
Sunshine Orphanage Part III

Location: Sunshine Orphanage

Everyone is having lunch together at the Sunshine Orphanage.

"So how? Are you still going to live in this orphanage and wait to be evicted by the people from that company?" asked Windy.

"Um... Mama... I just found out that this orphanage will be evicted from Professor Harry earlier," said Sylphia.

"Hah? How can? I always talk about it with you every day!" exclaimed Windy.

"Sylphia has always been serious about reading books in the Library. Every time you talk to her, she always thinks you are just nagging about her always sitting there reading books so she never bothered you. Since she's always ignoring everything you say, you think she refuses to leave this place," said the Professor.

"So it's just a misunderstanding?" said Nana.

"S-sorry, I always ignore you, Mama. I-I do not know if you say something important. If this place is going to be evicted, I-I'll get out of here. B-but I want to bring all the books from the library. T-they mean a lot to me," Sylphia pleaded with Windy.

"It would be good if you decided to leave this place. But... erm... are you sure you will bring all those books?" asked Windy.

"Y-yes, if they can't leave this place, then I won't go either," Sylphia replied.

"Very well then, we will think about how to move all the books later. Then how about the two of you?" Windy asked Quinn and Flora.

'(Oh no, I forgot to talk about it in the garden earlier)' thought Varil.

"I-I'm willing to leave here... but..." Flora looked at Quinn.

"I understand, I will also go. I just love this place too much. Since childhood, we are here. Too many memories we leave behind if we go. Sorry, Mama. Previously we insisted on maintaining this place. We know that we can't fight for this place anymore, but I love this place too much and Flora is too scared to be out there, "replied Quinn.

"Finally... you want to leave this place. But unfortunately, I haven't found an orphanage for you. You have already grown up to be transferred to another orphanage," Windy muttered.

"Wait, Mama. Can't we come with you?" asked Quinn.

"I don't have enough money for all of you. Besides, I've been accompanied by Mae. So I can't take all of you," Windy replied.

Sylphia, Flora, and Quinn were silent listening to Windy's answer.

"If you want, you can stay with us," said the Professor.

"What?!" cried Windy, Quinn, Sylphia, Flora, and Varil.

"We will be happy to welcome you to our house. I've always wanted a daughter to accompany us there," said Nana.

"Thank you for accepting them. However, the decision is in their hands," said Windy.

"How do you want to live with us?" The professor asked Flora, Sylphia, and Quinn again.

"Sorry, Professor. I refuse to come with you. I'll just stay with Mama," replied Quinn.

"T-then, me too!" exclaimed Flora.

"I-I also want to stay with Mama!" replied Sylphia.

"No, the two of you will come with the Professor," said Quinn.

"W-why?" asked Flora.

"Mama can't take us all, can you? Therefore, only I will accompany her to rebuild this orphanage. If you come along, you will only cause trouble for Mama," replied Quinn.

"W-wait, Quinn! Y-you can't be selfish like that! Why can't we come with Mama?! Besides, isn't it if you come with Mama, you will also be a problem for her?!" Flora was angry with what Quinn said.

"Mama doesn't seem to mind if only one of us comes with her. She needs help building our orphanage and also looking after Mae. So from that, I was enough. Isn't that right, Mama?" asked Quinn.

"That's right. I want to need someone from you to look after Mae and go with me to rebuild our orphanage," Windy replied.

"B-but… why do we have to go?! We can help Mama too!" exclaimed Flora.

"Y-Yes! I also don't want to leave Mama! I've been hurting her by ignoring her lately! I don't want to leave feeling guilty!" cried Sylphia.

"Are you stupid?! If you come with Mama, can you lighten the burden?!" Quinn is getting annoyed with Flora and Sylphia.

"Quinn..." Windy started to feel worried seeing her foster children fighting with each other.

"Listen, with your phobia you can help Mama find a job to raise money, Flora? Besides, Sylphia, just to get out of here you ask to take all your books and ignore Mama beforehand. Can it prove that you can lighten Mama's burden to rebuild this orphanage?" asked Quinn.

Flora and Sylphia remained silent and began to shed tears.

"If seen, among the three of us, I am the most mature and suitable to accompany Mama. If you want to help Mama, go with them and mature yourself. Flora, you must be able to overcome your phobia. I think Varil can help you with that problem. And Sylphia, if you want to make amends to Mama, go with them too. At least they can help you carry all your books," said Quinn.

"I agree with Quinn. Flora, Sylphia, you have quite the talent. However, you still have to mature yourself. I also thought that Nana, Professor, and Varil could help you," Windy agreed with Quinn's words.

Flora and Sylphia could only be silent listening to what Windy said.

"Nana, do you still want to accept these children?" asked Windy.

"As you said, it all depends on their own decision," replied Nana.

"How, do you want to come with us?" The professor asked Flora and Sylphia a third time.

Suddenly Flora ventured closer to Varil.

"D-do you want to help me face my fear?" asked Flora, closing her teary eyes tightly.

"Of course, if you want me to help you," replied Varil.

"T-then... I'll come with you," said Flora.

"Then what about you, Sylphia?" asked the Professor.

Sylphia remained confused by her decision.

"We need a librarian to maintain our library," said the Professor.

"I-all right, I-I'll come with you if the Professor needs me," replied Sylphia.

"Don't worry, you can still visit Windy whenever you want. We will also treat you like our own children," said Nana.

"Thank you for accepting them," said Windy.

"It's okay, it's not as big as your help to us at that time," said Nana.

"Then, both of you get ready, we'll be leaving this afternoon. I will also help you pack your things," said the Professor.

They all packed up all the remaining items at the orphanage.

"We have to be meaningful to ourselves first before we become valuable people to others."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-




To Be Continued...

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