
Chapter 19 An Outing (Rewrite)

Two days have passed since the date and interaction between Kanda with Aoi and Eris becomes more intimate as they sometimes feeding food to each other which Eris complied happily as she does that while Aoi shyly feeds him.

Eris and Aoi also had been teased by others like JACK and Chaika which makes a shy person like Aoi become more embarrassed by their teasing.

Melwin has stoic look on her face as she talks with Kanda but sometimes falter when she saw their intimate interaction but she recovers quickly and goes unnoticed by others except for Kuune and Durel which both of them just sighed.

As for the interaction between Kio and Manami, they are just like usual where they still bantering with each other but everyone can see that Manami interacted with him was slightly apart.

Although Kanda can see that their relationship is a bit strained, he did not doing anything as they need to solve their own relationship by themselves which might be impossible for now.

~In the morning during breakfast.

"Kanda-san, I have an instruction by the Captain Kuune where they need more information about this planet's culture which they need culture-related items as many as possible. So, I have decided to travel to a certain place later." Said Eris as they taking their breakfast.

Kanda nods as he says, "Ok, and where the place that you need to go for that?"

"Akihabara." Replied Eris short.

"Akihabara?" Said Aoi as she taken back with Eris's choice of place.

"Yes! I have read some information and they said that Akihabara is a place where various cultures can be found there." Said Eris as she nods.

"Hmm...I couldn't say that it's wrong, but it's also not really true. Anyway, we can go to Akihabara after our breakfast later." Said Kanda before looking at Manami amd Aoi as he says, "Manami, Aoi-chan, you will go with Eris to Akihabara. You will take some of the Assistroids with you later. Kio, do you want to come with them?"

"Not really." Refused Kio as he shakes his head.

Kanda nods at Kio's reply before continues, "Ok...Have fun later, guys. I will give some allowance to Manami and Aoi-chan. You two can use it to buy anything you want later."

"Can we bring our personal Assistroid too?" Asked Aoi.

"Of course. They are your partner just take it with you later. They also can help you later when there are some accidents that may happen to you." Replied Kanda.

"Kanda-kun, how about you? What are you going to do today?" Asked Aoi at Kanda about his plan today.

Aoi has changed her way of calling Kanda from Ichijou-kun to Kanda-kun after they already spent some time together and he had requested her to call him Kanda which she shyly called him that for the first time.

"I will go to the Mothership today as Captain Kuune asks for my presence there." Answered Kanda.

"How do you go to Mothership later, Kanda-san?" Asked Eris.

Usually, when Kanda needs to go there, he requests Eris to take him which she happily agrees with his request.

Chaika suddenly appears in the house as she says, "I will send him there today, Eris. So, don't worry about that."

Eris nods at Chaika's worda before she says, "Ok then. I will prepare for our travel now."

Eris, Manami, and Aoi had finished their breakfast before they make the preparation for their task and said farewell to the others in the house where they had been followed by a bunch of Assistroids.

After looking at the leaving spacecraft, Kanda looks at Chaika beside him and says, "Well...they're already gone so we also go now too. Let's go, Chaika."

"Ok~." Replied Chaika as both of them said farewell to Kio as their spacecraft went to the Mothership.


In another place where multiple enormous billboard screens can be seen inside that place where there are around thousands of people in there.

A figure can be seen on the platform as the figure is wearing a fake cat ears and tail which everyone inside that place also mimics that figure's appearance.

"EVERYONE! Our GOD had been descended to our world." Shouted the person on the platform.

"Oooooooooo!!!" Shouted everyone below responding to the words of the person on the platform.

"It's time to spread our religions to others where there is no true god that can compare to our god." Declared the person on the platform.

"Ooooooooooooooooo!!!" Exclaimed everyone excitedly.

"EVERYONE! Here, you can see our glorious appearance of our god where our fake impersonation couldn't portray our god's holiness." Said the person on the platform as its points towards the billboard screens.

On the screen, multiple pictures of Eris can be seen where Eris can be seen posing in different poses which give thunderous cheers from the audience inside that place.

