
Lonely Uchiha (edited)

After being released from the hospital sasuke decided to visit the uchiha compound where his family and clan had were murdered by his older brother. as he entered the compound his body began to shake with a mix of anger and fear as he could recall his fellow clan members body laying in the streets just as they were that night ; as he got to his family home his heart beat began to speed up. As he walked through his family home he began to feel as though he was reliving the massacre again. As he walked he came to the door of his father's study the place where he found his mom and dad dead with is older brother standing over them. Sasuke knee went weak and his eyes began to water.

Sasuke : (teary eyes) FUUCCK!! , I'm no different now than as I was back then , I'm still as weak as every , nothing about me has changed , I'M STILL WEAK!!.

Sasuke began crying at the door of his father's study ; loudly begging for his mom and dad to come back to him ; he wanted his family again, he wanted to feel the warm and loving hug from his mother , he want to see the approving smile his father . Sasuke just wanted his loving family back , he would give anything to have his old life back.

After spending about an hour at the uchiha compound sasuke decided to leave , unknown to him the mixture of sadness, anger turned to pure hatred for itachi the man that toke everything away form him. The feeling of hatred towards his brother had reawakened his sharingan but it had full matured ; though sasuke was unaware. As he was about to leave the uchiha compound sasuke saw a black crow flying slowly over his head before it landed on the wall next to him. Sasuke looked at the crow which reminded him of the crows that were flying around his brother that night after he chased itachi outside.


Kid Sasuke : (crying) big brother what going on I'm confused.

Itachi : Sa-sasuke...

Kid Sasuke : (crying) Why are you covered in blood.

Itachi : I-i'm sor-... I had...

Kid Sasuke : (fall to his knee) big brother did you do this , did you kill mom and dad and every one else.

Itachi : (teary eye's) I did.

Kid Sasuke : (shocked) WHY!! , WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!... WHY DID YOU KILL MOM AND DAD!!.

Itachi : I-i d-did this... (confident) to test my abilities.

in that moment itachi glowing red eyes and his body covered in blood made him look as though he was possessed by the devil. sasuke couldn't recognize the person that was standings infornt of him this was not his loving older brother it was someone else being of pure evil that should be exterminated.

Sasuke scold at the crow before reaching into the his fanny pack and pulled out a shuriken.



He threw the shuriken at the bird kill it then left. Sasuke arrived back at the village with a sad look on his face which a few villagers noticed.

Random woman : He looks so sad ; I still can't believe that all his clan members were killed by his own brother.

Other lady : I feel so bad for him no one deserve to be so alone.

Same kid that saw Naruto : Mommy that kid looks so sad ; why is that.

Kid mom : His entire clan is dead sweety they were all killed by his older brother... he has no one ; it so sad, really I feel so bad for him , no mom or dad nor siblings it just him... it breaks my heart.

Sasuke came across a group of girls he had attended the academy alongside. they noticed sasuke and called out to him.

group of girls : (giggling) HEY SASUKE!!.

Sasuke turned his head an looked in their direction for a quick second before averting his gaze. he could see the muscle stretching and relaxing in the girls arms as they waved at him.

group of girls : OMG!! OMG!! HE LOOKED!! HE LOOKED!! AAAAAHHHHH!!.

Teen girl : he looks so deep in thought ; OMG he's so hot.

Chubby girl with glasses : I kno-

Other teen girl : I know ; could you imagine one of us being on his team .

group of girls : THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING!!.

Chubby teen girl with glasses : He looked sad though... you think it has to do with is family and clan being wiped out by his brother?.

teen girl : What the fuck why you gotta bring that up.

other teen girl : yeah , this is why we don't like hang out with you ; you alway find away to ruin the mood.

Chubby teen girl with glasses : s-sorry guy's.. wa-wait isn't that the demon freaky over by the ramen shop.


They girls walked away while talking badly about Naruto whilst saying they'll will never go back to said ramen shop ever again.

Sasuke : (grabbing his face) what going on with me?.

Sasuke began to ponder all the things that was going one with him since he visited the uchiha compound ; his heighten visual perception and his ability to see the small details that's practically invisible to other people. As these thoughts run through his head he rummaged through his fanny pack and pulles out a kunai he looked at his reflection and his theory were confirmed. he had unlocked his sharingan but on like other uchiha kids his age he had three tomoe is instead of two or one that was common ; this revelation of unlocking his sharingan added onto his sadness as unlocking the sharingan is a mile stone for young uchihas and he had no one to celebrate this with ; all he could do was imagine his mom hugging and congratulating him, his dad proudly smiling at him ; Sasuke even imagine itachi's reaction of joy to see his little brother unlocked his sharingan. Sasuke stopped by the yamanaka flower shop and bought two bouquet before heading to grave yard.

Sasuke finished his day off by going to visit his parents grave for the first time since the funeral , he placed one bouquet on each of his parents grave. Sasuke had tried to avoid the grave yard for a long time as he couldn't accept that they were gone. He spent a few hours at telling them about how he graduated the academy , his first mission and had unlocked his sharingan. He began to break down at the realization that he wasn't talking to his mom and dad but their corpses that where six feet underground.

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