
34 Warrior Level Eyes

"Sir, you are meant to use potion provided by the mansion, any other potion is not allowed." suddenly the man who brought the first-aid box said after he noticed Mr Han not using what he brought.

"And since when did such rule appear without my knowledge... and if I may ask, who the fuck are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?" Mr Han wasn't in a good mood right now. It was because his emotions clouded his judgement that made him almost kill Ben. He released the aura of A Head Training Instructor and a Second-level elemental swordsman on him.

The man didn't dare to speak any further but mumbled to himself, "How?"

"What did you say?" Mr Han was getting angry, still he knew not to expose such an act openly. Yet the culprit didn't know when to shut up.

Feeling the pressure the first-aider hastily added "How... how did they kill the Spirit Colossal Rat. That's what I said sir."

It was only now that he remembered that there was giant rat he had pushed off Ben's body. The captain of the Black Bear Hunters Group and other members of the mansion came closer to see the demon creature on the floor. A lot of people were either surprised, shocked or astounded but only one person had a different view. Captain Marko.

Looking at the young man on the ground his face couldn't get any uglier. Ben on the other hand gave a complaisant smile. 'you brought this upon yourself Marko, yes you did' the captain thought to himself.

"Where's Flash?" Ben asked as he broke the silence.

"*moan*" Flash who was held in Kate's hands gave a painful moan.

"Give way... " Mr Han left Ben to attend to Flash. Mia came to Ben's side to help him up with Jeremy by his left "...a broken rib, a leg, fractured wrist... " Mr Han was mentioning as he examined Flash's body, his hand shook when he saw his blessing shoulder with two gaping holes.

Ben came forth and handed Mr Han a bottle of Consumable Lotion to stop the bleeding. After applying it, Flash calmed down from the pain he felt.

"We have to start heading back to the mansion, I don't think it's safe here." said the captain of the Black Bear Hunters group. Everyone agreed, two men brought a stretcher to use to carry Flash.

"Wait!" Ben shouted, he ran to the corpse of the dead Spirit Colossal Rat and took out his sword and chopped off the claws and dug out its eyes. Seeing this made captain Marko to trip. Almost making him fall, literally. "initially we agreed on one eye one Seventh Base skill sword but we have two, I believe this can give us two Seventh Base skill sword, don't you think so captain Marko?" Ben said as he took the two giant eyes with red dots glowing in them. This made the captain to be stun for a second.

"Ah, captain Marko, I don't think you'll need those, here, let me have that." without letting the eyeballs to fall into captain Marko's hand Mr Han grabbed them. He didn't bother looking at Marko then took his students to leave.

"Instructor Han, you do know that I and your students made a bet two weeks ago. Since they were able to complete their own side of the bet I will naturally have to fulfill my side of the bet, so why are you talking what's mine." watching the Head Training Instructor grab the two eyeballs made him disappointed.

"Captain, you brought the bet and I didn't agree to it. We have to return to the mansion before it gets late." A after saying that he turned and left with his student's, leaving the disappointed man behind.

"Sir, captain Marko said he'll reward is with a Seventy Base skill sword, why did you reject it?" Kate, the closest to Mr Han asked.

"The thing is that, he was never serious about the bet, believing that you'll never be able to see A Spirit Colossal Rat, and even if you see one, you'll all run for your lives, he was simply bluffing. And all this was in the idea that the eyes would be that of A Servant Class creature, however this my dear is the eyes of a Warrior Level demon creature." the Head Training Instructor explained to his students.

"So? isn't it the same eyes from the same rat." Jeremy said in dissatisfaction as he heard Mr Han's explanation.

"The parts of a Warrior Level demon creature are more valuable than that of A Servant Class demon creature, since these are the eyes of A Warrior Level Spirit Colossal Rat that can shoot out red hot beams for a long distance fight, they are certainly more valuable than what you previously bet on." Mr Han had the urge to knock Jeremy out cold after seeing how dumb he was about such vital things.

"Sir, you and the other training instructors always tell us how ruthless and cunny these demon creatures are and how to deal with them, you never taught us Business, come to think of it you actually make a good business man than a training instructor. hehe..." Jeremy's words made the heavy atmosphere extremely light.

