
13 Brewing

Since the writings back from earth wouldn't work he has to rewrite what's in the list. With almost two decades of memory of this world, the previous Ben, like all other noble was educated enough to read and write. And so he was able to rewrite the list in Common effortlessly.

"How about now, does it still have a problem?" Using the man's quail and paper he handed the man the new list.

Taking the list he went through it again, when he reached the fifth ingredient his face changed yet again. With a quick scan of the whole list he sighed.

"Noble customer, although your list is a bit short with less than ten altogether, the problem is... it is truly quite expensive but if you bring the right amount you can get your package in a months time, what do you say?" The salesman added quickly.

Ben had wanted to ask what the problem was but since the man continued Ben waited for him to finish. When he heard the conditions however, he smiled and ask afterwards "Well then, how much are we talking about?"

Seeing that the young man wasn't worried by the price complain he gave, he went through the list to do some calculations. When he was done he looked at Ben who was still standing behind the counter and said " Twelve pieces of gold, noble customer."

This sum may sound small but in truth this is a huge sum, not even high earned people can afford to spend that amount in one go, however, that didn't apply to Ben who was the son of a Lord. Taking out a small pouch bag from his pocket and handed it to the salesman with a smile "I'll be expecting it by next week."

The salesman took the pouch with shock written all over his face. He has never had a customer who complied and handed over that huge amount of money in one go. "Yes... yes noble customer. We can provide by next week."

"Oh really? I'd like that. If you have the package ready send it to the Lord's mansion in my name, Benjamin. Thank you." Smiling now he had three-quarter of the materials down he smiled. "Actually, I wish to do my whole business here." Taking out the other two list that were still in English, he translated them to Common and handed it to the salesman. without waiting for the man to get himself he tossed another pouch with fifty pieces of gold in it and left the shop.


The chilling breeze Sept passed by his face, sending goosebumps all over his body despite the coat over him. Straightening his coat he boarded the carriage and left the market heading back to the mansion.

Days passed by without anything special happening. For the past four days Ben had been quietly staying close in his room, with Sandra coming to visit to play round Ben while he trained, of course. However, today was different, he didn't allow Sandra in and he told all his maid to not disturb him if it wasn't important. He had a feeling that a huge change will take place in his body as this will be the time he fills his ice halo


In Ben's Universal plane he successfully gathered all those ice Starfield that were around his ice halo in it. Just when he put the last speck of icedust inside the Halo he felt the ice element that were a bit far from him in his Universal plane rush towards his Ice Halo with tremendous speed. It was just astonishing as they were sucked in like a vacuum. Finally, after more than a month of staying in this new world he had been able to fill up his Ice Halo with all the scattered ice Starfield in his Universal plane, now allowing him to have a complete control over the ice element in the air. He won't need to say some obscure incantation just to create a single snowball. All that was left now is the fire Starfields. Calming himself from his achievement he tried focusing on the warm Starfields that was blazing red right now.

Knock Knock

"Young master Ben someone says they are here to deliver some things to you" The voice of a maid came to Ben opposite the door.

"Huh, how long have I been in here?" Ben asked himself but then another voice popped up.

"A day eighteen hours and seven minutes." Lucy's voice rang in his head.

"Please, give me a minute to get dressed." Ben dispelled the element in the air and walked out the room. He saw the maid who came to give the information.

Leading the way, Ben arrived at the main hall room, there he saw the salesman with a few boxes with him. One could see they were slightly opened. he looked at the guard at the door who nodded. Looks like Old Williams is strict about security.

"Greetings mas... master Ben, I... I've brought the things you requested for so... uhm, please have a look." Geez, the guy was really trembling just standing there. You can see the tension all over the man fearing he might make a mistake. One could say it was all because of the iron clad treatment Old Williams has given his territory. People feared him.

"Oh please, no need to be over courteous. Well then, since all I need is here that will be all for now. I'll tell the guards to escort you out. I'm grateful." Ben said as he smiled. He didn't have anything else for the man, for now though.

"uh... uhm... mas... master Ben you still have some change left." the salesman said bringing out a pouch with shaky hands, but what happened next shocked the man.

"There will be no need for that, besides I have troubled you for bringing the loads here, so don't worry about it. you can... take it as a tip." his perfect smile was still on his perfect face.

"thank you... thank you master Ben. Matilda come on and thank master Ben." The salesman called for the figure standing at his back the whole time. She wore a hood so Ben wasn't interested. As a matter of fact he had noticed her, he even felt something familiar about this lady but didn't know what, so like before he threw it to the back of his head.

