
GALACTIC Companion Book: Vol 1 Characters and their Abilities


Acheus (Ace) Titanium: Teleportation. Limits is that he can only teleport to places he's been or places he's seen photos of. Further distance =harder to get to destination. Sometimes teleports accidentally. Ability is evolutionary

Amy: Can create illusions with her mind.Limit: Illusions are limited to how well someone can imagine or remember something. If she remembers something wrong, people will notice it's not real. Doesn't work on psychics. People lacking certain senses won't see certain illusions of course, so she will have to work harder to trick them. Example: Blind person can't see, so she needs to create the illusion of touch or sound.

John: Plant Weaponry: Controls plants and makes them stronger, changing their shape and form. Makes venus flytraps into giant carnivorous monsters, turns a rose into a thorny sword. Limit: Sometimes the plant doesn't like him and doesn't want to cooperate. Sometimes the plant he uses goes limp and his ability doesn't work. Uses up water content of his body so he can't use it too much or else he will die.

Candice/Deceit: Power to control life. Deceit uses it to raise the dead. Limit: stronger body = stronger minion. Weaker minions are useless, and usually stop working pretty fast. Requires more focus the more minons she raises. Can control all aspects of a dead body, and manipulates bones to create horrific creatures, weapons, and armor.

Mary Sue Smith: Has two abilities!!!

Primary Ability: Combat Adaptation

Her strength becomes equal to that of her opponent's. Limit: Can only adapt in terms of combat and war. Has to get hit a few times to understand the ability… which seriously sucks….

Secondary Ability:Meta-Luck

Has the ability to always be lucky. It's pretty wonderful but Mary Sue gets tired of it…. Always wins, never has to try, everything ends up right some way, somehow, is always in the right place at the right time. Makes her life dull and boring sometimes.

Limit: Uncontrollable. Gives a good thing for the user, but the user usually doesn't want it.

Only weakness seems to be Ability Negation, which her husband has. She never realizes he has this ability when they first meet, and it is passed on to their son, Dexter.

Wrinkle: Rewind: Can Rewind Time, setting things over again. Actions can change once the events repeat again, but it's very unlikely. Limits: Time rewinds and everyone except the ability user forgets what happened. Very few are immune to memory loss.

Rikka Slater-White: Ability: True sight. Can see things that are hidden or lost. Very useful because she can do anything from find lost car keys to recovering forgotten memories. Limit: Has to touch someone for it to work. Just because she restores memories doesn't mean they are accurate, as the brain is stupid like that. May accidently recover traumatic memories. Has to see the memories of the person she recovers while doing it, so ends up seeing things she doesn't want to see. Can only find lost things that she's touched at least once.

Fei-Long (Fenton) Wong: Ability: The 6 Paths. Has the ability to use telekinesis, see auras, manipulate psychic energy into physical constructs, create shields from psychic energy, create energy beams/bombs/projectiles, and has a "6th sense".

Limit: A lot of limits. This ability is only evolutionary so one of the hardest to learn, master, and control. Telekinesis, auras, and the 6th sense are the easiest to master, but manipulating psychic energy into physical ideas, constructs, or making shields is much harder. The person's power increases as the person's intelligence increases, or they're extremely creative. Therefore the ability is useless if you're unluckily born stupid. Stress on the mind makes this ability one of the fastest to stop working.

Mary Jane Smith:

Has two abilities, just like her mother, Mary Sue!

Ability One; Earth

Can control all manners of rocks, boulders, etc.

Limit: Like all other elemental abilities it takes a quick toll on the user's body. Is a static ability, so not much changes, and the user has to get original for attacks. Weak to water.

Ability 2: Super Strength

Even though Mary Jane is five feet tall she can crush your arm with one hand. Unlike most people who have two abilities that complement each other, with one being active, and the other being dormant, both of hers are active. These two abilities she has aren't rare, but put together it gives her amazing advantages over foes. She can hit them long range with earth attacks, and if they get close, hit them up close with her physical attacks.

Limit: She can't turn it off. is accidentally breaking things, accidentally hurting people, she is basically a one man army. Even though this ability doesn't take as much of a toll on her brain as others do, she still has to work out to get stronger. Just because she has super strength doesn't mean she's impervious to attacks, and she has a limit her body can carry, so she is forced to push her limits. Many people who have this ability can accidentally become to strong and hurt themselves.

Savannah Washington

Ability: Flight

Limit: People don't really respect people who can fly since it's a very common ability, and no one takes her seriously. Not really a limit, just fucking hillarious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ability: Gravitational Manipulation

Limit: Affects everybody and everything, with many unintended consequences, requires extreme focus, so its easy for him to simply look away from his target for too long and it stops working.


Ability: He can get big.

Limit: it's hard for him to stop once he starts, easy for him to get down to normal size but hard to stop in between. He's trying his hardest, okay?


