

To Amelias relief it turned out that there weren't many preperations needed for the tea party. A few of the dresses that Gordon had previously ordered from Adeleine's shop were perfectly appropriate to wear, and since she had already practiced much of the necessary etiquette with Flora she was told that it would suffice with only a couple additional lessons.

Hence the peaceful days could continue for a little while longer.

Amelia spent the following morning finishing the handkerchief and though it didn't turn out perfect by any means she was still satisfied with how well she hid some of the clumsy stitching. The handkerchief was ironed and folded for her and she left it on her nightstand as her and Olivia went out for their usual stroll.

Outside it had gotten so cold that the ground was completely covered with frost and when it was time to get ready in the evening Sophia wasn't at all happy with the fact that Amelia had spent so long outside. She grumbled as she applied lotion to Amelia's face, complaining that the cold had made her skin dry. Amelia didn't care to mention the extended time she'd spent on the balcony during the banquet since she suspected that to be the real reason.

A delicate cream colored dress was chosen for her to wear that night and her hair done into a loosely braided knot. The makeup was kept minimal, with only powder, light blush and a subtle pink tint applied to her lips. When the maids had finished their work Amelia thanked them and before she left she placed the handkerchief in her dress pocket.

She was first to arrive to the dining room. Just by one glance it was obvious that tonight was not one of her usual dinners. Besides the fact that the table had been set for two rather than one the setting was also much more meticulous than usual and the number of staff on standby seemed to have been increased.

Since she didn't know how long it would be until Dario arrived she decided to have a seat.

Right as she had pulled her chair in a servant approached and filled her glass with water. Though it was only a brief interaction the atmosphere seemed very different from when she dined alone. It was usually more lighthearted and the staff tended to talk to her while they served.

'It must be different when its the owner of the duchy that they will be serving.'

Thankfully Amelia didn't have to wait long with the stifling silence until the duke arrived.

"Hey, did I make you wait?" He inquered as he pulled out his chair.

She shook her head.

"No, I just arrived a few minutes before you did."

"It's ridiculous how long it takes to walk to here from the bedrooms, isn't it?" He commented, and Amelia held herself back from giggling at the blatantly un-aristocratic complaint.

The first course was brought in almost immeadiatly. Just as the plates had been placed in front of them Dario dismissed the staff from the dining room, saying that he would call for them when they were needed.

"I don't particularly like being observed while I eat" he explained, and Amelia was inclined to agree. With the servants standing along the wall looking at them so intently the mood became heavy. Although it was the appropriate thing for them to do as servants to show regard to the counrty's only duke Amelia could imagine that it would feel alienating for Dario who, like her, probably hadn't grown up being treated in such a way.

"Hey, I got you something."

Amelia took the opportunity of being alone with the duke and pulled out the handkerchief from her pocket.

"I'm sorry it's a little late. I didn't have the chance to get you anything for your celebration".

When she held out the handkershief for him to see she suddenly felt embarrassed.

"I know it's probably not as good as the ones you have been given in the past..."

Her words of defence didn't stop the man from smirking as he looked at the creatation and Amelia couldn't help but to be annoyed. Couldn't he at least try to hide his amusement?

She pulled away her hand from him.

"Well if it dosn't suit your taste I'll just keep it for myself" she snapped, unable to hide her displeasure like she had intended to.

To her surprise however, Dario began to laugh. Dumbfounded she stared at him, the man who she hadn't even imagined being able to laugh let alone so heartedly.

"Sorry" he said. "I didn't mean to laugh."

She looked at him skeptically.

"It's just how you assumed that I have recieved gifts from other ladies."

Amelia couldn't see what was so amusing about it since it seemed like a fair assumption to make concidering both his status, wealth and appearance. She frowned.

"Can I have it back?" Dario asked and held out his hand.

Amelia hesitated.

"Please?" He made a face akin to that of a pleading puppy's.


When she passed him the handkershief he smiled, and it was not a smirk this time.

"Thanks. It's really the best gift that I have recieved."

Even though Amelia couldn't see how that would be true he sounded genuine and his words made her happy.

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