
What I am

Zenkai stayed quiet and slowly got back up but Robespierre put more holes through him and brought him back again.

"I've accepted the truth I've lived life trying to make the world peaceful then leave a normal life truly that's all."

"Killing all these people does make the world equal doesn't it" Zenkai mocked him.

"I'm not killing them to make the world equal"

"Then what because you're full of crap right now."

Robespierre put more holes through Zenkai and brought him back.

"Do you believe in the idea of the duality of human nature that consists of the thoughts that all humans are capable of having both good and evil within them?"

Zenkai remained quiet.

"Do you think that someone can be pure evil with no good or someone to be pure good with no evil?"

"I believe humans can control what they do regardless if it's full good or evil so it doesn't matter," Zenkai replied.

You know Zenkai you remind me a lot of myself but different, your hair is disgustingly white while my hair is the blackest thing you'll ever see but our ability to revive the dead is something similar.

"How do you know what I can do."

"I've been watching you since you defeated that gravity and ice guy," Robespierre replied.

The room started changing and arms came out the ground and grabbed onto Zenkai.

"Don't think you can break out of those like you did with the chair it's controlled by my aura."

Let's see how long it'll take for you to break.

Robespierre slices off Zenkai's right arm.

Vannox walked and saw Lyssa and Flakes coming as well.

"Welcome back." Flakes said.

"Where's Zenkai," Lyssa asked.

"No clue probably on his way," Vannox replied.

They all sat down when groups of soldiers came running toward them.

"They don't give up do they." Flakes uttered.

Zenkai's arm healed.

"Your healing factor is amazing," Robespierre said as he touched Zenkai's arm which fixed itself.

He cut off both arms this time and Zenkai yelled in pain.

"In this world, there's a sense of overcoming things and that the strong devour the weak."

Zenkai's arms grew back and he sat there quietly.

"My name is Robespierre a revolutionist who came from poverty a ranker who rose to fame.

"Ranker? What number." Zenkai asked as he looked at Robespierre who was still smiling.

"Third" Robespierre replied.

"So you are weaker than Anbu and stronger than Dr.Understand."

"The Dragon Ranker and Time Master huh you've met them I see."

"I trained under them."

"Trained? The Time Master I understand but the Dragon Ranker training someone that's truly a sight to behold."

"You know why I hate you Zenkai."

"I honestly don't care Robespierre once I get out of this I'll beat the shit out of you."

"Calm down Zenkai, but growing up I've learned the story of our universe the bet between Gods the Miracle and Hatred the Coming Chaos, and the balance between two children, and when I learned the Miracle had the power to bring the dead back to life it made me feel important but you know what I learned."

Zenkai didn't reply again.

"I learned that you're the Miracle child your fight with the gravity guy showed me that I fell apart and thought everything I've been training for was meaningless but then it hit me I ran through the books of history and found it."

Robespierre's eyes widened.

"The child of Hatred, the one who brings chaos, the divider of heavens I could go on all day how much names he had if I can't be the Miracle then I'm probably the one who fights the Miracle."

Zenkai smirks.

"The likes of you being the child of Hatred? Don't make me laugh."

Robespierre's smile grew wider and put more holes through Zenkai then brought him back.

"Then who's the Child of Hatred if it isn't me."

"He goes by Kuzan if you ran into him you'll probably die right away."

Robespierre walked to the side of the room and touched the wall.

"What's his last name?"

"Saito I think."

"Find Saito Kuzan."

A hologram appeared out the wall and a beeping light appeared on it.

"Doesn't make sense he isn't even in our universe."

"He tends to do that a lot," Zenkai explained.

Robespierre walked out of the room and locked the door he went toward the Guillotine and gave a list of names to soldiers they appeared a moment after with a line of people.

"Line them up," Robespierre said.

"One after the other heads were chopped the basket got filled four times.

"True bloodshed starts now."

Lyssa Flakes and Vannox came running into sight at Robespierre but he noticed them coming beforehand and signed to his soldiers.

"evanesce" they screamed.

And all three were gone again.

"Fuck this" Flakes yelled.

Zenkai looked at the ground and then tried to force his way out of Robespierre's arm.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed.

The beep-ping light on the wall started moving fast and Kuzan appeared in front of Zenkai.

Zenkai looks up and sees Kuzan in front of him.

"I noticed someone was tracking me but to think you were here that is something I didn't expect."

"Get me out of this," Zenkai asked.

Kuzan pulled out a sword and cut the arms holding onto Zenkai. He fell over and grabbed his arms.

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