
Beauty and The Ogre

Inside the large hall over a hundred youths could be found chatting with friends occasionally gossiping about people, things and what have you. A few in solidarity with books at hand being read, while some could be seen using the opportunity to hit on girls they had their eyes on.

This all reminded Ben about highschool back in his previous life. Going over to a seat he made his friends wait for, he joined them to wait for whatever it was that made the school call for everyone. Upon arriving he joined the fray of argument with his friends. Pudding had her own friends so she didn't have to hang around with him at all times... Well, mainly because Ben didn't want her to.

"Why do you think they called for us, Lappy?"

"How the fuck should I know, Larry? Do I look like I fucked one of the female mentors to know anything? Gosh!" the young man called Lappy replied in frustration.

"I bet it has something to do with giving us more rewards for forming our Elemental Spheres, don't you think?" Larry asked.

"I very much doubt that shit, Larry. Hey, anyone seen Harkin? Haven't seen him already." Ben answered looking around for the person in question.

"Humph, maybe he's still drowning himself in Fiona's mouth somewhere in some shitty hole." a small Gothic girl with dyed spiky black hair with multiple piercings said with a scoff.

"Oh, come on, Viva. Only because he went for a not so much Look-at-me-and-I'll-kill-you girl doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy for the young lad." Ben wrapped a hand over her shoulder as she sat by his left.

"Yeah, Viva. Like the old saying for guys that say 'There are many fishes in the sea' I also believe there's one for girls, you know, something like, uh... 'There are many other hooks/bait on the surface'. Yeah, how did that sound, guys?" Lappy asked with a bright side on his face.

"You know what, Lappy? Go fuck yourself." Viva gave a death glared.

"Haha, hey Viva, why not take his advise for it? It doesn't sound so bad, right?" Ben smiled dubiously looking at Viva. Like there wasn't a need to speak the two understood each other. Viva returned the smile, but hers was a bit different than Ben's. Her eyes oozed of evil.

"Well, Lappy, come to think of it, you are right to say there are many-a bait on the surface..." Viva put her hands under her chin to support her head while she looked at Lappy with dreamy eyes, almost like a school girl in love. But they all knew better.

Lappy seeing the strange sight became deathly pale, his forehead already sweating buckets.

"No... no fucking way!" Lappy screeched before jumping behind Larry his annoyingly dumb brother. Everyone of them burst out laughing.

"Her guys, do we have an extra seat?" a blond hair boy walks in from the side with a girl in his arms.

The boy was very handsome with his short blond hair and tall build, he was about the same height as Ben. Unlike the two twins, Larry and Lappy, who has light green eyes, his had emerald green eyes. The girl by his side wasn't that bad too, a stained brown hair and brown eyes. She was tall, but not too tall and most of all, fully endowed.

"Why don't you two go..." Viva began to give a harsh remark until Ben hastily interrupted her.

"Unless you two go sit with those two dork." Ben said jabbing a thumb at the twins.

"Hey, who're you calling a pork?" Larry lashed at Ben, however what he got instead was a slap to the head.

"It's dork you idiot, not pork, goddammit." Lappy lamented.

"Whatever dude. Oh, Harkin's here. Figured you'll bring Milady over, so I reserved her a seat. You, Harkin, could go look for somewhere else to sit." Larry stood up and stretched his hand to receive Fiona from Harkin. The former instead, leaned even more into Harkin's chest with a chuckle, she had even giving Larry an apologetic smile. Totally leaving the young man in his gentleman pose.

"I am highly sorry Milord, but I think I'll follow my Prince Charming all the way, hehe." Fiona chuckled again.

"Humph! I'll let you know that I shall conquer the hearts of the fiercest of maidens in this kingdom with my godly charm alone. Just you wait Milady, I shall take you away from this ogre in no time." Larry declared. Head raised and chest puffed.

"Larry, isn't that the same thing you said two months ago?" Viva added more salt to his wound.

"Yeeaaah! While you're at it, this ogre will steal this fair maiden away once more. Haha."


"What do you guys know? I am on a heavenly mission to acquire more charm."

"Have a break man. Anyway, what did we miss." Harkin asked as he led Fiona to a seat not far off.

"Nah, nothing yet. We're just ab..." Lappy was cut short by a loud yet melodious voice from the high porch.

She had green hair that ran pass her waist with similar green eyes. She was amongst the few Elders that donned the white robe. She was none other than Elder Valery. A yellowish rune floated before her face serving as an amplifier, so to allow everyone hear her voice even with the great distance.

"Attention everyone! I am Elder Valery, HOD of White Magic. I am very proud to have you all here today. I only hope you will make us a lot more proud than we already are," when she said this a round of applause erupted. "Today, however I am now here to flatter you or praise you... a lot. I... we are here to inform you about the crises our prestigious Institute is facing. I want you to take some time to look around, you will notice that all those from this year's intake that succeeded in forming their Elemental Spheres are all present. This is because you are our hope, our present, our future, our pillars. The school at current is going to war," when she dropped the bomb an uproar erupted she had to raise her hand to pacify the hundreds of students. "However, luckily for you here, you won't be participating in this war... none of you will. You are gathered here to know that you are all allowed to go home, away from the school... the war." Valery said solemnly with her voice lowered but still heard. "But, it is not forever, you have the opportunity to return once this is all over. Worry not, We didn't become a Third Class Magic Institutes for naught. Rest assured, we will come out victorious. The Phantom will be victorious!" her words were like aphrodisiac for the students as cheers and applause erupted. " Now, this is where things gets highly interesting for you all. As you are to leave..."

This one week for Ben could be said to be the most busiest week since his stay in The Phantom. The busier the school was the fewer their population became. Day after day students will be teleported to different parts of the continent through teleportation arrays hidden from the world at large.

These arrays actually weren't much in the outside world. The resources used to inscribe and make them is stupidly enormous, that's why the school placed the few they could have in the most remote places that would lead to your direction of travel.

It is known to be the fastest means of transportation for those who aren't Mages yet to escape.

"Alright guys, it will soon be my batch next. I hope we'll all pass through this ordeal unsheathed." Sonia was standing before Ben, Pudding and Ricky. She had with her so many luggage that Ben doubted when she said it wasn't all of her belongings. He doubted that a lot.

In fact, she isn't the only one packing almost all their stuff. Even though Elder Valery assured the school will stand after the whole ordeal not everyone believes it.

"I'm... I'm gonna miss you senior Sonia!" Pudding was having an emotional outburst.

"Don't worry Pudding, we're gonna be back before you know it, so cheer up okay. Better don't forget the assignment given to you, okay. Make mentor proud." Sonia herself was also having unstable emotions.

"I will. I will also make Ben proud too." she smiled.

"Hey! How did I get tangled up in your drama. I don't need anyone to make me proud. I just want to live a normal life with all I have." Ben berated before they all burst out laughing.


Happy New Month

Thanks Hex56

Hey guys! I really happy with all that you've been doing. And I want to say a very big THANK YOU!

I wish to ask if there is any errors don't forget to leave a comment in the comment box below for your humble author.

EldestLord53creators' thoughts
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