
CHAPTER XXXI: "Confrontation"

The young man again had another of his memories, this time he was on a kind of balcony admiring what Crowlhan had given him, Crowlhan approached him and the young man asked him:

- With this I will be able to be a superhero? What powers will I have?

- Calm young Christopher... you know, to be a superhero is not only to have super powers to save the world... you can save the people in many ways -

- And if I don't have powers then how can I save them?

- Only you know the answer little one... that thing you have in your hands will guide you to it, protect it and when the time comes you will know the answer.

After that conversation everything turns white and the young man falls to the floor, quickly Aiden lifts him up and puts him back on the couch receiving a call from Hobson who told him: "We did it!

- We did it Aiden! Adyson made it through the test.

- I'm happy for you," answered the young man in a serious and sad tone.

- Are you ok?

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