
Issho vs Yami


28 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Sigh, I'm just disappointed. I understand not getting first as the guy is botting with fake accounts, but not even top 5? What a disappointment. I honestly can't believe this. Give your stones or don't, whatever, you're not getting another chap today either way.


Yami said "Enough warm up?" Issho smiled "My thoughts exactly." The gravity intensified to a crazy degree and Yami felt like he was moving through honey. Issho appeared right in front of him and slashed down, Yami slashed up and pushed Issho up before grabbing Crimson with both hands and slashing down, leaving a trail of purple flames.

Issho coated his sword in Haki and blocked horizontally in front of him, bending his knees from the pressure. Yami stabbed his sheath forward and tore through Issho's shoulder before stepping forward and spinning around, slashing at Issho's side with dark purple whispy flames and a black sword.

Issho blocked with his sheath and slashed down at Yami's neck.

Yami blocked with his sheath and they headbutted each other, backing off. Yami dashed forward and sheathed Crimson, before letting out a dark purple breath and drawing his sword. Issho crossed his sword and sheath right in front of his neck and blocked the slash, sliding back a ways away.

He kicked the ground and instantly appeared in front of Yami, slashing at his side and head with his sword and sheath. Yami sheathed Crimson and lunged forward, spinning in the air in between the sword and sheath while slashing out, blowing Issho's sword and sheath back, leaving his chest wide open.

Issho floated in the air and flew up, dodging Yami's assault. Yami flipped and kicked the air, shooting at Issho in the air, slashing down with both hands, a dark purple demon king appeared behind him and overlapped with his slash, stopping just before Issho's back.

Issho smiled and said "You sure are chivalrous for a pirate." Yami replied "I sail to fight strong opponents, not to humiliate people I respect." Issho pursed his lips and said "Respect, eh..." Yami was suddenly sent barreling to the ground from the increased gravity.

He flipped and landed on his feet, crouching down and absorbing the pressure as the gravity got more and more intense, slowly cracking the ground and making a deep crater. Issho landed on the ground softly and tapped with his feet as he said "A pirate respecting a marine... I can't say I'm not shocked."

Yami slowly straightened out and took a deep breath, letting out a dark purple one as his Conqueror's Haki flared against the gravity. He coated Crimson in it and lifted it above his head, slashing down "Rise of the Demon Emperor." the purple flames turned even darker, almost black, and a Demon with a crown and a dignified face appeared behind Yami, mimicking his actions.

Yami let out a giant dark purple slash and cut through the ground towards Issho, who jumped to the side quickly, blurring out of the way. The slash continued and stretched across the island, leaving a trench in it's wake.

Thankfully, it didn't hit any allies.

Issho looked up at the shallow cut in the clouds and muttered "Is it cut?" Yachiru helped him "Just a bit, Purple-san." Issho smiled "Thank you, young lady." she smiled and said "No problem~" Yami said "Love." she smiled and said "Sorry~" he sighed and Issho smiled, walking back as he said "I regret to say that I have lost."

Yami said "You haven't lost yet." Issho sheathed his sword and smiled "I cannot beat you and if we were to truly fight perhaps we would endanger the civilians." Yami looked unwilling and Issho laughed softly, adding "Don't be so down. You could always join the Marines. We could spar at any time."

Yami sheathed Crimson and walked over, replying "I cannot. Even if my friends were strangers, I still would not. You may have blinded yourself to evil and follow the path of justice, but the Justice of the Marines is twisted. An Admiral would sink an entire island of people, killing them all for building a ship for a pirate crew. Their so-called Justice is situational, it's an illusion. I detest it."

Issho sighed and said "I supposed that would be a no then." Yami nodded and said "Should you feel that you're unable to cope with the hidden evil, consider going to Dream Flower Island." Issho said "The Oni Emperor's Island?" Yami said "Yes, my father. Tell him I sent you, though he probably knows who you are already."

Issho was quite shocked. The marines didn't know that Yami was Hiro's son. Or rather, only a handful of people knew. Yami said "Ruru, let's go." she jumped off the building and smiled as Yami shifted Crimson to his back.

Yachiru turned into her wolf form and Yami got on her back, saying "Your song is very kind. It flows smoothly and calmly, giving off a peaceful feeling. I quite like it." Issho smiled and Yachiru ran off, leaving Issho behind.

He looked up at the sky and sighed "Yami... You think I don't know about the corruption..." he sighed and walked away, muttering "I will fix the Marines with my own justice... then we shall meet again." he smiled to himself and added "I seem to have made a new friend."

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