"Thank you master Ben, we are indeed grateful but we cannot accept this, please take it back." What a sweet melodious voice that was. It sounded like the morning spring but her last words was a shock to everyone. They were clearly the kind of people that would accept such a gift without batting an eyelid, given that the 'change' was about five or six gold coins.

"Hmm, okay. If that's what you want, I'll remember your kindness miss Matilda."

The two left the mansion without any trouble but the salesman was clearly pissed by what his partner or daughter did. Although Ben felt like he knew her he couldn't bother himself to think about it. thinking that it must be someone the previous Ben had his eyes on so he forgot about her and focus at the matter at hand.

Thinking ahead of time was a good thing as Ben already had a maid prepare a small room that will be his temporary 'lab'. When everything was set he took out a tube to begin his preparation. Despite this will be the first time he'll be brewing medicine, he had Lucy, a super computer. One can think of this as potion making, hardly. Even though failure is bound to happen, it's shouldn't be that bad, right?

Arranging the materials and ingredients took him almost two and half hours. From there he locked himself in for the whole day, not knowing how much has past.

"Lucy, this is the sixth trial, tell me something good." Ben had been working meticulously like he was looking for the cure of a plague.

"According to your past experiments the color of the potion is still unstable which indicates that you will wait for the content to cool before it could be if it was a success or not ." Ben had no doubt in Lucy's words so he decided to wait... No. he wouldn't have to wait for the potion to cool automatically.

Since he had gathered all his ice Starfield into his Ice Halo, one might say he was having a cool life. Cough cough. With a wave of his hands Ben formed a few ice cubes and placed the potion in them to cool. five minutes later the potion had completely cooled off.

"How is it now, coz seriously if this is how hard it is to be an alchemist I'd rather stay at home than plunge my brain into exhaustion." Ben grumbled.

The problem could be miscalculations while adding the ingredients measured. But since the opening of his Universal plane he could see, feel, smell, hear, taste and sense things six times better that a normie, so that was out of the case. Asides from that he still had Lucy, her... it's calculations are beyond accurate. So what else? Ben thought. Fire. With all his experiments he found out that the heat of the fire didn't have to be stagnant at a specific degree but have to be constantly changing. Because of this he had failed continuously.

"With the color, and texture, there is 80% certainty it is a success, you only need a live specimen to test the potion."

"Lucy how many times do I have to tell you to speak English. Seriously you've got to talk more normal. It's kind of annoying." Ben mumbled. He had been telling the computer to communicate more fluently.

"Alright. Since the potion had cooled down it is a success, congratulations Ben. But I still think you should test it out first." Lucy's voice became more feminine and natural, even pleasing so to say.

"What have I done? " Ben shook his head after hearing the computer sound a lot like a normal human.

Ben picked a knife he prepared before now and gave a shallow cut to his left palm. Blood began to flow onto the table. With his free hand he picked the potion and smeared it on the cut. Waiting for a while nothing happened. Confused Ben wanted to added a little more of the green goo but stopped when he felt an itch on his injured palm accompanied with sizzling sound.

"What the...? "

A little over ten seconds it began to bubble, the itch became a pain inducing stab. It was burning like hell. He had to bite on his teeth so he wouldn't shout out in pain. After five or so minutes the pain subsided, the sizzling stopped. Looking at his hands again he noticed the green goo wasn't green anymore but gray. Ben took a rag to wipe away the goo.

"Holy Mother of God!!" He shouted. Ben shouted. Spotless. Unblemished. Ben abruptly stood up from his chair holding his left hand at eye level, only to see the previously gaping cut sealed without a scar to be seen. Ben was glad he finally succeeded in creating such a potion, but then it struck him. Is this what was suppose to happen to the recipe Lucy gave him. Only one way to find out. "Lucy is this suppose to happen?"

"This certainly isn't how the consumable lotion created in the year 2264 AD was meant to work in my record, it's not this fast like this but a cut that shallow should take about two days before its can seal, and that was said to be a continuous process. It must be because of the laws of this world that changed the way it was suppose to be. "

"Well whatever you say it's better than how it was going to have been, so I'll use it."

Without waiting for any other thing he began another process to brew this not so magical lotion. Thanks to the sufficient amount of money he gave the salesman he had enough supply to make twenty bottles. But with the six previous fails he can only make fourteen more. At the end of the day he came out with thirteen bottles filled with green goo.

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