
Vol. 3 - Chapter 69

Inhaling fresh air after having left the dump that was the portal realm, Ash grinned, spreading her arms so she could further feel the cold night air. Beside her, Yumi was trying to wipe off some of that black water from her face. 

"We... We were successful, now what?" 

Ash turned towards her and ran a demonic hand down her hair. 

"Maybe we could celebrate a little..." 

"...?" Yumi tilted her head. "Ash, control yourself. We are on an active battlefield." 

"So? I don't see any demons around us right now." 

Yumi's response was to narrow her eyes at her, looking at the demon as though she was disgusted. 

"Ugh, fine, fine. Sheesh, you're no fun," Ash said, giggling as she looked back towards the city. "Well, I'd say we're done for the night. 

"Oh? Is that so? There is still another portal." Yumi reminded her. 

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