
Strong woman

Brad's Pov.

"April!" I barge into the penthouse.

James and Kayden were sitting on the couch. They were watching TV.

"Mr. Smith is everything okay?" James asked with concern.

Kayden runs into my arms. "You are back," I smiled but didn't hide the nervousness on my face. I was frightened.

I force a smile on my face. "Yes. I missed you." I pat his hair.

And he groaned murmuring he is too old for this, making me laugh amidst the fear eating me inside.

"Where is April?" I clutch onto the hope April is back here. Safe and sound.

Kayden shrugged in my arms. "She wasn't here when we arrive," Kayden tells me.

Oh God, I stabbed my fingers into my hair. My heart pounded louder I fear the sound of it will hurt my eardrum.

I went to the Montgomery Mansion first but I couldn't find her.

What if Alice is keeping her hostage in a secret room?

I have to go back to the mansion.

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