"HOWEVER, there is a PARASITE that comes close to Her Holiness and affects her radiance. LOOK! how that PARASITE shares his food with Her Holiness where Her Holiness may have been corrupted by that food." Said the person on the platform with hatred.

Another set of pictures can be seen on the screen where Eris takes a bite of Kanda's ice cream which Eris had a happy expression on her face.

"DO ANY OF YOU CAN ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN?" Asked the person on the platform as its shouted.

"NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!" Responded everyone in there.

The person nods its head as its heard everyone's voice befor continues, "That's why we need to take our God back so Her Holiness can stay as a pure existence where others can only allow see Her Holiness from afar and away from that PARASITE."

"Ooooooooooo!!!" Supported everyone.

"We have already heard that Her Holiness will visit Akihabara without that PARASITE from the report by one of our members. Therefore, our team will be dispatched to Akihabara so they can invite Her Holiness to our humble abode." Said the person as the screen behind had showed the image of Eris, Manami, and Aoi has arrived at Akihabara.

The crowd in there cheering loudly as they might see their God so soon.

The person on the platform shouts, "EVERYONE! We will anticipate good news soon from our members later and we will see Her Holiness soon. UNNYYYAAAAA!!!"

"UNNYYYAAA!!!" Shouted everyone in tnat place.

The cheers repeat multiple times while being leading by that unknown person on the stage where its voice can be heard to everyone as the situation inside that place also had been broadcasted real-time to another place where their members from other places in the world can listened to the person on the platform.


~Back to the Eris, Aoi, and Manami.

They can be seen arriving at the Akihabara where they spend almost 5 hours from their flight from Okinawa Airport to Haneda Airport before going by train to Akihabara. As they traveling to Okinawa, they had attracted attention from the crowd as they can see that Eris has cat ears and tails while being followed by a bunch of robots.

They first grab some food first to cover their stomach before followed Eris to her target location and they can see that yhey had entered a building where various merchandise from various sources can be seen there.

Manami looks at Eris before she says as she points towards the building in front of them, "Eris, is it here that the place that you need to get the information about our planet?"

"Right." Replied Eris as she nods happily.

"Why is it here?" Asked Manami.

"Hmm...usually when we had visited some of the planets before, we went to their suspected culture hub where their interest might be concentrated on that place. We can easily use that information when we trying to increase our success to befriend the resident on those planets." Said Eris.

Next, Manami and Aoi continue follow behind Eris as she goes to every shop inside that building where they just astonished with the huge number of items that she just bought.

Manami and Aoi also bought some items in one of the shops there as they got allowances from Kanda. Manami gets a special-crafted 'Chiappa Rhino .357 Magnum' that looks just like the real deal while Manami gets some rare DVDs for herself and a replica of a Colt that had been used in one of her favorite movies.

After they finished with all of their purchase, Eris makes a request to a courier center to send all of their items back to their house.

Next, they grab a meal at one of the maid cafes in Akihabara before they go to the train terminal to go home. They sit on one of the benches there while waiting for their train to arrives where suddenly Manami and Aoi stands up from thejr seat.

"Aoi, do you feel it?" Asked Manami as her face becomes solemn.

"Yes, Manami. There are too few people here right now although it's usually has many people during this peak hour. Anyway, I will try to investigate this so I hope that you can stay with Eris, Manami." Said Aoi before she separates from Manami.

Manami nods as she says, "Affirmative. Aoi, be careful."

Aoi nods to Manami back before she goes elsewhere to investigate this peculiar situation.

"Manami-san, where is Aoi-san going?" Asked Eris curiously.

"She just has something to do. She will catch up with us later. Don't worry about her. Let's go, Eris, the train has already arrived." Said Manami as she looks at Eris.

Eris tilted her head as she confused before she nods and follows Manami into the train with tbe Assistroids.

When they are inside the train, Manami can see that their train does not have any advertisement on it which is very uncommon to happen and this situation cause bad feeling in Manami's mind.

~5 minutes later.

Inside the train, suddenly a maid enters their train compartment before she takes out a grenade launcher and shot a shell at them where suddenly a lot of smokes comes out from the shell that had been released.

