
Chapter 31: Leash(1)

Luke nodded at Lance and walked with him towards outside where the carriages that were going to head towards the wedding after-party will be held.

Luke and Lance stopped walking by the door and saw his group waiting for him.

"Ho, so these are your companions?"

"Yes, your highness."

He then saw the children running towards him and hugged his legs. They then each shot a question and Luke answered them.

"Brother, who is this handsome man?"

"The crown prince, his highness Lance Sherodd."

Lance then waved at the kids with a bright smile on his face.

"Are you two close?"


He then heard Lance snort beside him. Luke just ignored him.

"He is such a pretty prince. Is he the owner of this place?"

"Yes, he is the owner of this palace."

"Can we come here again?"

"Who knows? Maybe one day we'll come here again."

The children smiled and held his hands. Luke then saw Spencer, Selena, Klein, and Lina bowing towards the crown prince.

"Nice to meet you, your highness."

Lance waved at them.

"Please stop with the formalities. You are my friend and brother's companions, please treat me casually."

Luke then looked towards the crown prince with confusion.

"Since when did I became your brother, your highness?"

"You are my brother's brother. So that means you are my brother too."


The group stared at the casually talking Luke and the crown prince with amazement. They looked pretty close to each other. Selena smiled and clapped her hands.

"Then, shall we go?"

The group nodded and went towards the carriages. They then started to get in the carriage. Luke was about to ride in the carriage but stopped when he heard someone calling for him.

"Wait! Luke!"

Luke looked in the direction where the voice came from and flinched when he saw who was it.

The one who's been bothering him by sending letters before he fainted, Paulina Trego.

Remember the sudden changes on Finesse's gown? It was because of Luke. He thought that he should do something even just a little to not look completely useless in the household so he decided to step up and comment on some good design advice to the employees that he got from his past world. It seems that the employees liked it and reported it to the store owner.

And this... This is the result. The result was that the store owner, Paulina Trego, was currently chasing him for more designs and ideas.

Paulina stopped in front of Luke while holding a pen and paper and looking at him with shining eyes. She seems prepared to get some info from Luke. Luke sighed.

"Duchess Trego, why do you even bother approaching this lowly noble? You could've just asked for more advice from the real professionals. Asking me will get you to nothing."

That's right, she is a Duchess. A 25-year-old Duchess whose house and family were famous for their excellent clothing design and skills.

The Trego Ducal family of the Southwest's design was famous amongst nobles and aristocracy. They even have several branches all over the continent causing the Trego's to be famous and loaded with money.

In short, it's not a family that is worth messing with.

Paulina shook her head left and right and looked at Luke with a determined face.

"Nonsense! Your ideas and designs were really good! It's fabulous! Even the nobles were asking me if I'll make a clothing trend soon because they saw how beautiful Finesse's gown was! So please! Give me some more ideas!"

Luke looked silently at the desperate face of the high-ranking noble in front of him.

"Luke, are you coming?"

Luke looked at Lina who called him and his group who were looking curiously at Paulina like she was an interesting rock. Luke sighed and signaled the driver.

"Please go without me."

"Are you sure?"


The driver shrugged and started to move the carriage. Luke waved at his group who were looking at him by the window. Luke just sighed and looked at Paulina.

"Uhm... Duchess-"

"Call me Paulina."

"Uhm... Okay, Miss Paulina. I would love to help you with your designs but-"

"Ah, I see now."


Luke looked at Paulina with confusion. His eyes then widened when he saw a pouch suddenly shoved in his face. Luke caught it and looked at it. He then looked at Paulina's proud face with shock.

"Money is what you want in return right? Don't worry! I got lots here so if you need more, just tell me! But in return, please give me some good idea designs!"

Luke was silent for a second while looking at the inside of the pouch. All he can see were blinding, and shiny coins and jewels. He then heard Nash's impressed voice

•Wow! So shiny! And the size of the pouch was twice larger than what the crown prince gave you!

Luke was silent for a while before he heard Paulina speaking.

"So, do we have an agreement here?"

Luke looked at Paulina for a second before forming a very bright smile. It was the smile of pure happiness.

"Of course, of course, I'll give you the ideas you need."

Paulina's eyes sparkled and smiled happily.

"Good! Now let's go-"

Paulina stopped speaking and looked around. Luke also looked around and frowned.

It's empty... Completely empty...

All the carriages already left.

A minute of awkward silence filled the surroundings, but it suddenly broke when Luke heard a familiar voice.

"You're still here? And... Duchess Paulina?"

Luke and Paulina turned around and saw Lance looking at the two of them with surprise. Luke then asked in confusion.

"Why are you still here your highness?"

"I was busy checking some papers so I got a bit late. What about you? Why are you still here?"

Instead of Luke answering, Paulina cheerfully answered instead.

"We just got into an agreement, your highness."

"Oh? What agreement?"

Before Paulina could say something misleading, Luke butted in.

"It's quite a confidential matter, your highness."

"Ho, is that so? Oh well. Want to ride in my carriage with me?"

"A carriage ride... With your highness?"

"Yes, all the carriages already left so I am personally offering you a ride out of kindness."

Luke looked at Lance as if he was a shady character but reluctantly agrees in the end.

"Well, if his highness says so."

"Great, let's go."

Luke and Paulina then walked behind Lance towards the obviously grand and shiny royal carriage and went inside.

Luke sat on the couch and was shocked at how soft and fluffy the couches were, it's so high class.

Lance and Paulina then quietly sat on their seats and the carriage started to move. It was an oddly relaxing but awkward ride since nobody even dares to speak. Luke just sighed and decided to look through the window instead.

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