
Vol. 3 - Chapter 16

"Wait, wait," Ash waved her hands in the air. "Back up. How do you know me again?" 

By now, the civilians had been escorted out of the fort and were coming along with the group back to Onyx. Along the way, they continued to offer their thanks to the girls, but one thing had remained on Ash's mind. 

"Your defense of Sapphire!" One woman stated. "The story has spread like wildfire." 

"She's right," a middle-aged man replied. "The demon who fought off the demons. We heard about it in the papers. We... I, at least, didn't think it was true, but to see this with my own eyes... I'm amazed." 

Ash was surprised. She hadn't thought anyone would talk much about her, let alone spread the tales of her feats across the cities. Apparently, though, that had been exactly what happened. These gazes, the reverence in the eyes of these people they'd just saved, it was strange. 

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