
I'll Hold You To It

Jonah plopped down next to his girlfriend on the couch exhausted but satisfied. He thought that meeting Ezra McBride and his fiancée had gone as well as it possibly could have. He and Nadia were both fun people to be around once he stopped acting purposely intimidating. 

It was nice seeing Eden so happy too. It was obvious how much she loved the two of them. They were the only family she had left after cutting off her mother, after all. 

He had been worried when Ezra pulled her aside because of what she said to him the night before they all met up. He wondered if the inevitable confrontation was going to happen and what he was going to have to do to cheer his girlfriend up afterward. 

Nadia caught on to him in an instant. He hadn't realized his body language was so easy to read. 

"Don't worry too much about whatever's happening out there. Ezra isn't going to give her a hard time about their mom if that's what you're worried about."

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