
Chapter 79 Lily, Yukimi Botamon

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


After Kanda had excused Claris from his room, he pulls out a chair near a table inside his room before he sits on it and say: "So, ojou-chan...what do you mean by asking me if I'm your captain? And who are you?"

Kanda looks at the girl that still standing near his bed while waiting for her answer.

The girl looks at Kanda's eyes and say: "I'm a mental model for "Fleet of Fog" type XXI submarine, U-2501. Before I've been summoned here, I had been told that my new captain had requested for my help. Therefore, I'm asking you again right now if you're my captain."

"Hmm...first of all, I'm Ichijou Kanda. Although I don't know whether I'm your captain or not, but I'm the one who had summoned you here." Answered Kanda vaguely after introducing himself.

After Kanda had said that, the girl can be seen had entered blank state where she just looks at him with dazed expression before she said: "Detecting the one who had summoned the vessel...Registering Ichijou Kanda as the new captain for U-2501...Registration had completed...Nice to meet you, Captain."

The girl had returned to her normal expression after she said that where Kanda starts to ask her: "What had happened at you just now?...May I know where are you came from as I don't think that I have heard about "Fleet of Fog" before and please call me Ichijou or Kanda but don't call me captain. "

"Understood, Ichijou-sama." Replied the girl while nods her head before continues: "Just now, I had registered Ichijou-sama as my new captain where my whole being is belonged to you and being commanded for any type of orders either for saving lives or extermination."

Kanda shocked with her declaration and before he could said to her, she already starts explaining about her origin.

"Fleet of Fog" is the name that humans gave to the mysterious battleships that began appearing all over the world in the early 21st century in her world. The "Fleet of Fog" is composed of a great number of unmanned AI-controlled vessels that appear as replicas of WWII battleships and submarines where all of these ships had revealed to date as the replicas of ships that were operational during WWII but being equipped with technology far exceeding anything that humanity had achieved at that time.

Kanda also had been told by her that she is a part of the "Scarlet Fleet" under "Fleet of Fog" where she had been accompanied with a fleet of Seehund miniture drone submarines and a resupply vessel, Milchkuh. However, she said at him that she could not detect her companion when she had been summoned in this world.

"Well...I'm sorry about that as you're currently at another world or universe." Kanda said that at the girl. He also explained to her about his circumstances where he currently visited various worlds or universes for his adventure. He also told her about his family, companion and subordinates which currently at the "Sanctuary" where he had arrived in this world using a portal gate.

Kanda also explained at her about his system and origin as AL had informed him that the girl had full loyalty at him and will never ever betray him.

After the exchanges of information between Kanda and her, the girl say: "Although I currently has minimal number of nanomachines to be used to create a vessel, my mental model still could assist you in your adventure, Ichijou-sama."

"Thank you....err....do you have any name for you, ojou-chan?" Thanked Kanda before he asked the girl about her name.

"You can call me anything, Ichijou-sama, as I don't have any name except for my vessel identification name." Replied the girl.

"Hmm...let me think for a bit." Replied Kanda before he closes his eyes for a moment before he opens it again and say: "I have decided to name you as Lily. How about it?"

"Lily...Name had been added...Thank you, Ichijou-sama, for giving Lily as my name." Lily said that as she felt grateful for her new name.

"Nice to meet you then, Lily." Said Kanda at Lily.

"Yes, me too, Ichijou-sama." Replied Lily.

After that, Kanda picks up the second card which is the golden card where a bright light again had enveloped his whole room again. After the light had disappeared, an pink egg with several deep pink circles on the egg had appeared at the floor.

"Ok...what is that?...Lily, can you get that egg and give at me?" Questioned Kanda before instructing Lily.

Lily picks up the egg from the floor before giving it at Kanda. Kanda looks at the egg curiously before a crack had appeared on the egg and the crack become bigger and bigger.

Kanda becomes panic about the egg before something had came out from the egg after its shell had completed broke apart. Kanda's face had met with a soft object where Kanda take the object and looks at it.

That object can be seen as a living being where its has a smooth, soft, and white round body and have a pair of soft ears. It also has a pair of cute black eyes and a mouth while pinkish shade appears under both of its eyes.

