
Helpful Unnie 2

Finally, after waiting for too long on Saturday, the faithful Sunday came. Most kids would be sad it's Sunday because there's school the next day.


It's a completely different reason. Some may call me insane or a bastard. Well, I know what I am.

I'm both! But I need the coins!

While riding in mom's car, I start thinking about how I'll do this. How will I get her to like me or at least, have a crush on me.

There are three days I can't afford to waste anymore time.

'Hmmmm...should I try showing that I like her as well? Won't she see it as me being a friendly friend?...damn it!'


As the loud buzzing noise snaps me out of my trance, I start looking at the front lawn of Ji-woo's house. Or rather, massive field!

It's too big! You could probably fit 5 of my house in this space, it's crazy. The walls are pretty high too...

"...a long drive, huh?"

Trying to break the silence, mom starts talking to me from the rear view mirror and tries making small talk. I lightly "un" in agreement before she stops trying.

It isn't like I don't want to talk to mom, it's that I'm too stressed to think about other things!

'...oh my God! What the hell is up with those cars?!?!'

Sitting in the front of the house is a massive fountain with cars of all types parked around it. Sports cars, hyper cars, big cars and small cars.

There are cars that don't look road legal and there are cars with freaking racing numbers!

Racing numbers! Are you using it? It looks like it was made in the 60's! CAN you even use it? This is insane!

As mom pulls up to the door, a butler looking young man appears out of nowhere and takes the keys from mom and drives off to the garage.

As we enter the house, we are greeted a foyer that even 5-star hotels would be envious of. Again, when the hell did this house appear here?!?!

Can money buy quiet construction? I want money! I want quiet construction!

Running down the stairs was Ji-woo and she weirdly out of breath, as if she was just yelling at someone.

"Haahh...haah, oh! Min-chul is here!"

She runs over to me and hugs me tightly. Her mother shortly follows after Ji-woo with an amiable smile on her face. After all, I'm her daughter's first friend, who wouldn't be happy?

"Oh! How wonderful, you have arrived! I'm Ji-woo's mother, Bong-cha, but you can call me Bongbong, Chacie, Bb, Bonbon..."

'Ahh, so this is where she got her talkative personality from, eh?'

Another 3 minutes of introducting herself and she was already getting along well with mom. Mom may be a little weird, but if it's her son's friend, she is more amiable than a Canadian or a Japanese person.

"Let's go! Hurry up!"

While tugging me, she pulls me off to their pool house out back. I crumple my face so that I won't be seen with an angry expression and I start thinking other things...

'Ughhh...Feelie, system, I have a system, before I didn't have a system'

[the hell? What do you want?]

'Huh. Oh, nothing, sorry'

Once we reach their backyard, you can't help but think of three words that perfectly describe this place.

Alice in Wonderland.

There's a massive chessboard by the side, a fire pit, massive space that can act as a refugee shelter and over to the right side is the swimming pool with the pool house.

Just the pool house is insanely luxurious with leather seats, a small movie theater an- GRAHHH!!! Stop thinking about this!!! I shouldn't blow Ji-woo up!

Humans are friends! Rich people are human! Rich people are friends!

"Come on! Hurry up so we can swim already!"

She pulls me into the changing room...the same changing room as her. Well, I guess this might be good?

I start taking my shirt off and after staring for a bit, she coughs to ease her nerves and starts changing while hiding behind a screen.

Phew...thank God, I don't want to see THAT.

"...are you done?"

"Yeah, you can come out"

Ji-woo emerges from the translucent screen wearing a flowery one-piece school-like swimsuit while I'm wearing a white swimsuit with black stitching that says "Min-chul" on the front.

It's blank, yes, but it looks good enough and in the future, this weird minimalist style of clothes will get very popular.

"Alright! To the pool!"

"To the pool!"

We run towards the pool and start climbing the tall ladder that leads up to the water slide. One of the maids rushes over and flips a switch that start pouring water from the slide.

'Waaaa~ seriously? Please don't blow up, just drown'

I feel envious about the pool, but what can you do?

"You go first!"

