
Chapter 43

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


The weekend has finally arrived, and now is the time when I will start exploring Hogwarts, decorating the castle layout, and finding the secret passages. So after waking up and doing my daily exercises, I told Terry and Anthony that I would be spending the day 'studying', and that they could go out without me.

After they left, I started heading towards the dungeons, planning to look from floor to floor from the lowest to the last floor, which is the seventh floor, where I would make my last stop which would be the Room of Requirement.


The floor below the ground floor was where the dungeons and basement were located. The dungeons had the Potions classroom, the Head of Slytherin office, the Slytherin common room, and a few other locations. The basement was where Hufflepuff's common room and kitchen were located.

As I had decided to start from the lowest floor, I headed straight for the dungeons, already with my Magic Vision turned on so I could see the magic passages, and I once again thanked any supreme being who gave me these abilities, already that they were facilitating my exploration and search for secret passages at Hogwarts.

As I walked through the dungeons, I noticed that she didn't have many places to look, as I only found a few passages and shortcuts, but even those were few, and the only places I saw reasons to decorate the path were the Head of Slytherin office and the Slytherin common room, and I made sure to stay away from certain rooms, rooms that I suspected were the Hogwarts places where prisoners were placed and punished at the time the school was created, this was basically Filch's wet dream.

The Head of Slytherin office was easy to find, I just had to ask a 4th year Hufflepuff where the most avoided place in the castle was, that he pointed me in the direction of Snape's office.

The next place I looked was the Slytherin common room, and instead of asking someone the direction of the room, I simply headed in the direction the Slytherins were coming from.

As I walked down the halls towards the common room, many Slytherins looked at me curiously or disdainfully, but mostly curiously, as it's not every day they see a Ravenclaw first year walking near their common.

I thought I'd have more problems with the Slytherins because I'm a muggle-born, but it doesn't seem like they bothered about it. Maybe it's because the robes I used to wear and the ones I was wearing were expensive and luxurious robes made of acromantula silk and dragon leather, so they're probably thinking I'm also a pure-blood or a half-blood.

'Looks like the only Slytherin dumb enough to antagonize a person without even knowing them well is Malfoy. The others at least think before they act,' I thought, looking fearlessly at the Slytherins who were staring at me, and that seemed to make them even more cautious.

After walking down a few corridors, I finally saw the entrance to the Slytherin common room and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, I got close to the entrance.

I kept looking at the entrance, which was a wall that had some silver accents and snake carvings. I thought about trying to guess the password, but I didn't know what would happen if I got it wrong, and even if I got it right it wouldn't make much difference to me as I still didn't have a way to enter the common without being noticed by the other Slytherins.

So after looking at the entrance for a while with my Magic Vision, I decided that I had explored the dungeons enough. I then started to head towards the next places, which were the kitchen and the Hufflepuff common room.


It was relatively easy to find the kitchen, as I simply searched the hallway which was decorated with many food-themed paintings. And getting there, I went directly to the portrait of a fruit bowl, which was where the passageway to the kitchen was, as I remembered the franchise.

As far as I knew, the information I had about the kitchen was that to get through the passage, I had to tickle the pear in the portrait, which would turn into a knob that opened the kitchen door.

'Even the passage to the kitchen is safer than the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room,' I thought, wondering where Rowena Ravenclaw's great intelligence was when creating the entrance to the common.

I looked at the portrait for a moment and then I started scratching the pear in the portrait. The pear then started to laugh, and after a moment it turned into a big green doorknob.

I grabbed the doorknob, took a deep breath, and turned it. And when I heard a click, I pushed the door open.

The kitchen was larger than the Great Hall. It had five tables identical to the ones in the Great Hall placed in exactly the same way. The kitchen had many counters and stoves, and on those counters were stacked many pots and utensils, and at the far end of the door was a large brick fireplace.

The place itself was amazing, but the most surprising thing about the kitchen was the 100+ house elves working in it.

Well…they were working, but as soon as I opened the door, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in my direction, and having all those pairs of big, bulging, joy-filled eyes looking at me was pretty scary.

"A student!"

"The great master would like anything?!"

"Sir are you hungry?!"

"How can Flipsy help you?!"

The excited and euphoric house-elves then started bombarding me with questions, wanting to serve me and help me in some way. And her emotions overflowed with joy and happiness.

And even though it seemed annoying, I still found the way they acted funny and cute.

"Calm down all of you!" I then yelled at them, and with that, they finally held back a little, but I could still see how they swayed in their places or made little hops, wanting to do something or serve me.

I looked at all those little hyperactive creatures and couldn't help but smile a little.

"First, call me Ethan, no master or sir. And second, I haven't had breakfast yet, so could you guys make me something to eat, please?" I asked them kindly.

"Master Ethan said please!"

"Master Ethan is so kind to us"

"Choppy will bring you the best breakfast possible!"

The house-elves, who skipped the part about not calling me master or sir, then looked at me adoringly for the simple fact that I said 'please'. It just showed how little affection and care they get, and if Hogwarts elves feel that way, imagine pureblood elves like Malfoy, who are treated worse than slaves.

Just thinking about it made me angry, but since I didn't want to scare off these cute house-elves, who were putting too much food on the table for me, I used my occlumency to control my emotions.

'Fucking magic world' I thought, clenching my fists.



(End AN: Ethan is starting his exploration... What will he find? Find out in the next episode of Drago... *Cough* I mean... In the next chapter of Savage: The Night Wizard!)

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