Ability: Animal Transformation

He can turn into a giant black jaguar

Limit: Like all transformation abilities the more you use it, the more you look less like yourself. He grows cat ears and a tail eventually.

He does not like it.

Dexter Smith

Ability: Amplification and Negation

He can amplify or negate the effects of anything. Very useful for supporting others abilities, stopping enemies abilities.

Limit: Limited range to amplify or negate an ability.


Ability: Can control candy!

Limit: She needs candy, an artificial object. So without it she's useless.


Ability: Protects himself, his host, and others with multiple shields, and a long stretching cape

Limit: He becomes stronger the weaker someone he's protecting is. So if it was a baby, he would be invincible. If it was however, someone like Mary Sue, he would be useless.

Julia Anderson

Ability: Molecule Vibration

She can make molecules around her vibrate. It's pretty impressive. She uses it for various functions, but best of all she uses it to win fights pretty quickly. She makes the molecules in the air surrounding someone's head vibrate so hard their head explodes. Her mom has the same ability. Julia is possibly one of the strongest characters.

Limit: Julia herself. She never takes anything seriously, so even though she has a lot of potential she never really goes for it. Physically the only thing stopping her is that it damages her throat. She opens her mouth every time it happens, so she can't perform the trick often.

Annie O'Neil

Ability: Keratin Manipulation

Annie can manipulate her own keratin in her body. She uses this to make her nails long and sharp, as claws for close combat, a sword for more intense combat as well. She also uses her ability to grow her hair out and use it as a whip. She also loves that she can get as many hairstyles as she wants and easily grow her hair back, lol.

When her ability further evolves later on she can control her skin as well.

Limit: After a while her body will become exhausted because it has to keep producing keratin. So eventually it just stops if she uses her ability for too long!


Ability: Shadow Control

Can literally control shadows, travel through them, distort and shape them. Very useful!

Limit: He can only control shadows! Doesn't work without shadows, like in the dark!

Kyle and Ryle Jones

Ability: Super speed.

Everything about them is fast! They even think faster, making it easier to solve problems!

Limit: Since everything about them is faster sometimes they can't control their ability. Their ability is active but sometimes is passive, such as faster thinking, so they literally have to be careful 24/7 in case they hurt someone. Their leg muscles tire easily and they find it hard to stop, so they end up hurting themselves often.

Gabriel Gutenberg

Ability: Light Manipulation

Can create light and heat any time, anywhere!

Limit: Very damaging to his body. When he shoots lazers from his eyes, he damages them. Sometimes he accidentally burns himself. Later he becomes useless since he becomes a vampire, LOL.


Ability: Time Travel

I think the title itself explains how amazing his power is.

Limit: It's safer to send people into the future than it is the past, but it's still possible to send them back. The problem is it creates a paradox, or several.

Problem 1, Casual Loop: Infiniti is very aware of this one, and uses it to torture Ace. It's when a future event creates a past event, creating an infinite causal loop. Ace is stuck in an infinite causal loop, and can only escape it when he decides to not repeat the future action.

Problem 2, Grandfather Paradox: Going back into the past and changing something, and then returning to the present and everything is altered. This implies that the original timelines are entirely gone, or that it is self contradictory. If you went back in the past and it already happened, shouldn't the change have already occurred?

Another example is if you went back in time, killed your grandfather, but then you would never be born. You then stay, marry a woman, and become your own grandfather, possibly creating a causal loop, or just a very strange family tree at best.

Problem 3, Fermi Paradox: If time travel is real, where are all the time travellers?

Problem 4, Newcomb's Paradox: If you can travel into the past and change events at will, getting different results, that means the free will is not true. If each event only gives a certain outcome, then truly one could be manipulated by others and never realize it.

Problem 5, Self Consistency Paradox: Any actions taken by a time traveler or by an object that travels back in time were part of history all along, and therefore it is impossible for the time traveler to "change" history in any way. The time traveler's actions may be the cause of events in their own past though, which leads to the potential for a causal loop, sometimes called a predestination paradox.

Problem 6, Self Correction: Quite possibly the worst kind of thing to happen when using Infiniti's power. If person A from universe Alpha went back into time, changed some things, and returned to the present but did not like the results, they could go back again. However, this would cause a paradox. Person A would no longer be person A, but person A2. Person A2 would go back in time, and meet Person A1, the original instance of time travel.

To correct the paradox, the universe would self correct, using any matter of ways to kill one or the other. There is a 50/50 change of person A1 or A2 dying. If person A2 lives and A1 dies, then the time traveller gets another chance. If person A1 lives and A2 dies, then there is a causal loop, and the same even occurs continuously until A2 lives.

This implies that there is only one timeline that a person can exist at once. However there are multiple timelines, "parallel universes", in which different versions of oneself can meet the other without harm. If Person A from Universe Alpha went to the parallel Universe Beta, and met Person A from there, they would be fine! However Infiniti cannot do this. Instead, Lush can.

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