The smoke had caused Eris to sleep after she takes a whiff of that smokes. Manami quickly takes out her gun and breaks the train's window to disperse the smoke.

As the smoke start to dissipate, Manami can see that Eris had been carried by another maid beside the first maid before they go away from that place.

Manami wants to chase them but she could not do that as she had been stuck on the train's floor due to an unknown liquid that glued her and all the Assistroids on the ground.

As Manami can see that her compartment had been detached from the rest of the train, she heard a roaring sound and looks behind her, she saw Aoi riding a bike.

"Aoi, please catch up with them. I'm stuck here and couldn't help you." Shouted Manami to Aoi as her bike passed Manami's train.

Aoi nods as she says, "Ok, Manami. Leave it to me."

Manami can see Aoi starts to speed up and chase the train in front of them. She starts to release herself from the thing that sticks her to the floor where she also helps the Assistroids after that.

******Aoi's POV starts*****

After leaves Manami behind, I start to chase down the train in front of me and took me almost 2 minutes before reaches there.

As I start to close towards the train, I can see the door for the compartment behind the train starts to open up and a maid with a machinegun can be seen before she starts to shot at me which I struggle to avoid all that barrage of bullets with a bike.

I start to twist more the accelerator and the bike make a wheelie before the bike jumps into that compartment as the machinegun finished its bullets.

I quickly said "Apport" as I entered the compartment as more maids inside there where a rifle appears in my hand which I stole from one of the maids that compartment.

I shoot at those people and they expertly avoid the bullet before a maid with short frushia-color hair comes in front of these maids.

She can be seen in an eyepatch on her right eyes as she also holds an ICS MGL grenade launcher on her own.

"How are you doing, 'Good Luck Momiji'?" Greeted the maid with eyepatch.

"How do you know about me? And Who are you?" Asked Aoi as she vigilance with any of changes in situation.

"We know everything about you as you're one of the people related to Her Holiness. I'm disappointed with you as you had forgotten about me. I'm of one the people that had been captured by you before in front of your house." Said the maid with eyepatch.

Aoi has realised looks on her face as she says, "Y-You...we already spare yourself before and now you're trying to capture Eris."

"Of course. It's humiliating for me to be spare by all of you and..." said the eyepatch maid before she shouts angrily, "DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER HOLINESS CASUALLY."

I watch her outburst before she aiming the gun at me and fires a empty shell from that grenade launcher which hits me at my stomach and pushes me out of the train.

"If you want to take Her Holiness back, we welcome you to search for her whereabouts. And I'm Sarah, and I hope that we meet again." Said the eyepatch maud named Sarah as the train goes away from me.

Looking at the already gone train, I go back to find Manami and see that she had waited for me with the Assistroids.

"Aoi, do you find them?" Asked Manami.

I shake my head and say, "Yes...but after that I'm being forced out from that train. We need to inform Kanda and Captain Kuune quickly about Eris as she had been kidnapped."

I'm taking out the communication device that had been given to us before coming here and quickly contact Kanda.

As the communication had connected, I can see Kanda's face appears on the screen where behind him, there are Captain Kuune and Dr. Durel. He asks me about what we are doing right now cheerfully which makes me feel guilty in my heart but I steel myself up and told him that Eris had been kidnapped.

I can see that he becomes silent and his face changes to an emotionless expression for a while before its changes to normal back. He smiles at me back and asking about our well beings as he asked us to go back quickly and treat our injuries first. He tells me not to worry as he will find Eris as soon as possible.

After that, the communication device had been turned off and the screen disappeared.

"Kanda becomes furious, am I right, Aoi?" Said Manami

"Yes, Manami." Replied Aoi as she nods seriously.

"It's my first time that I see him becomes like that as he usually cheerful when we had talked before." Said Manami which Aoi nods at her before she continues, "Let's go, Aoi. We need to treat our injuries first. Don't worry, Kanda will has a way to save Eris. Just welcome him back later."

Aoi nods and says, "Sure, Manami."

Later, we start to go back where on the way, I am wondering what Kanda will do about Eris's kidnapping which I still feel guilty by allowing today's accident to be happened.

****POV ended****


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