

All the people present in the area were somewhat shocked to see their leader lying face-first on the cemented ground of what turns out to be an abandoned junkyard of car parts. They stopped hitting Ken for now and came to their leader's rescue.

"What are you just standing there?" Isuki bellows as he is helped by his fellow member to get back on his feet. "Go get the girl!"

At his command, the other four members quickly shifted their attention towards Hayashi Sakura, who carefully took a step back while also using her body as a shield in her attempt to protect her friend Ken from these goons.

These men smirked at her as they slowly walked towards her to make her regret for doing that earlier to their beloved leader. 

Sakura's head swiftly made a turn behind her to see Ken's current condition and it seems that the lad is still trying his best to hang in there. 

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