"AL, what is this living thing?" Asked Kanda at his system as he looking at the adorable creature.

[That is Yukimi Botamon, a Digimon from the Digital World. Digimon is Digital Monster where this monster could evolve into stronger form after the monster had reached full maturity for each stage. Yukimi Botamon is a fresh Digimon after its had been hatched from the Digi-Egg.]

"So, how could I take care of this Yukimi Botamon?" Asked Kanda after listened to AL's explanation.

[You can just take care of the creature just like a domesticated animal or you could place the creature inside the Digivice.]

"Digivice?" Asked Kanda.

[Yes, Digivice. You should find this thing near its egg. This Digivice allows you to monitor the creature's maturation period, place the creature inside or evolve the creature into its stronger form after reaching its Rookie stage.]

"How many stages are for this creature's evolution?" Asked Kanda about its evolution.

[Every Digimon will have six stages of evolution from Fresh, In-training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and finally, Mega evolution.]

"What is the estimation of duration for this Yukimi Botamon to evolve into next stage?" Asked Kanda again at his system.

[I don't know. Each Digimon had different maturation period for each stage of evolution so I couldn't give you the estimation for that. However, the evolution will become faster if the Digimon had received tremendous trigger which allow them to evolve into higher stage.]

"What is the trigger for that and how I could ensure the trigger to be happened?" Asked Kanda at AL.

[You need to discover it by yourself.]

Listened at his system's answer, Kanda already knew that his system could not give him the answer as AL wants him not to be dependent on his system.

Looking at the cute creature in his hands, he had decided to take care of this creature. He gives Yukimi Botamon at Lily where she had blissful expression on her face as she holding the creature.

Kanda uses his next coupon which is the skill coupon (Rank A) which allows him to get one random skill within all the skills in Rank A. The same animation had happened again just like when he had used his two item coupons.

A bright golden card had came out from the black box where Kanda had touched the card and notification can be heard by him in his mind.

[Skill coupon had been used...A golden card had appeared....skill <Mother's Rosario> had been received by the player...Showing skill's description.]


Skill Name: Mother's Rosario

Skill Type: Original Sword Skill

Details: 11-hits one-handed sword skill where 10 hits had been used to create an 'X' mark before last hit at the centre of the mark to finish the attack.

Effect: Increase user's speed and damage for each strike by 0.5 without being interrupted before dealing 5x Critical Damage after had completed the skill.

Requirement: One-handed Sword.


After Kanda had received the new skill, he does not try the skill as he currently inside his room at right now is night time.

Kanda looks at Lily and say: "Alright, Lily. Right now, I want to go sleep. How about you?"

"Ichijou-sama could order me to change back into a union core or I could sleep anywhere in this room." Replied Lily at him.

After he thinks for a moment, he say: "You will sleep in this room with me, Lily, where you could occupy the bed beside me as there are two beds in this room."

"Thank you so much, Ichijou-sama." Replied Lily while bowing her head which being copied by the creature in her hands.

"It's fine, Lily. Right now, you're my partner and I might need your help soon in this world." Kanda said that at Lily.

After that, Kanda go to his dreamland while Lily closes her eyes on the bed beside Kanda's bed while being accompanied by Yukimi Botamon near her head.

~The next morning.

Kanda took Lily and Yukimi Botamon for the breakfast where Kanda introduced the two of them to his team. Kanda also had arranged the mission to be done by his team.

He explained that Raven, Hawk, and Swallow will infiltrate any organisations or buildings which might contains the information about this world as they currently had minimal information after talking with some of the residents here.

After that, Kanda also told Claris, Ann, and Marie that they will open a cafe and be vigilant for anything that might happen when they opening the cafe.

Kanda had decided to bring Lily and Yukimi Botamon with us when he registered himself as a student at the Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machineart next week.

After the breakfast, Kanda had brought Lily with him to explore the town where she sometimes had adorned smile on her face when she had seen something interesting in her outing.

Kanda and his team had spent the next whole week by information gathering, opening a cafe, or sometimes walking around with Lily and Yukimi Botamon where this creature look like a plush doll when being carried by Lily in her hands.


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