
Chapter 345

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-October 30th – At Night-

The 30th of October has finally arrived. A day long awaited by everyone, as it would be the day that delegations from the other two schools that will compete in the Triwizard Tournament would arrive at Hogwarts.

It was night, and currently all the students and teachers at the school were in front of the castle, looking at the gates at the entrance to Hogwarts.

"Man, it's so cold out here," Terry said, rubbing his arms through his cloak.

"Serious? I didn't even notice" I said, wearing a simple shirt as I looked around.

And when Terry saw me standing calmly, showing no expression of discomfort with the cold night, he looked at me with envy.

"I hate you" he grumbled.

"How do you think the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations will get here?" Lisa asked us.

"Well, it won't be via a portkey or Apparating" Sue replied, placing a finger on her chin.

"Maybe they will come flying" Stephen added his 5 Knuts to the conversation.

"And how would they fly here? From what I remember Beauxbatons is located in France, so I doubt they can fly from there to here on brooms" Terry said looking at Stephen as if he were an inferior and unintelligent life form.

"But couldn't they come flying on something other than brooms?" Stephen asked.

"It would have to be something comfortable or very large to bring several students in addition to the school staff" Padma commented.

"I don't know as much about magic or the wizarding world as you do, but I think it shouldn't be impossible to enchant something like a large carriage to fly here," Lisa said, rubbing her hands to keep warm.

"Oh, just like the carriages that bring us to the castle?" Anthony asked.

"But the Hogwarts carriages aren't enchanted, they're pulled by Thestrals, did you forget?" Sue said to him, who scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed look.

And as I listened to them theorize about how Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools would get here, I could only look at them in awe.

'The fact that they're almost figuring out how the Beauxbatons delegation is going to get here is incredible' I thought.

Shaking my head with a wry smile I looked forward again, catching a glimpse of Luna among her third year classmates as she looked at the moon with a serene smile.

She was wearing a large dark blue coat, which covered her body almost to her knees, and I smiled slightly as I watched her snuggle into the coat, warming herself in it.

The coat she was wearing was mine, and I had lent it to her as soon as I realized that the small coat she was wearing before wouldn't fully protect her from the cold wind tonight.

But I was brought out of my thoughts by the sensation of many magical signatures approaching Hogwarts across the sky, and looking up I could see with my enhanced vision a large, light blue carriage, being carried by Abraxans.

And I not only felt the approach of Beauxbatons' carriage, but also of Durmstrang's ship, which was coming slowly across the Black Lake.

And as I analyzed the magic of those from the two schools I couldn't help but frown, feeling that those who came with the Durmstrang delegation had darker magic.

'Apparently the rumors that they are encouraged to learn some dark magic were true' I thought, but then I was taken out of my thoughts by the Headmaster's voice.

"Aha! Unless I'm very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" he said, getting the students' attention.

And hearing this, the students and teachers began to look forward, looking for the French delegation, and after a few seconds some students saw the carriage in the sky.

"Man, Stephen and Lisa were right. They actually came flying in a large carriage" Terry said with his mouth open.

"And you saying it wasn't possible" Stephen snorted with a look of arrogance.

"Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day" Sue joked, earning a mocking look from Stephen.

And in the time of this short conversation the light blue carriage landed in front of us, with the doors opening for a large woman to get out with some students following her.

'She's huge' I thought, looking at the more than three meter tall woman, 'And there are still people who doubt that she's half-giant'

"My dear Madame Maxime, welcome" the Headmaster said, going up to her and kissing her hand without even needing to bow.

"Dumbly-dorr, I hope you are well" and the Headmistress of Beauxbatons said in a deep voice.

And I didn't pay much attention to their conversation because I was frowning as I felt something bothering my senses.

'I've felt this before' I mused, before my eyes locked on a certain tall, blonde girl who was among the students at the French school.

'This feeling is the same as I felt at Bulgaria's presentation at the Quidditch World Cup when the veelas appeared' I looked at this girl, noticing how the boys around her kept looking at her several times, with some even drooling.

'A blonde girl, from Beauxbatons, who is a veela... This is obviously Fleur' ​​I thought, before again ignoring an attempt by her allure to seduce me.

'I can resist her allure because of my abilities, but because of them the allure is also more noticeable and potent' I frowned, 'And now I'm going to spend the whole year with her around irritating my senses... Damn it'

And finishing my thought I looked ahead again, noticing that the Headmaster's conversation with Madame Maxime had ended, and that now she and her students were heading towards the large doors of the castle.

The Hogwarts students then moved aside for them to pass, and as the French group passed by me I felt a pair of eyes on me, and turning around I saw Fleur staring at me.





'...Okay' I thought, slowly looking away, 'That was weird'

And when she realized that I wasn't looking at her anymore, Fleur turned around and continued walking, following her Headmistress and her other schoolmates, but I could feel the curiosity coming from her.

Shaking my head I decided to ignore what just happened, until I felt a silence coming from my friends, causing me to turn towards them only to find them looking at me, with some of them looking at Fleur's back as she walked away.




"Well..." Anthony started to say, but I interrupted him.

"Don't say a word" I said with eyes narrowed threateningly, and seeing my look they fell silent and stopped looking at me.

"I don't even know what you're talking about"

"You can consider me mute"

"Hmm, that rock on the ground is kind of interesting."

"Look, Durmstrang is here!"

And that last exclamation that came from Lisa caught our attention, with us turning to where she was pointing, seeing something happening in the Black Lake.

And not a second later a large ship emerged from the lake, with a frightening appearance that reminded me of a ghost ship.

As soon as the ship docked several people disembarked from it, wearing large fur coats that gave them a fierce appearance, however I could tell that they were just ordinary students, curious about being in a new place that was so big and famous.

'They seem less snobbish and full of themselves than the Beauxbatons students, so apart from the fact that some of them have obviously studied dark magic, it shouldn't be so bad having them around for the rest of the year' I thought, rubbing my chin as I looked at all the Durmstrang students who were following their Headmaster, Karkaroff, who was a former Death Eater.

"It's Krum!" I heard Ron's excited voice, which was soon followed by the excited voices and sighs of other boys and girls who were looking at one of the Durmstrang boys.

'Yes, I forgot about the fact that one of them is a professional Quidditch star...' I sighed tiredly.


-Flamels' House-

"Have you packed all your things honey?" Nick asked Penny, who was packing her last suitcase.

"Yes, I have Ethan's birthday and Christmas presents, the cookies he loves, and some books I thought he would like," Penny said, closing her suitcase and turning to her husband with a smile, only to find him staring at her with a blank stare.

"So that's what you're carrying in those bags?" he asked, looking at the 10 bags on the floor around him.

"And what else would I take?" she asked tilting her head.

And without knowing how to respond, Nick just sighed while shaking his head, but he had an affectionate smile on his face.

"Well, the portkey will be activated in a few seconds, so let's get ready" he said, going over to a pink sphere that was on a table and picking it up.

"Do you think Ethan will be happy to see us?" Penny asked, going over to her husband and touching the sphere as well.

The sphere then began to glow, and with a wave of Nick's wand all the bags around him began to float and enter his coat pocket.

"Oh honey, I'm sure he'll be surprised and very happy" Nick replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I hope so" Penny said with an excited look.

And right after that, the sphere the two were holding glowed brighter, and then Penny and Nick were sucked into a vortex before disappearing.



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