
Fierce Battle On Planet Nero

What's going on? Why is she asking me to lose? It it related to the future I just saw?

"Tell me the truth Neia why are you stopping me from winning? Forget that! Just take me to King Neron, a great disaster is going to fall here soon."

I can't waste anymore time. I have to inform Zacharias and Avila about the dangers. A large scale invasion is going to happen here. The "Beings" are going to attack and their leader's power is on par with the Saints of Fantasia.

(As Adel was going to leave the arena grong and go to kIng Neron, Neia holds his hand and stop him from leaving. )

"Adel you need to know why I am stoping you. You all have fallen in a trap; this whole place is a trap made to kill you. Everything you are seeing is DECEPTION!"

Deception! Does she mean this place is all an illusion? There is no competition going on? I can't get it.

"What do you mean by saying that?"

"I am sorry Adel but I have to kill you to save my father!"

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