
‘The Concern’

I forgot about the food and waiters and went into the crowd. I didn’t want to be alone, especially near the bushes. I sat on one free chair; I was slightly shaking. I didn’t know if the reason was that wintry night or the episode that just had happened. I grabbed one cup of coffee and tried to bring some heat inside my body. I was looking at the crowd when I saw Sneha coming toward me. I started looking around to see if someone was watching her coming near to me, but everyone was busy on their own. She came close to me and sat on the chair next to me. I still was looking at the crowd. I was also worried about any stupid act by her that could lead me to some trouble; I didn’t want that at all. But she didn’t do anything. She was sitting there silently and staring at the crowd; she didn’t even look at me once. I checked the time on my phone; it was showing quarter to midnight, just fifteen minutes were left until New Year to reach.

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