
Lord Xi Doesn't Care For Anyone Except Li Rui

When Xi Ying left Li Na's chin with a jerk, she almost fell down to the floor. However, the Imperial guards held her before she could fall down.

The banquet hall was silent again. Many people were left scared by Xi Ying's behavior and they didn't dare to utter a single word fearing that the next moment, Xi Ying's sword will be on their neck. 

"Prime Minister Xi, this is not how a respectable man behaves with the ladies."

Zhao Wang Lei's cold voice sounded in the Banquet hall and many people could not help but nod their heads.

Xi Ying should indeed not be behaving like this Li Na. She was, after all, a lady.

The Emperor was right to reprimand him.

However, Xi Ying's face stayed the same....cold and indifferent.

And he never apologized for his behavior.

Instead, he chuckled coldly in response and said arrogantly putting his sword inside his sheath.

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