

She couldn't believe it! She got a chance for new life and in RWBY to boot!

Yes, there were downsides, like racism more common in there, the Grimms, and the entire Ozma vs. Salem plot, but she knew she could do it, especially with these cheats she gets!

Well, RWBY wasn't her choice, but ROB made her play roulette, making her end with RWBY, but seeing how close she was to getting into 40k, she was so relieved!

Plus, RWBY wasn't such a bad world, with plenty of pretty boys and cute girls, and with her being BI, she could pick from each side! Already vision of having Ruby and Jaune in each hand made her salivate!

Still, she needed to deal with Cinder first, and then Ozpin if he was anything like the evil Dumbledore type of guy, but with the gamer system, she knew she could do it! Hell, she would become like the others in the fanfics and novels, becoming the GOD!

She couldn't wait, especially with the perks she got, first, she asked to be born into the Schnee family, and then for the Gamer system, both of which ROB gave her, all she needed was to get through the childhood once again!

She was so glad she was killed by that bastard! Maybe she wouldn't even hunt him down once she found a way back to Earth!


Ok, she didn't think it through, she thought that she would be born immediately after transmission, but somehow she ended up as an embryo, it was more bizarre than she could even think!

Maybe that was the Gamer system at work?


Fuck! She wanted to curse, but now that she had time to think, she realized she didn't think it through! And with ROBs being dicks, she could guess she would replace Weiss! That wasn't something she wanted! She loved Weiss's character development!

Or she replaced Winter?!

She was sure she would be a girl, so she couldn't replace Whitley...

Or, for god's sake! Hopefully, she didn't replace Willow! She sure as hell wouldn't want to marry Jacques still even the vision of him being her father made her scared!


There was another baby with her?!

Maybe she was born as a twin to Weiss, Winter, or Whitley?

That would byé actually good, she would have enough time to farm exp...


Something was strange, or was this how babies felt? Thank god they couldn't remember their childhood if this was how being a baby felt...


Jackpot! She was finally born! And from the look of it, her mother was Willow! Yes! So this twin of hers was either Weiss or Winter, as she quite clearly heard it were twin girls...

She wanted to celebrate until she saw the faunus ears on some of the nurses, making her freeze, shit, she hoped the Schnee racism wasn't as widespread as in the show, and these faunuses wouldn't kill her just to spite Jacques...

"Your majesty!"

Your majesty? What the fuck do they speak about? Remnant had no Kings or Queens, if she remembered...

At that moment, her eyes finally registered the person others bowed and to who she heard Willow say son, so this was her brother?

Handsome, that was the first thing she thought, even if she was confused as she was sure this wasn't Whitley, she saw his raven black hair that reached his shoulders, piercing blue eyes, and face that was surely chiseled by gods of beauty...

"My... My children..."


Wait, what the fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk?!

She didn't register what happened next as she started to cry and wail in confusion, all the while the man lovingly held her in his arms...


It was already three days since she was born, and her confusion just increased with each second, the sole thing that was clear to her was that the bastard ROB had sent her to a different Remnant!

What she gathered was that Willow was her mother, and this Aegis Schnee was both her father and brother, speak of twisted things...

Seriously it seemed incest in there was a thing, next was that she had siblings, a lot of them, not a lot of them were blood siblings, just Weiss, Winter, her twin, and now this Aegis were hers, blood siblings, that and...

She was motherfucking PRINCESS! A princess of the Solitas Kingdom that seemed to encase the entire Remnant! Ha! Even if she was still pissed at ROB, this wasn't so bad, especially after she saw both Cinder and motherfucking Salem coo over her, seemingly getting along very well with the rest of the Schnee family...

She still was confused as hell, but each second she got an answer that created another twenty questions for her!

Like, WTF?! She was sure Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, or fucking Harriet Potter and Hermione Granger wasn't supposedly by there?!

And what was with all these golden armored knights she saw around, she was sure she saw something like that in some Star Wars work...

Still, she was now hungry, as such, she did what all the children her age do when they are hungry...


"Oh deary, it seems you have quite an appetite..."

Willow, her mother, said as she let her suck her breast, she fucked any embarrassment, for that she was too confused...

But gods, if that milk wasn't heavenly...

Still, knowing there wasn't any need to worry about any sudden danger, not like she could do more than scream, she was quite happy to just wait and gather more info! And at least her...

Dad? Father? Brother? Aegis seemed to genuinely love them, she could see it in his eyes and in the way he held them, sometimes, she thought that for a King, he acted too scared with them in his hands, maybe he was that type? Cold on the outside but teddy on the inside?


"Naughty, Naughty."

"Who is there?!"

"A prankster?!"


"Or just pissed Aspect!"

Zoe said as she emerged before some kind of being without body nor form, still, a vision that would make mortals go mad or crazy or outright kill them was nothing for Zoe.

"You see, you see, I normally letting you guys do as you want, as normally your plays don't threaten the balance, and all that jazz, buuuuutttt..."

Zoe said with a grin as she ignored the attacks that the thing hurled at her.

"I hate when someone using MY power dares to invade MY! PLAYGROUND!"

Zoe said as she hissed, now the being seemed to struggle in great pain as Zoe kept smiling widely.

"Your fault, little ROB, is that you dared to use MY power against someone who belongs to ME!"

Zoe said as she, with an enormous grin, watched the THING that was known as ROB being sucked into a black hole of her creation...

"And if there is something I don't like, is it sharing MY things with entitled little things like YOU!"

FATE didn't like sharing, especially not with beings who used HER powers, to begin with...


Aegis watched his sleeping daughters, it still made him feel strange, being a father...

But somehow... Somehow it felt... Full?

Wynn and Wynne were Welsh in origin, being a synonym of Fair, Pure, White, or Blessed.

A quite fitting name, Wynn, the Pure was his daughter on the left, the one with a fresh soul, and Wynne as Blessed was the one with an older soul...

Aegis already noticed the looks Wynne sent him or others, the intelligence behind these blue eyes wasn't something child should have, but then, he was the same...

And she was his daughter, reincarnation or not, in this life, she was Wynne Schnee, daughter of Aegis Schnee, his daughter...

That and Aegis didn't sense any remnant of another soul in her body, meaning there wasn't any replacement, just added, so he didn't need to hunt for his possibly lost soul of daughter...

Still, as Aegis's hand moved around the round face of his Wynne, Aegis knew he wouldn't reveal what he knew, Aegis would just wait and watch how his daughter would grow, maybe one day, one day, she maybe would come up with the truth herself, but until then, Aegis was willing to just wait...

Aegis would raise her, both of them, in the same loving way...

But by the anything holy, Aegis was just barely holding himself from squealing and squeezing them of how cute they were...

"Big brother."


Aegis said with a loving voice as Weiss came to his side and looked at the twins.

"They are cute, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are..."

They watched them in silence as Weiss suddenly looked at Aegis.

"You will make another, right? Just this time, with me."

Weiss suddenly asked, and Aegis looked at her from his children as he smiled as he took Weiss by her torso, squeezing her against himself as he kissed Weiss.

"Yes, next time, it would be you."

Aegis gently said as Weiss smiled, they kissed each other again, and Aegis ignored the surprised look from Wynne...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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