
You're 'HIS' Son?!

A long time had passed after his death. He doesn't know... No, rather, is he dead? who is he again? where is he? he had a sudden existential breakdown.





It's lasted a long time before he could snap back his consciousness. Now he's just a ball that floating in endless darkness...


He felt like an eternity in here... There's nothing sort of unusual it's just darkness stretched to the unknown... Nothing biggies since he already accepted his fate.


He goes left to the right as he doesn't have any limb, he flying uncontrollably. Just trying to pass the time. That was until his body felt heavy for some reason.

He blinked and the darkness was gone. It changed into a beautiful blue sky with a cloud here and there, Oh? there is a big cumulonimbus too...

He's trying to fly like before but couldn't. Now he felt like he had a limb and body again. So he sifted his view to the side, his hand was there... to the left was his other hand sticking into its original position.

Then he gazed himself to his torso... his eyes bulged out. Although there are his two legs in their original position his dick was gone! no rather... he became agender.

"Fuck my little Carlson! where are you my dude?!" he shouts to the smooth crotch he had and getting no answer. He was anxious at first but soon calmed down. It's like the eternity he felt before is making his soul more mature than ever.

He put himself together by lying on his back and looks at the peaceful sky as he calmed himself. after a couple of minutes of great silence and a little bit of calming wind that breeze to his nose he rose and sit down.

Looking at his surrounding he's now is in a field of greenery that stretch to the horizon that one eye could see. He move his head looking for something different. But no, there's none of that. It's still a field whenever his head move.

But that soon changes when he stood up. With a hold of his hand he stood up and the scenery is changing there on his right side was a little hill that had a tree on its top.

The hill is like inviting him to go there. Stood there alone when everything is a greenery field.

So he does what every other people would do in this scenario, he walks towards it.

Bringing his feet to move closer towards the hill he felt a suffocating atmosphere in his lung. Looking down, there was nothing weird happened in his body so he continue to walk.

Walk, walk, and walk. The pressure was more prominent as he felt he is going to arrive at the bottom of the hills. After a long time of walking, he arrived at the bottom of the hill. He looks up the hill and it seemed it is not too high nor short.

He immediately climbs the hills with difficulty.

He felt like a mountain was placed upon his shoulder. Not that he knew how much weight the mountain had. But his body felt heavy.

When his right foot arrived at the top hills, all of the pressure he was felt was gone. There was nothing any more but a serene and liberating feeling that got into his body.

Scanning his surrounding he could see a big tree in the center. And in that tree branch was two ropes that being tied into a swing. In that swing is a silhouette of a figure.

Curious he walk towards that figure. upon closer look, he could see that the figure had a full-body white suit with white shoes. His skin is black and he had white trimmed hair.

"Morgan Freeman?!" He couldn't help but exclaim loudly.

"Heh..." the figure seems to scoff upon hearing his voice.

The figure stood up and turn his body to him. he walks from the tree shadow to the light. and upon seeing the figure face the man frowns.

"You're not Morgan Freeman." mumble the man after seeing the figure clearly.

The figure itself is looked like an above ordinary black man with large Hazel eyes. The man felt that the figure resemble closely of Whiz Khalifa without all his accessories and makeup(tattoo).

Ir maybe he is that holy person that he saw on Eric Andre Show!

"Das my pops, 'cuz." said the figure looking at him weirdly "And I ain't no goddamn whiz nor black Jesus."

"Well... it seems like you could hear my thoughts... I'm sorry man..." said the man while bowing.

"Nah... that was norm 'ere. You're the only one that had a clear mind after talking with me. 'cuz." said the figure clearly impressed with the man's attitude.

Cling! Cling! ah yes, there is a shiny Golden chain that hanging around the figure neck.

The man unconsciously looking at the chain that got an amused look from the figure. "What? want one?" said the figure looking at him.

"No?" said the man tilted his head he felt that even if he begs and lick the figure foot he wasn't gonna let him even touch it.

"Bruh... y'know what I'm talking about." said the figure before continuing. "Let's sit. ain't good talking a serious matter while standing."

The figure led the man to the tree shades. When he got to the shades the man had an even more peaceful feeling. It's very refreshing. Both of them walk to the swing that now became a double swing.

"..." the man wasn't surprised anymore. He already had a guess since the figure say that Morgan Freeman was his father.

"Heh... a cool headed one. ain't you, a cool one!" said the figure before sitting on the left swing. He then gestured the man to sat on the other swing. "Please."

"Thank you." said the man before quietly sat on the right swing. The swing had ropes that hang on each side and there's a cushion on its swing. When he sat he looks at the scenery in front of him. The green field that stretches into the horizon and when it ends it made a perfect line with the blue sky. He getting mesmerized by the scene.

"Beautiful ain't it?" said the figure looking at the same scenery as the man before continuing "It's my first creation after got a power from pops."

"Yeah..." said the man before looking to the side. The figure now had a reminiscing expression on his face. The man is going to ask him but after seeing his expression he doesn't have the heart to. So, he decided to enjoy the scenery too... it takes quite sometime before the man decided to ask.

"So... can you explain something?" said the man, his eyes still got plastered to the scenery. His voice made the figure come back to his sense.

"Ah yes 'bout that..." the figure moves his body to face the man before placing his hands on his knee. with a swift movement, he bowed his head towards the man. "My deepest apologies, 'cuz."

"Huh?" the man got startled for a second. before asked him "What do you mean?"

