
Chapter 7

The following week Jack led them as usual to the field on the bank of the Hudson River, but they as passed its entrance instead of entering they continued on for about ten miles, until they came to a fairly large dense forest, populated by species of trees native to the area. Jack parked the SUV out of the way, in a permitted area at the edge of the curtain of trees. There they got out of the vehicle and sat on some stones and logs under the foliage. The American extracted maps from his backpack, as well as compasses and GPS devices.

“Today we are going to talk about orientation with maps and compasses in unknown areas. Do any of you have experience in the matter? "

Mike raised a hand.

"Where did you learn to read maps and charts, Mike?" Asked Jack.

"Before coming to the United States, I spent two years in the Russian Army."

"Ah, well, we didn't know that." Berglund said. "It didn't do you much good when you were fighting Taro Suzuki." He continued sarcastically.

“No, Professor Suzuki is a true Judo expert. I can't compete with him. "

"Good, but in any case, in those two years you have likely acquired knowledge that will serve you in this course, as we will be able to see this afternoon on the premises." "Why? What will we do this afternoon?" An always curious Chandice asked.

“Shooting practice at the range, with a real expert.”

Jack then began to explain the practicalities of compass and map guidance systems. All the theoretical subjects had already been studied in detail in the classes at the Academy. Jack's practice was to separate each of the members of the group in various directions and meet again after three hours in a partially demolished hut for which they had the coordinates. Each pupil received a copy of the map of the area and a compass and from there he would be left to his own means to find the way.

The practice was successful and all the novices found the meeting point more or less in the agreed time. The first to arrive were Jack and Mike, who sat on logs outside the hut. Slowly the other three walkers arrived in the middle of a festive atmosphere.

When they came to lunch at the property where they performed the usual practices, they saw that a tall and very elegant woman was already there. She had black hair and huge black eyes and her skin had a slightly dark tint. She wore a set of tight black jacket and pants, which highlighted her spectacular physique.

Jack approached her and to everyone's surprise he kissed her on the cheek.

"This is my girlfriend, Lakshmi Dhawan." After the revelation of the family relationship between Taro and Matsuko, the news of their two guardians' bonding was taken naturally by the apprentices.

"Let's sit at the table, lunch is already prepared." Said the so-called Lakshmi. The conversation among all the diners was very lively and Jack's girlfriend proved to be a highly educated woman of obvious intelligence. She immediately became the topic of conversation, as the students took an obvious interest in her overflowing personality.

"The first thing you need to know is that Lakshmi is a special agent for the FBI." Clarified Jack.

“We want her to tell us about her life. We can get valuable readings for ours. " Chandice said with her usual vehemence.

"Don't put our instructor in awkward situations," Zhi replied.

"Thanks guys. I have no problem introducing myself, if there is something in my experiences that will serve you, so be it. " She settled into her chair and began.

“I am Lakshmi Naina Dhawan, simply Lakshmi for you from now on. I was born in a middle class home in a city near Bombay, today called Mumbai, India, although I will not tell you how many years ago. When I was very young my parents came and brought me to the United States. They are both Electrical Engineers and they easily got jobs here. I did all my studies from elementary school to college in Boston and when I was still in college the FBI recruited me as I was doing reseacrh on foreign political groups and they were interested in monitoring activities of Indian separatist groups in America, and since then the tracking of foreign agitators has been my specialty, in which, believe me, I have a lot of work. "

She then placed a hand on Jack's arm, who was sitting next to her and added.

"Five years ago I met Jack Berglund who is the man of my life and at the same time my main headache."

They both burst into laughter amid a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

"Do you have children?" Chandice asked a little daringly, so Zhi pulled by the sleeve of her blouse as a reprimand.

“Yes, a daughter named Anila, the daughter of a previous marriage to an Icelandic academic named Ingo Ragnarsson. Jack showed up after my divorce. "

"What are we going to do after lunch?" Mike asked, always practical isues.

Once again Jack took over the answer. “Let's go to the firing range. You have already learned with Matsuko the use of bows and crossbows as well as bladed weapons. Lakshmi is an expert in all types of firearms.”

Indeed, as they arrived at the shooting range the Indian woman opened another locker and took out of it the inevitable drop-down table, on which she placed a series of firearms, from revolvers and pistols to fearsome semi-automatic weapons, as well as other enigmatic weapons that were more difficult to classify.

They began with a theoretical explanation of the teacher on the use of weapons, their conservation and cleaning, the shooting position and the execution of the shot.

She then went on to show the use of Colt revolvers by executing shots against targets, starting with smaller Colt Detective, Fitz Special Special and King Cobra weapons, up to the heavy and powerful Colt Pyhton showing the differences between the use of the different weapons.

She then asked each of the rookies to test her marksmanship. As expected, Mike showed excellent marks given his status as a former Russian soldier, while Chandice exhibited unexpected high marks for her.

Next Lakshmi taught the use of pistols from old Luger Parabellum, to modern Sig Sauer, Browning, Bersa, Beretta, Glock and Smith & Wesson. Lastly, she taught the use of automatic weapons with high firepower until reaching the famous Kalashnikov known as AK47, widely spread among paramilitary groups and armed militias throughout the world.

"You never know what you're going to find, and you need to have an idea of how to use it." The instructor said.

She finally showed the Taser pistols or electric gun (also called current gun), which shoots projectiles that deliver an electric shock through a wire.

“It is very useful as a short-range defense weapon, when you do not want to kill or injure your opponent, but to immobilize him temporarily until you can disarm and handcuff him.”

When Lakshmi's class was over, Jack reappeared. In fact he had left the place to take a call to his cell phone. He looked excited.

"Well guys, I've been called to summon you tomorrow at 9:00 to a meeting in the main hall of the Bluthund Community in Manhattan."

"To what end?" Nick asked.

“A request for action from the Community has arrived and the Board of Directors has decided to entrust it to you. It will be your debut and acid test. " Bertglund looked at the glowing others of the disciples and exclaimed.

"The action has started."

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