
9 Lord Williams



A dozen or so armored men and women had already surrounded the vicinity before charging in. While they were positioning themselves, they found out that it was an unfair fight but then an improper one sided beating from their single opponent. What baffled the soldiers was the single fighter was in a nobleman's cloth and still somehow suppressed his enemy.

The bandits were all taken aback, they had no idea a group of people surrounded them, except Ben. Lucy has already warned him about the incoming people, he had lost all hope of leaving this place alive. The incomers charge had halted everyone's movement, and upon a closer look Ben saw it was the city troops. With brute force they knocked everyone to the ground. When three soldiers were about to take Ben down they were confused by what he said.

"Go and save her. She needs medical attention. " These simple words stopped the soldiers and every other person on the spot.

"Who do you think you are, you mongrel. " the captain drew out his sword because of anger and came towards Ben. Because the place was dark with what little light managed to pass through the thick canopy of trees above them and some pieces of wood from the carriage that was set ablaze by the explosion was bringing what little light they provided he couldn't see who it was that spoke from afar. Up close that was when the captain saw who it was. "The heavens, Young master Benjamin, why are you here? " seeing Ben out here stomped him. If words were to go out about the city troops not being able to notice bandits in the area, and the lords children also having to be involved in the fight, or, more like, in a fight with bandits themselves, words might not be able to say what the lord would do to them the city troops if he finds out.

Without answering Ben became more annoyed as they delayed "are you deaf or what? did you not hear what I just said? in case you didn't, I said, she needs medical attention and fast "

Knocking the soldiers back to earth, they hurriedly went to drag Anna out of the broken pile of woods. Anna has long passed out and was almost completely buried in wood. She was lucky the fight didn't take place nearby. After rounding the bandits Ben remembered he counted 9 individual but all that was here were currently only eight were. someone wasn't caught. before now Lucy indicated two women but only one was present 'does that mean the archer is a woman, she is very outstanding at archery' Ben thought to himself, he was genuinely impressed. Even though she tried taking his life.

"Young master Ben, uhm... we... we have gathered the bandits. we are going to report to the Lord our incompetence of how we put his children in danger. if you mind, follow my men, they will take you and miss Anna back to the mansion" Ben heard the captains stammering voice and immediately understood the situation.

"incompetence? What nonsense, if it weren't for you and your men coming to rescue both I and my little sister, we wouldn't be standing here, well mostly me. You have done a great job risking your lives to serve the people of Carolin city, I hope you can train more vibrant, vigilant and well devoted youths to take your after your footsteps." Ben spoke solemnly. If one didn't know better it would be that Ben really was praising them for their good work to serve. The captain and the other soldiers on the other hand was thunderstruck and became mutes and just stood there not knowing what else to say or how to respond to the words of the young master.

The bandits were later dragged in chains following and acting as escort for Ben and Anna who were further surrounded by the soldiers. Anna had been put on a stretcher and was dragged by a horse, she was gradually beginning to regain consciousness and was saying things in her sleep. It was funny and also embarrassing for the miss to be saying rubbish but no one laughed much less flinch. In fact they all felt pity for her.


Lord Williams was currently in his study organizing a few paper works when a dark lump of shadow materialized at the dark corner of the room. The windows and doors was closed, how then did this shadow come to be? No one knew perhaps even the Lord himself.

"Deathman 027 reporting" the shadow spoke after waiting for a few seconds.

Upon hearing these words Williams paused with what he was doing then unleashed his aura. He did this to chase anyone who has intentions of ease dropping. Although harmful to ordinary people, the lump of shadow was able to endure "report 027" said Lord Williams then went back to his paper works.

"A group of bandits have been caught and arrested at the empty road in the Redwood forest that leads out to the next city too the east, they have been taken to the solitary confinement prison here..." the shadow paused as though thinking of what to say before continuing, " Young master Ben and miss Anna were also attacked" the shadow said everything slowly.

"WHAT?! " Lord Williams slammed the table and stood up, his aura was spewing out of him like a tide, this time even the lump of shadow couldn't withstand it and knelt. This was the aura of a third level elemental swordsman.

Lord Williams couldn't waste another second in his study, he gathered over fifty swordsmen and over ten elemental swordsmen. He was ready to charge out of the mansion and slaughter every and any bandit he should accidentally see on the way. That was who he is. Lord Williams is known to protect and govern his territory with an iron fist and discipline, much less his own children. he could pretty much do anything for them.

