
Chapter 90 Retelling, Truth Behind Identity

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


The next day has arrived and Raishin is going to meet Risette alone after he had left Yaya to Lily where she had followed her with Kanda to meet Kimberley.

When Raishin had met with Risette, he can see that she had wore her usual academy uniform where she had waited him at a place which 500 metres from the Student Council Committee's building.

"Good morning, Risette-san. I'm sorry for being late as Yaya couldn't calm down when she heard that I will meet a girl." Greeted Raishin at Risette as he explains about his late to the appointment time.

"It's fine, Raishin-san, but..." Risette stops for a moment as she fixes her glasses and say: "I'm appreciate if you could honor our appointment time as I don't like someone being late to his or her meeting."

"Well...I'm sorry very much, Risette-san." Apologised Raishin as he bends his body to Risette.

"...Alright, I will forgive you." Replied Risette after had seen Raishin really mean for his apology at her.

Risette turns her body and say: "Let's go, I will show you the way to the "Locker"."

Raishin had followed Risette to their destination where he can see that Risette had unlocked various locks at the entrance to the "Locker" before both of them could enter that place.

After the "Locker" had been opened, Risette had brought him to the place where Sigmund had been locked in a cell.

In that cell, Raishin can see that Sigmund had been tied to metal choker at his neck and both of his legs. On the choker, there are some intricate designs on it which Risette had explained to him that the designs acts to block any mana or aura to be manipulated by the automaton.

Although Sigmund had been tied in that cell, he had been treated with care as Raishin can see he had been provided with enough provision.

When Sigmund had detected the presence of two people near his cell, he looked at those people and see Raishin with a girl with glasses beside him in front of his cell.

"Hi Raishin, what are you doing here? Who is it the girl beside you? Is it your girlfriend which Char had listened from Kanda?" Greeted Sigmund at Raishin before he asked for his presence here and the person beside him.

"Hi Sigmund. I'm here to meet you and listened to what had happened at you before you and Charlotte had been accused as the "Cannibal Candy". The student beside me is the Deputy Chief of Disciplinary Committee, Risette Norden and not my girlfriend. Don't listen to Kanda's nonsense." Replied Raishin to Sigmund after he had greeted him.

Raishin looks beside him and see that Risette looks at him which disdainful looks before she adjusted her glasses and say: "Student Akabane Raishin, I want to remind you that I'm showing this place at you not because of I'm had interested in you. I'm just doing my job to ensure that our student not to be accused for the wrongdoing that they didn't do."

Raishin had flustered expression on his face before he quickly say: "Risette-san, this is a mistake. Don't listen to Sigmund's words as he listened to the Kanda's teasing on me. I'm sure that I've not interested in you."

"So, you're saying that I'm not attractive." Responded Risette as she crosses her arms as she looks at Raishin with questioning looks.

"Not at all, Risette-san. You're an attractive person where you has strict personality on you." Commented Raishin to appease Risette.

"I see...in your true words, I'm just a stiff girl with good-looking figure." Commented Risette as she tapping her feet on the floor while crosses her arms.

"That's not what I mean, Risette-san..." Replied Raishin before he scratches his head and say: "Ah...Why am I explaining this? Anyway, I don't really mean like that, Risette-san. I swear."

Risette chuckles slightly before she say: "I know, Raishin-san. I'm just messing with you around and you can see that your friend inside the cell also laughing at you."

Raishin had dumbfounded looks on his face as he heard to Risette's words before he looks at Sigmund which he currently laughing at him. He say: "Damn, both of you. I'm really had been tricked by you two."

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, Raishin. I'm know now why Kanda always had teased you as it's so fun to see your reaction." Replied Sigmund as he say his sorry at Raishin.

Raishin clicked his tongue at Sigmund's reply before he say: "Enough in teasing me, Sigmund. I want to hear what had happened at you during the night, two days ago. Kanda had met with Kimberley to see Charlotte to ask the same thing...or he just want to see his new girlfriend...whatever, I don't care about that. Can you tell me now the story about the accident two days ago?"

"Well...when Char had been gone out for a date with Kanda, I had spend my day by being visited from Yaya, Lily, and Kyuu-chan where they stayed inside the room until late evening. They also had brought some food where its belonged to Kanda which he stored in the fridge if what Yaya had said is true when they carried those food." Explained Sigmund at first.