On their way back home Ben's injuries were healing rapidly at an astonishing rate. The Consumable Lotion combined with his supernatural body equipped with his Universal plane gave his body a fast regenerative effect. Well not fast enough to be noticed by the naked eye, but all internal injuries had been healed.

Ben didn't want to walk home half naked since Mr Han had ripped off his already shredded clothes, literally. Ben took out a new set of clothes that were in his bag, he could only put them over his shoulder.

There was about a few more miles before they could reach the city from where they were when Ben suddenly frowned. He was feeling unease. He tried using the Forest Parade technique but his concentration was too weak to pick up any off note. 'or maybe that's the reason, I'm just too tired' Ben thought throwing the idea at the back of his head.

Not taking more than twenty steps forward Ben frowned and paused "Everyone stop!" Ben shouted, this made those at the back almost bump into those at their front.

"Why did you tell everybody to..."

"shh..." both Mia and Ben interrupted captain Marko which left speechless for a moment before he got himself back to reality through anger.

Ben, however, walked forward without making the slightest noise, his ears were in full concentration now as he listened to the air. He wouldn't be able to use his mind power in his weakened state, he decided to strain his concentration to the limit to use the Forest Parade technique.

The thing Ben loved about this technique was it could tell if you're coming into the forest with good or bad intention, it could even tell if you are just passing by, and the best of all was the ability to openly hide with the help of your surrounding, however all these ability can only be used in the woods and with intense training and concentration.

"Prepare for battle!" Ben said as he heard a large amount of off notes coming in their direction at a rapid pace.

Knowing Ben's capabilities because he has used the Forest Parade countless of times during their stay in the forest. Mia and the others got into a basic battle formation.

Looking at this Head Training Instructor Han frowned, he a dignified Second level elemental swordsman couldn't sense any incoming danger, but looking at his student's seriousness he also choose to take it serious too. His hands were already at his hilt.

Captain Marko saw that even Mr Han was taking his student's words serious and became angry "Are you kidding me?! There are two Seconds level elemental swordsmen and a dozen First and Entrance level swordsmen here and you're... "

"Argh...!" captain Marko was distracted when they heard someone scream from behind.

Before they knew what was happening they were all surrounded. Captain Marko had no way to open his mouth to retort to Ben's warning, even though his mouth was already in an O, no words could come out.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen for my rude entrance but I hope you don't mind though..." a middle age man with black covering his entire body stepped forth and said, even giving a courtesy in the process. He looked to be the leader of this little squad of bandits... but are they? "...let's skip the formalities shall we, I'm here to kill one Young Master Benjamin Williams, since of Lord Williams blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda; do you mind stepping out so we can get this over with, I don't got all day." the man said and just stood there... waiting.

Everybody was shocked. No! they were dumbstruck. How could suck a person ever exist in this world. But what made both Mr Han and captain Marko have the urge to spurt out blood was the man's arrogance. Like the saying 'you can only show off when you're stronger' and that's true but this man wasn't even stronger than any one of them. He was just a peak First level elemental swordsman!

"What a dick-head." Jeremy said inaudibly.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ben spoke up after am awkward silence.

The man in black staggered when he heard the question, almost falling by his own two legs. "Are you fucking kidding me or just deaf? You don't expect me to spell it out for you do ya?! Whoever Benjamin Williams is her out here this instant. I'm calling you out Ben!" the leader of the bandits shouted angrily.

"Who the hell do you think you are to come here with such brazenness spewing rubbish?" Head Training Instructor Han used this chance to vent out his pent up frustration into the idiot in front of him.

"Hmm, well since y'all don't want to do things the easy way let's do this the hard way." the leader blew a loud whistle that pierced the air.

Two rays of light was released into the air as two sharp arrows impelled both captain Marko and Head Training Instructor Han on their shoulder.


They both shouted as it was unexpected, even Ben couldn't react in time.

"My elemental seed is locked, I can't use any elemental sword skill."

"Me too, we're poisoned."

Hearing this everyone in Ben's group feel into despair because their strongest men are now no different than normie, leaving them with only five First-level elemental swordsmen with the rest being at the Entrance-level. This was truly insignificant to their opponents who were all First-level elemental swordsmen.

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