Men in leather armor was being led by a dozen other men in dull silver armor with Lord Williams in gray armor riding his horse at the forefront of the Charge. They were the best guards that were newly recruited not so long ago. News of the young master and their miss being attacked spread like wild fire throughout the mansion and broke out into the city too, three-quarter of the city knew of the news that night, and only more will get to find out by the next morning.

About two hundred metres from the mansion, Ben's group and Lord Williams group clashed into one another. Old Williams was both glad and shocked to see Ben in a well preserved manner with only a few cuts on his body, apart from that he was okay. When he looked at Anna who was still unconscious on a stretcher fury ragged within him. Even though his love for his other kids wasn't as profound as that which he has for Ben, they were nevertheless his flesh and blood.

"Where are they? I swear I'll rip them apart with my bare hands " Old Williams bellowed, his words sent chills down everyone's spine.

"Father, calm down, the city guards at the area has caught them. if it weren't for their precised timing we would have been in a worse case than we are now... " Ben lied straight through his teeth while looking at old Williams with straight face "...father, we have to take Anna to the infirmary as soon as possible. she's in a bad condition. "

Old Williams rage reduced a little after hearing Ben, he commanded some man to take her back to the mansion to receive treatment, he then sent the men of the city troops that escorted Ben and Anna back. Since there wasn't any need for the fifty and so men Charge they returned back to the mansion. Old Williams told Ben to rest because they'll be setting out early tomorrow. Ben knew where they would be heading so did what he was told. After taking his bath he laid on the bed and slept a dreamless sleep.

At the prison the guards that were present during last nights attack were commanded to never talk about the incident no matter what. The situation was very embarrassing, they were also filled with guilt from hearing how they're young master had covered up for them. In some cases they sat in palpitation because their young master is known to be a daddy's boy, who knows what the little brat would tell his father, the Lord.

Bang !

The prison doors was opened with a bang, almost falling from their hinges. A burly figure with an oppressive aura walked in with a young looking man that resembles the burly man almost to the teeth. this was of course Ben and Lord Williams.

"Where's the captain?! " Lord Williams shouted as he arrived making all those present scramble like rats in the sight of an exterminator.

The captain ran in when he heard Lord Williams loud voice shouting for him. I'm screwed, was what came to mind. he ran in almost tumbling on the floor.

"My Lord, at your service. What are your orders? " the captain, Larkin, said in one knee before Old Williams. This was a sign of utmost respect for a warrior leader. Although captain Larkin himself is a second level elemental swordsman and has the position of captain with men under his command, it was nothing compared to a hefty Lord

"Where are they...? " Lord Williams asked without acknowledging his 'good work'

"At the solitary confinement, my Lord "

"...bring me there. " the captain stood up at the moment Lord Williams spoke.

Captain Larkin led Ben and Lord Williams out of the office they had entered and headed to the back of the building where no lamp stand, no other building and most importantly, no guards were. Maybe because they were searched and asked to drop their weapons. The search was meant to take about ten to fifteen minutes but because this is their Lord,the ruler of this little territory, They were asked to search it didn't take more than a few minutes. They stopped in front of a double door metal door with no guards around, Ben wondered who would be the ones to open these heavy looking doors if there aren't anyone to do it. Ben had asked Lucy to check their immediate surroundings, and just as much as he suspected. No guards!

Captain Larkin asked the Lord to step back, but as before the Lords gaze was still in the door and said "open it"

Of course larkin knew the Lord is a very strong elemental swordsman and is almost two legs in the grounds of becoming a fourth level elemental swordsman, so the power of a second level elemental swordsman would be as weak as only being able to scratch an itch for him. Ben wasn't as strong so he went to stay behind the Lord. at least that's what they thought, but in truth, Ben had only adjusted his point of view in order to find out how captain Larkin was going to open up the metal doors. Just as Ben was still speculating how our what means Captain Larkin would use.


Captain Larkin brought out his broad sword then a Yellow-brown glow started gathering around his body making him all sacred and holy, but the expression in his face said otherwise. He lifted his broad sword in front of him and stabbed it into a narrow slit on the door. At first glance Ben thought it was meant to send a message, well who thought it wasn't.

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