but judging him according to his clothes, only the members of the Royal family got the highest and finest quality of linens. 

"I'll walk you back to your home." He said after cleaning her wounds. He took his handkerchief and carefully covered it. 

"My brother will get mad at me for sneaking out at this hour." She said and he offered his hand. She accepted it as he helped her to stand up. 

She winced in pain and when she was about to fall once again, she gripped on his clothes and he wrapped his arm around her waist. In her own fairytale, the Prince Charming kissed her on the forehead. She stared at him and mentally reminded herself that he is not her Prince Charming. She released herself from his grip but he pulled her back to his arm and kissed her forehead. Her eyes widened when she felt another kiss but on her lips.

This is a flashback chapter.

cosmicwitch0216creators' thoughts
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