"The sweet promise of peace lures people to death and in their finally moment the look of bliss is absolutely mesmerizing, that you can't help but be happy for them,,
"It's terrifying not knowing what comes after dying, but having to no longer surfer each day, give people the strength they need to die without regrets,,
I straightened my forest green lace over chest corset, the bangles on my arm sparkle under the balcony light, my dark green cape flows behind me secured on my shoulders with golden pins, my choker was gold laden with ruby.
I stroll into the ballroom from the balcony, it was huge able to hold three hundred and fifty kinrad. The whole room showed how rich and sophisticated the owner is, from the ten ruby chandeliers across the ceiling to the golden glass big windows on the side of the room.
I smirk at the dancing crowd, fixing my golden mask, as a young azurian approach me. Her snow white wings were folded behind her back, a silver mask with a feather on its end was perched on her nose, her blue eyes gleam behind it. I swirl my wine, slowly raising the glass to my lips, her hips sway as she drew closer, a sliver low cut dress cling to her figure and her waist exposed, there was split traveling down her thighs revealing how smooth they were.
"Hi, I'm Isria and you are?" she flick her wavy curled hair over her left shoulder exposing her smooth delicate white neck, blue eyes staring in my orchid ones. I leaned resting my side against the ballroom's wall, tail swishing behind me, my eyes narrowed like a cat's at the delicate gloved hand she held towards me.
"Reneder," I held her much smaller hands, shaking it gently, a small smirk on my face. I release her hands, and slowly yet elegantly brush a stray hair from her face. She flush losing her confidence for a slight moment, not expecting my action.
"Why isn't a kinrad like you surrounded by beauties? guess it's my lucky day," she wink oozing with justifiable confidence, the beauty mark at the corner of her eye moving along with this gesture.
"Your probably the only one who thinks so," I add jokingly eyes curving into a smile with my lips, I bring the wine glass to my lips and in one swift fluid movement I finish it.
"Then do you care to have a dance, with me?" she asks, confident in getting a positive response, pulling her lips stained in red into a seductive smile, she knows she is beautiful, and it looks like she'll use it to her advantage. She took a step towards me into my personal bubble. I tap a waiter to a halt and place my now empty glass on the tray.
"May I milady," I bow slightly holding out my hand, she place her soft hands in my mine, I straighten and lead her to the middle of the dance floor, I place my right hand on her shoulder blade, she rest her hand lightly on my right arm,her other hand grasp in mine, I pull her closer.
The dance starts in a slow tempo along with the instruments, I went over my plan in my head, before deciding on how to break the silence.
"And why did a lovely lady like you decided on dancing with me, I'm positive that many kinrad are tripping over each other to dance with you?" I pull her in, catching the envious gaze of the onlookers.
"None have the aura that you emit," she twirl around me, a smile in her voice.
"May I ask, what aura do I emit," I teased.
"Dark, mysterious but still a gentleman," she teases back only half serious.
Almost there
Just a little more charm and my goal can be reached. I never thought that she would approach me, not that I have a problem with it, it makes things easier.
"I'm thankful to my aura then, to have chance to dance with a beautiful lady like you," I breathed out, spinning her, a faint blush crept up the back of her neck.
"Your quite charming yourself," her gentle voice said elegantly, her back pressed against me, grinding her hips softly.
"I didn't expect you to approach," I said honestly, we slid across the dance floor our speed and movements gradually increasing.
"And I didn't expect you to say yes to my offer," she utters slightly breathless I twirl her and then I dip her my right hand firmly around her waist, she wrap her leg around my hips, hugging my shoulder.
"Expect the unexpected," I grin staring in her eyes bringing her up, few deep orchid hair strands falling into my eyes, my neatly combed hair now slightly messy from the dance.
"Expect the unexpected, indeed," she repeats grinning up at me, eyelashes slowly fanning her face. We twirl across the dance floor once more, I pull her to my chest a soft smile on my face as I stare down at her, probably a romantic move to the onlookers.
"Thank you," we both said when the song stop ending our dance, and I lead her off the dance floor.
"See you around," she tuck a feather into my shirt pocket, kissing my cheek softly. A smile grace my lips, the feather was a sign of approval.
"See you around," I repeat kissing her soft hand, she walk off hips swaying. I didn't chase after her even if I didn't know where she would be, there will be an auction later, I could find her there.
After that dance with Isria, I spoke with a few guys and girls, but never accepting or requesting any dance, probably I would have under different circumstances.