"Wai- AHHHHH!!!"

As I start falling down the slide, my life flashes before my eyes. This damn quest pops into mind.

Obviously, I'm exaggerating but still. Ji-woo follows right about and we start playing around.

Then, out of nowhere...



A very...uhhhh, top-heavy woman with dyed blonde hair jumps into the pool, covering Ji-woo and I in waves. I soon rub my eyes and get a better look at her.

'Ahh, Ji-woo's sister? I remember her coming over a couple of times'

This girl is a real rascal.

If Ji-woo is troublesome, this girl is...troublemost. Troublemore? She is trouble. She is a very disobedient person who hates listening to those above her.

That's probably why she made a company and grew it until it was worth 300 times more than the average person makes in a year when she was only 30 years old.

"Unnie!!! Get out!"

"Whyyy~~ isn't this my pool as well? Ahh, this is the boy you l- mrrphhmmm!"

"S-s-s-shut up! Stop talking, dumdum, stupid poopie head!"

"Ahhh...that really hurt my feelings. I'll go over to your "boy friend" and have him comfort me"

'Ahhh, she is still the same girl I remember'

When Ji-woo and her were together, Ji-woo's noisy nature would be replaced by a regular, obedient seven year old that absorbed everything you told them.

I remember that her sister would specifically push Ji-woo's chair closer and closer to me until Ji-woo would get embarrassed. Despite their fights, they do care about each other.

Like me and Jung, but our ages are much closer.

"Sooo~~ you are my sister's friend, yes?"

From my past life experience, the best to handle her is to go with the flow. She is a natural-born kid teaser; boys and girls alike.

She loves annoying her little sister so, I should act as if I'm getting teased so she doesn't dig deeper until I actually snap.

"Y-y-yes! Ji-woo is my friend!"

"Ahhh, I see~...hmmm, do you like her?"

"L-l-l-like her? U-u-uuuuhhh...well, she did say that...she'd have a baby with me"


While my voice starts getting smaller and smaller like a mosquito buzzing, Ji-woo heads over to the corner of the pool to hide her blushing face.

Meanwhile, her sister just found out new ammo to use. Her sister wants babies with this kid? How in the world could Ji-woo not like kid?!?!

"Oooohhhh, that's very sweet. Ji-woo! Ya see?!?! He likes you!"


She cups her hands to call Ji-woo who suddenly shakes in...huh. Happiness or annoyance. Either way, she shakes.

By now, a regular seven year old would climb on top of her sister's back and tell her stop, but not this 40 year old 7 year old! Nu-uh!

I just bashfully lower my head like an anime girl confessing to her crush by love letter so it seems like while I'm embarrassed, I'm not lying about what I said.

This should paint me in a better light for Ji-woo and her sister.

"Ahem...I-I-I think I'm done swimming..."

"M-ME TOo!"

After only 10 minutes in the pool, Ji-woo and I decide to get out to hide our...her shame. We both go into the showers and change into our spare clothes.

I'm wearing one of dad's white t-shirts and black shorts, making me look like I'm wearing nothing underneath an oversized t-shirt while Ji-woo is wearing one of her metal band tank tops, pink short shorts and some flip flops.

A very weird combination that somehow suits her "teasing loli" image right now.

"Waaaaahhhh!!! Little Min-chul!!! You're so frigging cute! Come 'ere! Abugybugybugybu! Abugybugybu! Wawawawa!!!"

Another quirk of Ji-woo's sister, she likes cute things. I didn't bring this shirt just for her, but because I like the airy feeling. I guess Ji-woo might I'm cute so that's cool.

As we are sitting at the outdoors table in Ji-woo's backyard, a maid comes out and brings some pastries and sweets for us.

Ji-woo's sister, unlike us who got the luxurious sweets, got a bag of cheese flavored chips and a coke. Huh...

"So...gluck gluck...Ji-woo, whatcha think about Min-chul?"

"Uhhh, h-h-he's cool..."

'Yes yes yes! Help me here, noona!'

"Uhuh...what 'bout you, Min-chul"

"Ji-soo is very pretty!"

