
Good ol days

"You ready for this?" Kokuren asked Jack who was standing next to him with a baseball bat

"Yep!" Jack

"...Why do you have a bat?" Kokuren

[Bat: +5 Str]

"You want me to go into a dungeon unarmed? Here, I even grabbed this for you," Jack said as he handed his brother a pipe

"Huh, good point, thanks," Kokuren said as he took the weapon

[Pipe: +3 Str]

"Now! Let's get it!{ID: Create}" Jack said as suddenly the atmosphere around them changed, but not the location, they were in an alley

"Did it work?" Jack asked as he then started to hear a groaning sound, looking at the end of the alley, both of them saw and immediately knew what was happening

"ZOMBIES!" Kokuren Shouted as the zombie was stumbling towards them

"BATTA BATTA SWING BITCH!!" Jack charged at the zombie and swung his bat a top of its head, causing the creature to get slammed face-first into the ground

"WOO, That's dope!" Jack said as he looked towards Kokuren

"Yea-watch out!" Kokuren screamed as he ran towards Jack and pushed him out of the way, the zombie Jack had attacked didn't die, and started reaching towards him, so Kokuren punted the thing causing its head to get ripped off

"Shit! That was close! Huh, I thought I could kill it in a single blow, guess that's what I get for not looking at its level," Jack said as he looked as the Level 5 zombie disintegrated

"level 5, it wasn't that strong though, we should be good, as long as we don't run into anything to high," Kokuren said as they both then got a notification


[+22 EXP!]

[Level up!]


"OH! So we share XP! That'll be useful," Jack said as he opened his status


Name: Jack


Health: 100>110

XP: 2\50

lvl: 1>2

Str: 5>6

Dex: 5>6

Agi: 5>6


Cha: 5>6

Stat Points: 5


"Hmmm, Hehehehe," Jack laughed as he messed around with his status

"You didn't," Kokuren

"oh, but I did," Jack said as he brought his status back up


Name: Jack


Health: 100>110

XP: 2\50

lvl: 2

Str: 6>11

Dex: 6

Agi: 6


Cha: 6

Stat Points: 0


"I'm a strong boi!" Jack said with a stupid look on his face

"I swear to god," Kokuren only shook his head as he distributed his points


Name: Kokuren

Age: 17

Health: 110

XP 2\50

lvl: 2

Str: 8

Dex: 7

Agi: 8

Luck: 6

Cha: 6

Stat points: 0


"Now, I say we go and skull fuck some zombies," Jack said as he began to walk out of the alley

"There's something wrong with you," Kokuren said as he followed, as they reached the end of the alley connecting to the street, they both froze

"That's....A few more than I was expecting" Jack said as there was a hoard of around 65 zombies

"Huh.....Guess we got to be smart about this," Kokuren

"AYO BITCH!" Jack shouted at a zombie drawing its attention, he then brought his bat down on top of its head

[Zombie: lvl 3]

As his bat came into contact with the head of the zombie, its head exploded

"Hehehhehehehe," Jack


[+18 XP]


"HAAA!" Jack shouted as he swung his bat at another zombie, destroying its head as well


[+20 XP]


"Fuck it," Kokuren said with a shrug as he followed his brother on his path of destruction








After taking down some zombies, both of their weapons broke, leaving them defenseless, seeing this, they decided that it was time to leave, and then come back more prepared

"Shit! that was fun!" Jack said as he fell back on their couch

"Yeah, exploding head.....Fun," Kokuren said as he looked at his brother

"Hehehe, Reminds me of ol times," Jack

"WHAT!?" Kokuren

"Doesn't matter, but hey, we got some decent XP," Jack

"Yea, we even managed to level up again! 14 more XP and then we'll be lvl 4!" kokuren said as he looked over his status forgetting about what his brother had said


Name: Kokuren

Age: 17

Health: 120


lvl: 3

Str: 11

Dex: 9

Agi: 11

Luck: 7

Cha: 7

Stat points: 0


"There we go.....Are you serious..." Kokuren

"Strong boi," Jack


Name: Jack

Age: 16

Health: 120

XP: 86\100

lvl: 3

Str: 17

Dex: 7

Agi: 7

Luck: 7

Cha: 7

Stat Points: 0


Giggling to himself, Jack was looking over his status, looking at him, Kokuren couldn't help but want to punch his little brother

"Well, we need to prepare better next time, maybe buy multiple bats, and shit like that," Kokuren

"Yeah, we can fill the bed of my truck with bats, I mean, the allowance mom and dad gave me should be more than enough, I'll go and buy them tomorrow," Jack

"Alright, while you do that, I'm going to test out a theory, but, that can wait until tomorrow, we should get some rest," Kokuren said as he started heading upstairs to his room

"Yeah, see you in the morning," Jack said as he entered his room that was across from Kokuren's

"Night," Kokuren

"Night!" Jack said as he closed his door, looking around his room, he had a lot of car parts, tools, a computer, and a queen-size bed

Walking to his bed he flopped down onto it and started to slowly fade to sleep

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