
Chapter 461 Easter

Felix took out the small coloured candles from the package with interest, stuck them on the cake, and lit them one by one with a match, and when he blew out the candles, he suddenly realized that he is 24 years old.

It is the first day of the Easter holidays, so he has no classes, and even Valen is still sleeping.

He thought about his recent schedule, Draco Malfoy would drop by in the afternoon to practice the Disillusionment Charm, which he had already grasped briefly, but the fluctuations in magic were so obvious that it was easy to be seen from close range; a little later Harry would come, his Occlumency is on track, and there are still a few last pages left in that enchanted book.

Tomorrow is Easter, and there is a feast in the evening. He had heard that four other schools will be performing shows, and he sincerely hoped that the busy Pukwudgie he saw when he passed by the Quidditch pitch are not preparing for it ... The following day, he will leave for the Ministry of Magic to train the Aurors and Hit wizards of the Ministry, and drop off the finished booklet about runes to the publisher on the way. Scrimgeour wrote that he would be granted an honorary position as an advisor, and although he did not care, he politely expressed his thanks in his reply.

The bedroom door opened and Valen stood in the doorway with a yawn.

"Kiki ...?"

"A familiar smell?" Felix smiled, "It's birthday cake, we can eat the fruit and chocolate on it first. So nostalgic, I only had it when I was in the orphanage ..."


The next evening, the Hogwarts great hall is brightly illuminated. Many of the young wizards had gone home for the holidays, but a significant number had stayed behind just to see the legendary and unique Pukwudgie show.

When Felix walked into the great hall, he saw a huge Easter egg in the center of the room. Only when he got closer did he realize that the egg is made up of a variety of sweet treats pieced together. He saw fruit preserves, pudding, peppermint hard candy, praline crunchy candy, wine heart chocolate, and fudge-filled with nuts ... A group of students gathered in front of the egg and gestured at it.

The Head Boys and Girls of the Student Body had to loudly announce that this is something to be shared only after the dinner is over.

But Harry's craving for Easter eggs is not great, he has significantly overconsumed sweets in the past two days, in addition to Professor Hap's birthday cake that was shared yesterday afternoon, this morning he also received a dragon egg-sized Easter egg from Mrs. Weasley, which was filled with homemade toffee, he ate it to a point of burping, and even burping has a sweet and creamy taste.

He, Ron, and Hermione found a seat and waited for the dinner to begin.

"I told you there is no way that woman would quit!" Hermione tossed a newspaper over to him.

Harry took it over and looked at it, "Nothing out of the ordinary is written ..."

"She started a rumour that I've Innate Strength!" Hermione said annoyed, "Do I look like I'm related to a Troll?"

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"It's known as a troll's natural talent, but the wizarding community has always been sceptical about it, but they had to make something up or else trolls would be no different from ordinary creatures." Fred and George said as they sat down next to them.

Soon, people arrived and the students from the other four schools scattered to sit at the four long tables. Byers and Fleur both chose to sit in the Gryffindor seats, "What are you planning to perform?" Harry asked.

"Oh, you mean that," Byers said vaguely, looking disinterested, "You'll know when it's time. What about your school?"

Harry shook his head, he didn't know either, and Neville interjected from the sidelines, "It's a ghost show, and I heard Fat Friar from Hufflepuff and Nearly Headless Nick talking about the party, and Fat Friar was worried that there wasn't enough food being distributed ..."

The crowd looked at each other. "They want to bring that spooky food into the great hall?" Ron couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't forget, there is classroom seven available now, so maybe the food will taste better." Harry reminded him.

"I still can't get over Nearly Headless Nick's 500th-anniversary party." Ron said pessimistically. The ghosts had deliberately made everything mouldy in order to make the food taste a little stronger.

The dinner party started. Harry's eyes fell on a salmon, he couldn't help but remember the salmon skewers he had seen that day, he thought the group of house-elves in the kitchen had worked on a new dish, but unfortunately he never saw it on the table.

That's when the lights dimmed.

A group of silver ghosts drifted in like a tide, gliding through the great hall in some sort of formation, and Harry caught sight of the Nearly Headless Nick - one hand holding his head to keep it from falling off, while the other did well-rehearsed moves with the other ghosts. He looked excited.

Harry knew that Nick had tried hard to get into the Headless Hunt, but was mercilessly rejected because of an inherent lack of qualification - he still had a bit of skin attached to his neck, and he had complained about it.

A few minutes later, the ghosts gathered together, and the students applauded in a polite manner. At that moment, the ghosts suddenly scattered in all directions and flew into midair sprinkling a silvery speck of light.

Harry stared up in alarm, and he recognized it as some kind of egg-shaped stuff. He couldn't resist reaching out to touch it, which actually posed a big risk, because his experience told him that contact with the ghosts would give him a feeling of falling abruptly into an ice cave.

But the next second, a feeling of happiness flowed through his body, as if he returned to the ancient rune office, sitting on the professor's couch, looking through the enchanted book, he stayed for a long time in the chapter called "happiness".

"That's my memory!" A ghost floated up to him and said with excitement, it is Nearly Headless Nick.

"Oh, uh, that feels awesome." Harry praised sincerely.

"Thanks, it took a while to get that!" Nearly Headless Nick said, "I mean, I saw this coming ... I have been the only courtier of Henry VII who has tasted the delicacies of the court!" His tone grew low, "Although he was also the one who sentenced me to death."

"That's too bad." That was all Harry could say. But all he could think of is how poor Henry VII must have been to not even be able to afford a good axe because Nearly Headless Nick had said, he had been cut by the executioner 45 times without his head being completely severed.

"Want to try?" Felix asked from the faculty table. "My memory body is fond of doing strange things, and he complained to me that he couldn't come out ..."

"No need." Snape said coldly, pushing away the silvery speck of light that hovered around him.

At that moment, the light returned to the great hall. A row of short Pukwudgie walked to the center of the great hall, their faces stiffer than Snape's, they wielded their pocket short bows expressionlessly, as if at any moment they would draw an arrow from their backs and shoot out, the great hall went silent, and no reaction occurred until they withdrew.

Dumbledore politely clapped his hands, bringing sparse applause. The subsequent shows were much more normal, the students of Uagadou danced a jolly African dance, as the athletic and graceful figure of Nona Leibert attracted the attention of many boys; the students also witnessed the chorus of Beauxbatons's mountain fairies, and Fleur drunkenly serenaded along with them.

"So, Professor Hap's birthday is April 15th?" Fred asked, stabbing up a piece of chicken with his fork.

"It might be," Harry froze, "I didn't ask in detail, but yesterday Professor Hap said the cake was freshly unwrapped in the morning ..."

"Oh." Fred and George looked at each other in silence, and Fred said with a straight face, "George, next year is our last year at school."

"Yeah," George said without thinking, " It is important to give presents before it is too late."

"You're going to pull a prank on the professor's birthday?" Hermione asked sharply.

"Don't say it like that," Fred didn't deny it, "just trying to leave a good memory ... I just found out that all of our birthdays fall in April, me, George, and Professor Hap. It must be a special fate."

"You guys?"

"The first of April, yeah, April Fool's Day, but it's not a joke."


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