
New Missions, New Duties!

What would you do when you come to know that a monster named Raptor who was sealed two thousand years ago is going to be free in two weeks who will cause destruction? You run.

That was the first thought which came to my mind. But as I was the champion now, I had a status so I decided to stand there, quiet like Oliver was.

"If Raptor gets free, he will try his best to awaken King Jalaar which will not have a happy ending for us. We need to stop him." Rock Flames stated.

Great, I thought. Just great! Now we had a new mission to keep Raptor sealed. Why does it always have to be the coward hero to do all the work? Without a word, Oliver was standing there, understanding the intensity of the situation.

"I don't know how Raptor is going to free himself. Maybe the chains he has been struggling to get free of from the last two thousand years would be breaking." Rock Flames said. "The worst part is…." He hesitated. "We cannot use the strap on our wrist to resurrect. It only works against Darknorians of Darknor. But if someone from another planet kills you, you will not resurrect and that would be the end of you. For stopping him, we need the help of the best warriors present in the world right now. You guys are one of them. I am making an alliance. The DELTA organization, it will be created by me."

At that time, I had a lot of questions in my mind like, how strong is Raptor anyway, how many warriors will be the members of the DELTA and why is the alliance's name DELTA? But I knew most of my questions will be left unanswered.

"You both are not enough to take on Raptor. We need more warriors to join. Therefore, we will be going on a quest to find the strongest warriors in the world. We will include some more warriors and then take on Raptor. All this needs to be done before the second week." Rock Flames concluded.

It was then that Oliver and I looked at each other again. Some part of me was proud to be the member of the team which will protect the whole world. The other part was scared by the name of Raptor himself. I didn't know about Oliver but I had mixed feelings about this new mission.

"Raptor should not be underestimated. If we let him, he will freely awaken King Jalaar." Then he turned to me. "And the only person who can beat King Jalaar is you, Blaze." He said. I didn't understand why he said that. Fine, I am the champion but if I am going to have a tough time beating Raptor, there should not be a question of losing against King Jalaar. There should be some inner-significance of what he said, I decided.

"We will be headed to Hilton town after crossing Mount Drake. We will be starting our journey from tomorrow itself. After all, watching out for strong warriors will need time. Pack your bags, warriors. Meet me here in my office at 10:00 am sharp." Rock Flames said and without uttering another word, he left.

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