
Another Worthless Mongrel (Ch.20)

~Year 983

The traitorous nobles grow impatient to find the firestone ring and begin attacking the army of General Gregor Magaine in order to gain control of the city gates.

To control the four city gates was considered the first victory in any uprising, 

At the time this report was noted down, General Gregor Magaine still retains control of the four city gates of Ardenurve.

-The Royal Archives, History of Vallarta.

Myrina heaved a sigh as bang after bang shook the cells, the demonic beast pounding relentlessly into the barrier whilst screaming and roaring like a lunatic, every bit as insane as Myrina had first predicted he was.

With each bang, Myrina's rage grew ever so steadily as she lifted her hands to cover her ears, trying unsuccessfully to block out the depraved roars of madness.

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