

I noticed that Clair was being watched. Oh so she chose to lie foolish woman. "Hello Miss Iris how are you this morning?" I turn to see Robert. He was a good natured fellow once given a chance. "Good morning to you as well Robert." I said cutting some herbs. "So you making salted rabbit stew today?" He asked hinting thats what he wanted. I laughed nodding at the request. "I will make you some." He smiles "I don't know what ye do to it, but I can eat it for the rest of my life. I would die a happy man." He said before walking away. "He's not the only one wondering what you do to it. " I jumped before turning to see Murtagh. He has a chesher cat grin. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you lass." He laughed "You are lucky when I turned my fist wasn't coming with it." I said playfully pushing him. "Oh I'm so scared of the lady's fist." He said sarcasticly making me chuckle. "Come on lass I'll walk ya back." He said catching the attention of people around. The whispers started and can only imagine what people will say. Walking back to the kitchens I felt eyes on us and to be honest for the first time I don't like it. Murtagh kept me close to him guess he could sense my discomfort. When we nade it to the kitchen he helped me clean the herbs and prep them for drying. Mrs.Fitz was watching us the whole time a smile on her face. Oh no it's not what people think. Ok even if I wanted it to be what they think I don't belong here. My boys don't belong here. "Those ladds of yours have good heads on their shoulders. I take it you had something to do with it?" He was trying to flatter me. "They know better than pissing me off. I can handle somethings sure we make mistakes. Just don't endanger your lives and I'm fine." I said skinning a white haired Rabbit. "Well they are still alive so you did a good job more or less. None ove them are yours by blood. Why care for them then surely they have kin?"  That question alwas stung. "Because the family didn't want them so I took them in. They are my boys may not be Chisholm by blood, but they are in spirit ." I said  cleaning the meat readying it for saulting. "I like that response lass shows more about you than you would think. I have to go see Colum. He was asking for me till later then lass." He said before kissing my hand. The maids and cooks giggle like school girls when he left. I was blushing at how sweet the action was.

"He likes ya lass Murtagh is a good man. He would be good to you and your sons." Mrs.Fitz said with a gleeful smile. Is that really what that was all about a courting test. Oh no no no I can't do that it would.....NO! Other maids were speaking to me about it. It was like listening to a broken record. It doesn't matter if its a good match or not. I can't be with him because this is his time not mine.

No one's Pov

Colum looked at Murtagh for a moment before signing. "If this is what you want, I will allow it call on her if you wish. I think she will ve a fine Mckenzie woman. It would merge two great clans. I look forward to the response." He said clapping him on the shoulder. "Lets have a drink to the wonderful news of a pending wedding."  Murtagh left to track down Aron, Ainsley and Alasdair . He wanted to ask them before going threw with anything. 

Iris pov

I was finishing making supper when my sons burst in. "Mom!" I jump a bit at the urgency in there voice. "Yes boys what is it?" I wish I  didn't ask.

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