
Plague dagger

Giant dragon Mall.

The store's name was simple and clear, and one could tell at a glance that it was a store opened by the giant dragon Academy.

As soon as he entered the mall, a sweet girl immediately greeted him warmly and bowed. "Welcome,"

Li xiaonian nodded and entered the mall.

The scale of the mall was quite large, like a large supermarket, and there were many players going in and out. The first item he saw was the most common and common item-bullets.

There was a special offer today.

[ the explosive price of the pistol bullet: 0.5 copper. ] (Original price: 1 copper)

[ rifle bullet's explosive Price: 0.8 copper. ] (Original price: 1.2 copper coins)


In addition to the discount on the bullets, there were also some low-level equipment that was about to be eliminated, and the price was extremely low.

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