
All Your Fault, Dummy!

I can't believe it...I like him. I know I shouldn't but...it's all his fault!

Who tole him to be such a good friend!?! Damn it damn it damn it! I-I-I...I think I should keep this under wraps.

I'm not going to lose my first friend. Ever.

Yeah, not going to happen. As if he will chose me anyways with So-young around him...aahhhhh, it's so...painful. It hurts just thinking about them together.

Why couldn't I be gay or something? It would make things so much easier!

However...it is a bit weird that when he slept over at my house, I felt the urge that night to protect him more than usual. Something like...keep him away.

Keep him away from other women, specifically, So-young and the other girls in class who look at him.

Come to think of it, didn't my dream have some weird people speaking in it? I couldn't understand them but I could feel them...

I could feel what they were trying to tell me.

Hmmm, it's very weird, but I guess that's love? I've seen some people say that when you want to kill all the women around them, you truly, really love that person.

Yeah...I guess I love him. Since I love him, I need to protect him and since I'm going to protect him, I'll need to meet up with the cow.

Feeling satisfied, I start smiling happily as my chauffeur smiles back at me from the rearview mirror.

"Something good happen today, young mistress?"

"Oh no no no, it's nothing Jiji. I'm just...happy?"

Jiji, my personal butler since I was born and my chauffeur has been with me my entire life. I never knew his real name so I just called him Jiji after mom called him that.

"Then that's good"

After Jiji hears my explanation, he knows that asking further won't get anything out of me. He lightly smiles and continues on his way back to my house.


"J here. I'm with snickers"

As Jiji pulls the car up to the front door, I immediately go to find sister so I can thank her. She was the one who helped me realize that I liked him, after all.

"Sister! Unnie! Unnie!"

"Haah? Oh, it's just you. D'ya want anything, brat?"

Getting off of her phone, she lightly ruffles my head and stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"Yes! Thank you, unnie! I now know that I like Min-chul!"

"Pfft...you like him? That's great. Now, go go go. Go to your room and think about him and touc-"

Just as she was about to complete her sentence, my mother shows up behind unnie and grabs her by the shoulder. With a slight grip, my sister melts into a puddle of pain.

"Ahem...what were you just saying, my dear daughter?"

"Ahahaha....arrrghhh! N-n-nothing, mom I'm fine I'm fine. Go go go, go to your room and...think about Min-chul and your future"

"Un! Okay!"

After leaving mom to do whatever she wants with unnie, I run up the stairs and flop onto my bed. Ahhhh, it's like a massive weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

I toss my purple bear up in the air and start cuddling it while squealing. Gahhhh, I'm soooo baddd!

I can't like him! I can't I can't I can't!...but I do! It's his fault! He's the one who decided to be nice to me...totally his fault!

'So...oh yeah! I'll need to talk to So-young today. Good thing mom knows the principal...'


While chilling at home with Jung, I start smirking out of nowhere. Obviously, it's the amazing session I recently had with Ji-woo.

I know it isn't good to wish misfortune upon others, but her failing her test was the best thing to happen to me.

Jung notices my evil grin and lightly touches the back of my head.


"AHHH!! What the- what do you want?!?!"

Well, not "lightly" I mean. He basically tried decapitating me with force.

"What's up with that weird grin of yours? D'ya get with Ji-woo? Maybe So-young?"

"Haaahhhh?!?! Tsk tsk tsk, don't be ridiculous!"

I click my tongue while shaking my head at him. Really, this weakass teasing of yours isn't effective!

'...boring...oy, Feelie'

The show that we were watching started airing ads and so, I decided to talk to the other insane person in this household.

Just as I thought Feelie would respond by cursing at me, I hear a loud sound hurting my eardrums.

[BING-BADA BING-BONG! congratulations! You completed a secret quest!]



You completed a se-se-se-se-se-secret quest! Ding ding ding!

Nice Boat ⛴🛳 (3/???) ┃ Secret! ┃

Reward: ₲500 ┃ Another cool emoticon! ┃ Title: Sailor!


'Seriously, what the hell is up with all these 'nice boat' quests? Is this related to something I don't know yet? Why is it an infinite quest? What the hell!!!'

Before I get time to comprehend the secret quest that somehow appeared, another loud noise makes me temporarily deaf.

Out of habit, I cover my ears, even though there really is no sound. Jung, who was eating a snack by my side, suddenly saw me collapse onto the ground.

'Aarrrghhh!...why is it now that they are suddenly so loud?!?!'

"Oy Oy!!! Min-chul! What the hell...are you good?! Calm down!"

[BADI DIDIDIP DO! BADIDI DO! Congratulations! You completed a penalty quest!]


You completed [Make the transfer student realize she likes you!] with 2 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 18 seconds left!

Due to your advanced completion, you get a bonus reward!

Make the transfer student realize she likes you! (COMPLETE) ┃ Hardcore ┃

Original Reward: ₲5,000 ┃ Charm x6% ┃ Social Skills -3%

Failure: -₲6,000 ┃ Charm -6% ┃ Social Skills -3%

New Reward: ₲5,500 ┃ Charm x6% ┃ Social Skills -2%

Due to needing help in completion, your reward gets a penalty!

New New Reward: ₲4,900 ┃ Charm x6% ┃ Social Skills -3%

Good job in completing your first penalty quest! Good luck with the second one! You have: 22 days, 16 hours, 16 minutes and 42 seconds left! Good luck!

You are gonna need it!

P.S: hi! I'm koppa! Due to...circumstances imposed by my superior, I will have to help you out a little bit. It won't be TOO hard.


After what felt like a long time, the ringing in my ears finally stops and I now get to comprehend the rewards of my completion.

I see the nice boat secret quest with a clearer mind and...I'm still confused.

Is this a swimming thing? Boat, water, swimming? Whatever, it's free money.

The second completed quest made me jump in surprise and happiness. FINALLY! It's done! I did it!!!

As Jung is slightly panicking, he sees me suddenly jump up. "The hell? Was this some sort of prank?" That's probably what he's thinking.

"Huh? How long has it been?"

"Oh, around...about 2 minutes? What's up with you? You good?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just had a weird headache out of nowhere. I'm good now, thanks"

"Uhuh...I'll get you some water. Wait right here"

After Jung leaves, I start my talk with Feelie. After all, a lot of things have been introduced to me without warning.

'Hey Feelie. The hell was that about, huh?'

[honestly, I don't know. I'm just the messenger. Koppa was the one who made me do that. It was probably because he was very salty and-...and a very good and cool person]

'...huh. So, I'll get some help with the second quest?...hmmm, what do you mean I needed assistance with the quest?'

[just know that you needed assistance from someone. You did about 80% of the work. Don't mind it]

'Hmmm, got it then'

As Jung returns to my side, he assures that I'm fine. Seriously, what good brother he is.

However, there is still another problem...the marriage promise.

This is the B.S that will be the death of me. A marriage promise?!?! This isn't a fictional world! Having two girls like me is hard enough!

...goddamnit...this will be another "make her fall in love" thing again, won't it? It will.

Thank God for the author's mercy using slight time skips.

And so, 15 more days passed just like that...and no marriage promise was in sight. Well, that's because koppa had yet to give Min-chul the help he needed.


(A.N) yo! Sorry for this late chapter. I'm currently rushing like hell to publish this as I had to attend a relative's funeral. As usual, please do support this book if you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading this far.

Bye bye for now and peace ✌️!

Really bad day...

koppa_feelcreators' thoughts
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