
Soul Reading.

Aisha healed Roxy's wounds, then pick her up and carry her on Aisha's back. We went deeper into the Chimera's nest. As Roxy said, there is still so many Chimera, and we killed one of them and took its heads. After I put the heads on the bag, we left.

On our way to the outside, I ask Aisha,

"How did you know that Roxy is insane?"

Aisha replies while still carrying Roxy on her back,

"The color of her soul. So I know their personalities and their intentions."

I reply,

"That's convenient. Can you teach me how to see or read souls?"

She replies,

"You can't, it's not something you can learn by practicing or meditating. Only I can read souls. But, I can lend it to you."

I reply,

"What do you mean by lending it to me?"

She replies,

"Let's say, it's like changing your appearance. You can't do that, but I can change your appearance by targeting you with the spell."

I reply,

"I see. Well then, can you lend me your power?"

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