"It's 'bout your death, 'cuz. There's an error on my side. My 'Smitten Machine' got broke one day and it seems to kill you back on your world." explains him after he straightens his back.

"..." the man got speechless. His death was caused by machine error? in the first time why even Morgan Freeman son needed a machine to smite? He was sad at first but get over it quickly. He's already dead, it's no use to lamenting over the past. But he still got a question on his mind.

"That's it?" asked the man that got a questioning face from the figure. "No, I mean before I got here I'm flying and feels like an eternity... Is it that machine after effect?"

"Flying and feels like an eternity? No, I mean after your death you 'suppose to go straight here, 'cuz. What are ya getting at?" said the figure seemingly mad at the man.

"Huh?" the man got puzzled. "Then why am I flying in that darkness?"

"What darkness? wait a minute..." said the figure before swiping his hand. Apparent to the man's eyes there a screen floating in front of the figure. The figure swipes the screen and his face getting darkened. Massaging his temple he let out a big sigh.

"Sorry, 'cuz. it looks like you got into some time spice rift before getting here... my bad..." said the figure looking apologetic.

"What is that space rift even?" asks the man that got an immediate answer from the figure. "It's like a nothingness. A creation dump? I'm terribly sorry, 'cuz. And in that space, there's like a time dilation for like 1:10000000 in years scale."

"So 1 year in that place is 10 million years outside?" ask him with disbelieve. the figure looking at him weirdly. "No it's reverse. 10 million years inside is like 1 year outside... and you spend like 100 million years inside that place... it's crazy that your soul still intact."

"Damn... so that why I felt like an old man... at least I'm glad that I got out of that space." said the man looking at the figure gratefully.

"Yeah. You 'suppose to reincarnated and get one benefit. Because you're dead after getting an accidental smite... but the rule said when something unplanned happens you got additional bonus... now let's look at the conversion rate..." said the figure before swiping the floating screen again. Then his face looks like he found something on the screen, he said. "Ah there it is... three benefits plus memory intact plus fictional world that had a 5 point of scale. Damn, that was great, 'cuz."

"Is it?" asked the man weirdly. "It is bruh! Let's get down to the business, shall we? I bet ya still got some luck back there, 'cuz."

"[Nnnf'hup ot n'gha]!" said the figure before a wheel of prize appears in front of him.

"R'lyehian?" asked the man puzzledly that get a surprise looks from the figure. "How did ya know?"

"Well, I read some of Lovecraft's works..." the man answer while shrugging. And the figure face seemingly came into realization. "Ah that brat! ya I remember that lucky brat that got sent back after got a luck chance in a wheel of fortune. It is indeed a r'lyehian it's a language that pops gave me. He said that it's a primordial language or some sort."

"Yeah... so what is a wheel of fortune?" asked the man trying to avert the conversation sensing that if they continued the subject he will tell him other thing and things will got dragged.

"It's here!" said the figure presenting a wheel that looks like a prize wheel but its option is blank. "This is a wheel of fortune that will decide your fortune after waking up! First of all, let's choose your world."

Swish! The before blank prize wheel is filled with many options now. The man could see something like [Go Back Home], [Anime world], [Crossover World], [Manhua World], etc. Without warning the figure spin the wheel.

Tok! Tok! With a little bit of time the wheel pointer landed on [Crossover World]. "Hmm... a 'Crossover'. let's spin again to choose a crossover from what."

Swish! The option is narrowed into many sections but not many as before. It's filled with a regional story. The figure spends no time to spin the wheel.

Tok! the pointer landed on [Korean stories]. "Eh, got a 'Hyung-nim' aren't we... let's decide your role." and the wheel options change into a role in usual story like Protagonist, Antagonist, etc. And immediately got a spin from the figure.

Tok! its pointer landed on [Protagonist]. "Protagonist of what?!" asked the figure and wheel content change again. Now it's filled with Korean stories. The wheel spin and its pointer landed on [Secret Class].

"Woooo... ya gonna get laid hard, 'cuz." said the figure excitedly. The man blinked several times before smiled after remembering what is that stories about. "Yea... that's a good story."

"Now let's choose your three benefits." said the figure before prize wheel content is changing again. It's filled with a very small word. He couldn't even read it anymore.

The figure spins and when it stops he exclaimed, "The first one is [Instant Mastery]! that's dope." he said before spins the wheel again, "The second one is... [Eidetic Memory]! Damn, college would become easy pizy for ya, 'cuz." wasting no time he spins it again. "The third one is? Damn... what are you damn lucky brat. you got a system called [Crystal Palace System(Perfect)]!"

"Perfect?" asked the man that got an answer from the figure. "Basically the system doesn't become slaver for the host. And the host didn't necessarily become a slave to the system. The quest could be done at the host will."

"That's.... nice I guess?" said the man who doesn't know about that system thingy well. "Ya, you could check it after you got out of here, 'cuz."

Then suddenly a ripple created between them then from it appear a black hole. "Your time is up, 'cuz. you gotta go." said the figure looking kinda sad. before adding "Remember to get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut you got."

"..." the man stared blankly at the figure before smiled "Well... it's nice to meet you Morgan Freeman son. I hope we could meet again." said the man before getting sucked into the black hole and vanished from the place.





"Yea..." said the figure before his(?) body glowing golden light and transform into a beautiful busty woman. "Nice to meet you too, my husband."

If the man still here he could see that the figure transformed into the woman that he saw before.

"We surely would meet again..." said the woman before her mouth arched into a beautiful smile.


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