Sigmund takes some food in front of him before continues his talking: "After they had left the room, I had been left alone in there before I'm feeling a presence had entered Char's room but I don't feeling anything behind suddenly a sense of vertigo had assaulted my body and cause my body to collapse on the floor."

Sigmund looks at Raishin and continues: "My last view before I'm losing my consciousness was I saw a figure with white armour standing in front of my laying body before disappeared. After I had regained my consciousness back, I'm had been placed in this cell with all of these chokers in my body." Sigmund raises his chokers at Raishin as he said that which cause the chokers to make clattering noise around.

"So, you couldn't identity who is the one had assaulted you, Sigmund?" Asked Raishin after had finished listening to Sigmund's story.

"That's right, Raishin. If I had my real form, I could see that figure but unfortunately, that accident had happened in Char's room so I couldn't changes my form as it will destroy her room." Answered Sigmund.

"If that's so, I will wait for the report from Kanda after he had finished visiting Charlotte today. We will prove both of you are innocent as soon as possible, Sigmund after we had met later this evening and share of our findings together." Raishin said that as he said his next move towards Sigmund.

"I will leave it to both of you, Raishin. I don't care about what happens to me but I want you to save Char if possible." Sigmund said that while bowing his head at Raishin.

"Don't worry, Sigmund. We will do that and Kanda especially will not let anything happens to her as he had a date with her yesterday." Raishin assured Sigmund about Charlotte.

"Thank you very much, Raishin. I owe you one." Replied Sigmund as he bows his head again.

"You're welcome. I will go now, Sigmund. See you soon." Responded Raishin before he goes away from the Sigmund's cell.

"See you soon too, Raishin, and beware behind you back." Repeated Sigmund to Raishin as he see Raishin almost went away from his cell.

After the visit to Sigmund's cell, Raishin had asked permission from Risette to look around the "Locker" which she had allowed him to do that.

As Raishin looks around, he can see various automaton had been placed inside a fluid-filled cylinder container for the humanoid automatons and large cell for the large-scale automatons. Puppeteer's name also had been written on each of automaton's compartment inside the "Locker".

When he continues his stroll inside that place, he can see one of the cylinder container had been closed with pitch-black cloth on it which Raishin takes away that cloth and see something shocking in front of him before he say: "Impossible! How this thing had happened?"

Inside that container, Raishin can see the lifeless body of Risette Norden which he can concluded that she already had been dead for quite some time.

"If this is really Risette's real body, who is it the one that had impersonated her as she currently with me today?" Muttered Raishin by himself before he feels a presence behind him which cause him to turns his body.

Unfortunately, before he could turn his body, he had been stabbed at his back which located at the left side of his abdomen.

He quickly moves away from that spot as he holding his wound before he say towards the figure: "Who are you? Are you the one had killed the real Risette Norden?"

The figure had shown itself towards Raishin before its speak: "Yes, that's right, Raishin-san. I'm the one who had killed her before replacing her as Risette Norden, the student in this academy."

The figure had similar appearance like Risette except for she currently had wore a grey robust-armor which look like a knight where her helmet had been changed into a triangular metal hat.

"So, you're the real "Cannibal Candy", is it Risette-san?" Asked Raishin as he struggles to stand up due to the wound he had received.

"Yes." Answered the fake Risette short.

"Why you had done this, Risette?" Asked Raishin about her motive.

"It's all for my master's wish." Replied Risette emotionless.

"Who is it your master?" Asked Raishin again.

"I'm sorry, you don't qualify to know about my master as you're currently struggling to stand in front of me." Replied Risette to Raishin's inquiry.

Raishin collapsed on the cold floor with his own pool of blood where he looks at the Risette's figure that coming closer to him. He say: "What are you going to do now, Risette?"

"I will meet my last target, Charlotte Belew, before I consumed her automaton, Sigmund, which is a Banned Doll just like myself. I will truly become just what my master had envisioned when I had consumed the last one." Answered Risette in front of Raishin where she currently looking downwards at him.

The last scene that Raishin saw was the departing figure of Risette away from the place where he say something before losing his consciousness: "Kanda, I hope that you could stop her before she had reached Charlotte. I will leave it to you...my friend."


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