
Trap and prey

They reached an agreement.

Li xiaonian didn't want to stay any longer. He turned around and looked at his brother and sister, who were in shock."Don't daze. Pack up and we'll leave."

"Big brother, where are we going?" Lu Qianhui was the first to react.

The younger brother, li zhedong, was not as simple-minded as his younger sister. He thought about it more and frowned."Brother, are you sure it'll be safe for us to leave the residential area? Without enough food and a warm house, we ... Could die of hunger or cold in the wilderness at any time."

The radiation on the abandoned planet was too high, so no food could be grown on it. The sources of food were the leftovers from the garbage piles, which were so few that they could be ignored, and the food distributed by the law-enforcement officers to the managers of the various regions, who would then trade it to the commoners.

Useless lowlifes have no right to live.

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