
Don't hang up

              The receptionist stunned to hear Miss Tirana's words.

"Miss, I wonder how many tricks you are going to try on me. But I am telling you, your tricks are not going to work on me. So now don't call here again. I have got calls from so many family members of Mr. Thomson every day. Mr. Thomson asked me himself not to attend these types of calls. I like my job. So, I don't want to get fired.Goodbye."The receptionist said and hangs up the call.

"Hey, you listen. Don't hang up. Miss?....."Miss Tirana tried to speak something, but how she can?

"She was really rude. Her boss might be ruder than her. Mr. James Thomson, I liked you, but now I hate you. You do not deserve to be the husband of my best friend. I will not help you to get her back in your life. Ruthless!

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