'Bang! Thats a critical hit! Straight into the right side of your chest, Ji-woo!'

And I was right. She buries herself in her tank top while her sister can't stop laughing at us. She looks at me and starts laughing harder than before.

"Wahahahaha! Min-chul, you dirty dog! Do you like teasing girls, huh~~~?"

"N-n-n-n-no! No no no!"

"So, only Ji-woo?"


'Wahahahaha! Burn Ji-woo, burn! Let your heart set you ablaze whilst I throw the firewood! Mwuahahaha...ahem ahem, I'm getting too into this'

But aside from all that, I did make Ji-woo burn; burn with embarrassment, that is. She looks up at my face with a heated gaze and eyes that say "...only me?"

My methods are too simple, but I couldn't have done it without noona! She is the major helper in this situation! When I grow up, I'd better buy her some beer or something.

The simple blank space where I didn't answer is basically considered as an embarrassed "yes". It's psychological warfare and I have the T-34's in my possession.

Combine this with the fast-paced conversation and constant bombarding with compliments and phrases that make her special, it's basically blitzkrieg.

Call me tanks because I'm tanking Ji-woo's sister right now...

'.....won't you say anything about that line?!?!'

[nope. I won't try comprehending your little jokes. Please focus on your mission]

'Uuughhh, Feelie? More like NO Feelie. You're so boring...'

While arguing with Feelie, I'm silently sipping some sweet tea as I watch Ji-woo get absolutely teased by her sister. It's like watching a tall person hold something over the shorter person.

How cruel...wait! Is this another chance?

"Whyyyy~~~ arent I right? You want him for yourself?"

"N-n-no! He can be with whoever!"

"Noona...please don't tease her!"

With a hard yet soft gaze on Ji-woo's sister, she looks at me with a stunned expression. She then smirks and almost bursts out laughing before holding it.

"pft-...ahh, alright alright. Since your boyfriend said so, I'll leave you two alone. Don't go making children, m'kay~~~?"


As Ji-woo's sister was walking away from the table to return back to the house, she turns around and stick her tongue out while giving an "okay" sign with her hands.

'Ahahahaha...what a smart little boy. I'm sure she's in good hands'

"F-first young mistress! Please put on a shirt at least! You will get a cold!"

"Ahh, it's fine it's fine"

The maid runs after her with a towel and a shirt seeing that she is trying to enter the house in a wet bikini. The maid has been troubled by this first young mistress for a long time already...

Back at the table, I turn my head back and stare at Ji-woo...

"Ji-woo...sorry for getting a bit angry at your sister..."

"Ha-ah! No no no, it's fine it's fine. I totally understand..."

She makes high pitched shriek before comforting me. In her mind however, was a war of two sides...

'...why did he get angry as sister for teasing me? Doesn't he like teasing me? Wait wait! Does he want to be the only one to tease me? Ahhh, maybe sister was right...'

As Ji-woo is deeply confused with today, Min-chul is thinking about a different thing entirely.

'Come on come on! Be enough enough enough!!!'

"Well...ahem ahem, would you like to stay over longer?"

"Huh?! Ahh, yes!"

'A sleepover? This is the best possible outcome! Yes yes yes!'

Now, I took 5 steps closer to finishing this absolutely stupid quest. Come on come on, 3 days left. 3 days to make this girl fall for me.

This is when I realized something new about the system again...

'The system only wants to me a swimmer...unless it doesn't. Well, maybe a swimmer with more scandals than fingers...'


(A.N) yo! It's I! Koppa! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much to those who take time out of their day to read this novel! As promised, this is my extra chapter this week for the naughty naughty me who posted late for a while....ehehehe...

Anyways! Please do support your favorite author, koppa_feel, by adding to library, commenting on this chapter, reviewing the book and voting for this novel with your powerstones! It doesn't need money!

Now, to address the previous chapter. I decided that I WON'T reupload this novel to join a contest because 1, I'm lazy and 2, it's a bit of a hassle. So, I'll delete that author's note last chapter and for now, peace!

By the way, thank your favorite author for this extra long chapter lol (2300+ words)

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