
Chapter 29

Jason P.O.V

I had retreated to the fire exit and was in the middle of calming myself down. Before Richard –wait, I just noticed that I didn't know his- I mean her- name. Gah! I can't even think straight!

My mind was just getting all jumbled with things. Full of guilt for my failure, Killing intent for that Italian mafia, annoyance for Russell, confusion of his- I mean her identity, and whatever bullshit there is.

I wanted to hit something hard but I'm not dumb enough to punch a wall. Okay fine. Find a happy place. I thought of numerous things that could calm me down.

Guns, no. The smell of cigarettes, nope. My motorcycle, surprisingly no. What else us there for me to even-. The thought of her suddenly crossed my mind.

I tried to push it away but my mind just can't seem to take her away. Thinking like this is just wrong. She's a g- Fuck I keep forgetting she's now a girl!

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