

Samir looked around the room and finally decided to settle Malik on the couch. Then, he slowly approached Lahan who has yet to speak a single word.

Malik's call bounced back after it left his lips. To his dismay, Lahan spared him no glance as though he didn't hear his call. 

He should have expected it but it wasn't any less disappointing. Despite how he felt, he let the stranger who helped him lead him to the nearest couch.

Then, he momentarily glanced at the man whose gaze never left the unconscious seer. Only then did his mind clear up.

Recalling Samira's words, only two people would manage to walk through her seal unharmed. Could it be that Lahan was the lover she spoke so finely off?

If that was the case, any hope he had left to reconcile with Lahan vanished. His heart sunk deeper if possible into his soul. 

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