
Chapter 169 - The West Blockade

As they got off the vehicle, Oliver and Jack soon arrived at what appeared to be an army base.

At first, Oliver found the base a bit over-the-top for any threat, magical or not. Just looking at this place gave Oliver some chills.

The reason for Oliver's surprise was the fact that these people had more than enough weaponry to annihilate a small town. Naturally, with the current state of the world, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to be this prepared.

However, what had gotten to him was that this place felt cold.

Oliver couldn't point out what it was that made him think that. All he knew was these people seemed prepared to put bullets to whatever thing or person would come their way. All they needed was the command.

Jack, on the other hand, didn't share Oliver's sentiment.

As he might admit, Jack knew he wasn't the sharpest one out of the group. But, when it comes to modern military equipment and logistics, he was the best one out there.

With that said, his jaw somewhat dropped as soon as he got out of their escort vehicle. The primary reason of which was because of the equipment itself.

'What is this..?'

The first thought that popped into his head was pure bafflement. He couldn't wrap his head around as to why an army would need such gear.

It was natural for anyone to ask why in this scenario. But, Jack's thoughts seemed to have taken a single step further than that.

Understanding the financial prowess that the noble families had, it would be understandable to have all this equipment at the ready. However, Jack's thoughts wandered as to why would these noble families be willing to use it all now.

Throwing all of their military investment into a single problem might be one solution to it. However, Jack questioned if it were the best one.

He knew it wasn't.

"There's a person I'd like you to meet," Jack's 'old friend' said as he served to be Oliver and Jack's guide.

As they started walking through the camp, the weapons that they passed through confirmed Jack's first impression. The military was giving its all to fight a battle that they had yet to witness.

While Jack's thoughts perplexed upon the implications of these things, Oliver wasn't enjoying things either.

With a calm expression on his face, Oliver surveyed the base with his eyes. His expression remained the same as he continuously looked around, often catching glimpses of the gear and weaponry dotted around the place.

Even though the look on his face remained unchanged, his feelings and thoughts on the matter were entirely different.

'Why go through all of this?'

Oliver couldn't comprehend the military's actions as he knew that it wasn't simple to understand. His experience in modern warfare paled in comparison to those who trained for it. With that said, though, Oliver felt doing all of this was far too complicated.

Guns. Mortars. Cannons. Tanks.

Looking around, Oliver wanted to point out how ignorant and stupid these people were.

Modern weapons? Oliver knew there was a limit to the effectiveness of those things. Gunfire? It was a poor way of fighting against creatures of different strengths and sizes.

Speaking from experience, Oliver knew how powerful monsters could be. He had experienced firsthand how overwhelming a Behemoth Ghoul was. Or how persistent those creatures in the other dimension were. Not to mention those from the Association, whose each member can slaughter people with no effort.

Whatever the noble families were thinking, Oliver knew the fight would be over just as soon as it would begin.

The guide stopped just before a clean-looking facility and knocked.

"General," the guide said, to which a voice from the inside ordered him to come in. "Wait here," the guide then spoke to Oliver and Jack, "I'll introduce you."

"What do you think of this place?" Jack asked as soon as the guide was behind the door.

"Honestly? It's disappointing," Oliver replied as he glanced back, "These people have no idea what's out there. I'm guessing half of these people would die if the monsters ever rush in here."

Oliver was sugarcoating it. He was sure that more than half of these people would die if they ever faced a real threat. Guns meant nothing to creatures that go against logic.

"Heh," Jack scoffed. He wasn't sure half of these people might die. But, he couldn't easily deny the possibility either. "I'm kind of impressed, though, about all of this."

"Why's that?"

"The guns, the people. I'm surprised there are still so many people who are willing to side with the city. Funny how none of them ever thought about leaving as I did. I wouldn't blame them too much either, though, since they still have electricity and stuff."

"I didn't notice that," Oliver admitted as his eyes landed on a nearby window where the outdoor unit of an air conditioning system was attached. "Weird how I haven't seen any of these things for almost a year now."

Modern machinery was almost nowhere to be seen in the Tree of In-Between, not that Oliver had any need for them anyway.

"Yeah, it's been that long, huh?" Jack nodded in approval.

As the two finished their conversation, the door suddenly swung open. Then, the guide appeared to let Oliver and Jack into the small facility.

The atmosphere was calm.

Oliver didn't care for the person sitting behind a desk right in front of him. Jack followed Oliver and carried an uncaring expression on his face as well. Neither party wanted to start the conversation, even though the general was the one who wanted to see them.

"Seargent, which one is the deserter?"

With that, the atmosphere immediately sunk.

Feeling agitated, Oliver shot a glare. It was one thing to be ignored, but it was another to be so obviously provoked. No way was Oliver going to take something like that lying down.

