
Mother's Love

When Alexis woke, the first thing she wanted to was to hold her child. Alex was a very calm baby, but most of the doctors weren't surprised. Almost all of the children born so far were like this. They presumed it had something to do with the reason why fertility was low. Some sort of genetic disposition allowed them to survive, and thus resulted in this kind of personality right from birth. As soon as Alex felt his mother's warmth, he started giggling and flailing his stubby arms.

Matt had been awake this whole time watching them. When he saw this scene, he was impressed. It seemed Alex knew who to suck up to already. Although the two of them experienced something very similar in their long dream, a lot of details were skipped and they only had the highlights. Because of this, neither really had any experience in raising a child. Matt noticed that Alexis began spending her accumulated points. She must have realized that Alex was considered her 'spawn.'

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