
Troy's Social Media

Eden debated whether or not to do it for the first fifteen minutes of her lunch break before texting Troy. 'Hey, I didn't do anything weird last night did I? I was kind of out of it'

She didn't expect a response because it wasn't his usual break time but at least it was out there now. By the end of lunch, she still hadn't heard back from him but that wasn't a problem. She needed to focus on writing up a lab report anyway.

Zim checked over her work and said nothing, which meant she did well. If she had done something wrong, he would have said so.

Eden continued working on the lab report until her next break when she finally got a text back. 'No you're good. We still on for tomorrow?'

Her heart flipped over in her chest. She would get to see him again so soon. She replied eagerly, her fingers flying over the keyboard. 'Absolutely! Where should we go? Is there anything you're particularly in the mood for?'

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