However, before Oliver could do something about it, Jack spoke up and admitted.

"I am," he said with a serious look on his face as if he hadn't regretted his decision at all.

"And, I assume you're the one with the Insignia?" the general asked as he turned to face Oliver. To which, Oliver remained silent as he glared. He knew an obvious question didn't need an answer.

"Alright," the general continued as he ignored Oliver's arrogance, "Seargent, I want the paperwork for this first thing in the morning. Dismissed."

With a swift salute, the guide left as soon as he got his orders. Thus, the people left in the room were the general, Oliver, and Jack.

"You. Tell me why you deserted."

Not holding an inch back, the general immediately targeted Jack. He determined that Jack was the lesser threat among the two, thus making for the perfect initiation.

"Sorry," Jack answered politely, "But, I don't answer to you." However, his words were anything but polite.

Jack's stubborn answer managed to irk the general slightly, but he didn't lose his cool in front of these two children. If that were to happen, he would've lost his advantage.

The general then proceeded to think of a new strategy. Unfortunately, Oliver didn't seem to care for the old man's mind games.

"Enough bullshit," Oliver said as his voice assumed its regular cold tone. "I want to find my family. Either you offer something useful, or we walk."

The sudden bluntness that Oliver presented came as a shock to the general. It wouldn't be a surprise if it were to come from a much older, more experienced person. But it came from some arrogant jackass instead.

As the general's face turned irritable, Oliver's gaze still felt as cold as always. With each second that passed, Oliver's patience was soon running out. How soon, however, was entirely up to him.

"Let's go."

Not two seconds later, Oliver turned to face the door, with Jack following him not long after. There were limits to his tolerance, and this was about when he had had enough of political inefficiencies.

"Stop!" The general called out as soon as Oliver's hand landed on the doorknob. He had hoped that the single word would've stopped Oliver and make him turn around.

Unfortunately, Oliver, once again, betrayed his expectations.

"I'll tell you what you want," the general declared once more with an even more annoying voice. He couldn't hide his disdain towards Oliver, but it would've been worse when Oliver got away. As a person from a noble family, the general would be ruined once Oliver said a few words about him.

With that, Oliver finally stopped.

The door had already been slightly opened. Oliver then let out a breath of cold air, after which he closed the door with a gentle push. The general thought that he had convinced Oliver to stay. But, once again, his expectations were about to be proven wrong. Dead wrong.

"You people are all the same."

The tone of Oliver's voice remained cold. No, it might be even colder than before. So much so Jack felt chills run down his spine as Oliver turned around and faced the old man.


Following that one word, Oliver took a single step forward. The weight of that one word seemed to land on the general's shoulders as he felt pressure from Oliver's approach.

"Absolute garbage."

Another step. This time, Oliver let out every single urge to hold back his killing intent. It was as if the general was facing directly at the gates of hell.

"I've had enough."

With Oliver unrestrained, Jack felt fear as to what he might do next. There was no telling how the situation would escalate.

"The noble families are deep underground, within the city center. I can send a formal request for you to gain access to the said facility, but it will take time."

The general remained level-headed as he explained what he was willing to do for Oliver. But, he felt fear all the same. It was merely his many experiences that had made him able to withstand Oliver's direct intimidation. Even then, though, he could still feel his hands shaking in fear.

"Good," Oliver answered as he calmed down. Retracting his anger, Oliver continued to stare with great intimidation towards the old man.

"What's your operation here?"

It was an important question for Oliver and Jack to ask. Despite being geared up to an eleven, they barely had a clue as to why these people were here in the first place. And, with the general in front of them, what better way is there to find out.

Daring not to tempt any more hostility towards him, the general willingly answered Oliver's questions.

"We here at the West Blockade are meant to keep any intruders from coming in and people going out. Outside those gates is considered to be dangerous territory. My men and I are tasked to handle any and all threats that dare cross it."

"And, I suppose that includes us?" Jack hurriedly asked with an accusing tone.

"No," the general answered decisively. "We have special measures in place for Evolvers. Although, we haven't considered the possibility of those that possess strength such as yourselves."

"Don't bullshit us," Oliver called the general out on his attempt to soften up to them. "Even if you're here to do what you said you'd do, it still doesn't explain all of that weaponry out there."

"I assure you these weapons are to ensure the safety of Ark City and its citizens."

Filled with doubt, Oliver's eyes narrowed slightly.

"And what about the soldiers? You want to protect the citizens of this city, but its soldiers are lacking in that regard. Who's going to protect these soldiers of yours when they could barely protect themselves?"

Confused, the general couldn't understand what Oliver was referring to.

"My soldiers are in top shape with each and every one of them ready to lay their lives on the line for this city. We have the weaponry to stop anything that would come our way. Who are you to say we're lacking?"

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