I checked the time 8: 30 p.m, pretending to tire and needing air, I trudge into the garden. It was as grand as the ballroom, midnight shimmers, a rare flower, was planted in heart shapes lining the pathway leading to a crystal fountain with an Ice sculpture of a large flower blooming over it, covering the area around it. This garden reeks of money, what a waste but necessary to show wealth and power,
I stroll on the cobble stone pathway, passing the fountain, following the directions on my cyrsholo, I found the secret doorway. I put away my crysholo, and pulled the lever hidden in the hedge, knowing she would be at the end of the path. The grass door slide open revealing the hidden path behind, fluorescent dots of light lit up the pathway, I slowly wander through, the hidden door closing behind me.
At the end was a clearing light with Luminous Butterflies creating a rainbow of colors, and smacked in the middle was an almost ethereal being. The light creates a halo around her, her hair falling in waves to her mid back, snow white wings spread open. I gasped gaining her attention.
"What a bewitching site," I whisper, although I meant for her to hear it, the faint blush on her cheek shows that she did. If only her parents were half as good as her maybe I wouldn't be here tonight.
"What are you doing here?" she ask her soothing voice washes over me, I almost regret what I was gonna do. I laugh inwardly at myself, I don't regret, but it's nice having a conscience once in awhile.
"The ball got suffocating and I decided to take a walk in the garden and I got lost," I strut towards her, grinning down as I stand in front of her. I watch as her innocent looking eyes blink slowly thinking of a response.
"Oh okay," she replied, tucking a strand of wayward hair behind her ear, softly biting her bottom lip.
"Okay? and here I am thinking you would be happy at me finding you, I'm hurt," I held my chest and dramatically sighed.
"I didn't mean for it to sound that way, and you know it," she slaps my shoulder and giggles at my ridiculously behavior.
"I also didn't expect to see you so soon," she pinned her hair to the side when it fell in her eyes again.
"Expect the unexpected," I gin boyishly, taking a hand out of my pocket and gently caressing her face.
"Why don't we sit down," she gestures beside her on the ground, then takes a seat.
"Sure it's tiring to stand," I sit close beside her, silence fills the space between us. Until I decided to break it.
"Any hobbies?" I admire the night sky waiting on her response.
"Yes, I like playing the piano, and you?" she glance at me asking back the question.
"I enjoy painting, I don't like attending balls but a feeling made me attend this one, I'm happy I followed it through," I genuine smile grace my lips at the first part of my sentence, I look at her as I answer the question, smiling gently eyes twinkling with joy.
"Seems like fate would have us together tonight," she scoot closer to me and whispers.
"Yes, that seems to be true," I close the gap between us, and cradle her cheek with my right hand. The tension in the air between us could be slice with a knife, her eyes zone in on my lips tracing them, I lift them in a smirk, my eyes fell on her lips and she bit them softly. How nice it would be to be the one doing it, I gulp my Adam's apple bobbing with my action, her eyes flit shut and lips pucker giving in. I just stare at them not kissing her without permission.
"What are you waiting for?" her eyes flit open curiously looking at me, when my lips didn't meet hers.
"Waiting for consent, can I kiss you?" I caress her cheek.
"Yes, now kiss me breathless," she hug my shoulders, softly pecking my lips.
"Got it," I held her waist pulling her towards me, and kiss her soft, delectable lips slowly, she gasp when I bit and thug at her bottom lip, my tongue take the chance to invade her mouth, it tastes like mint. Our tongues tangle together. Her calming rosy scent infiltrates my nose, the skin at her waist was soft under my hands, the kiss was slow and calming, just like her. We pull apart to breathe and begin again not wanting to part, I lift her and rest her on my lap, for a better angle, we didn't go further than kissing I'm a gentleman after all.
The need for air grow larger and we had to pull a part to breathe, she slid off my lap huffing slightly, trying to regulate her breathing.
"Do you want a tour around the mansion?" she softly breaths out turning to look at me through her eyelashes. If I wasn't a pro at my game I would have grin, when she utters the words I long to hear all night. I school my expression to a look like a love struck fool, trying to keep his cool.
"Sure," my eyes twinkle looking at her soft features.
I held her hand as she lead me through the garden, and shows me the rooms in the mansion, I listen and mentally remember each location carefully as she names then.
"And this is the library," She push open two huge doors showing the gigantic room behind, fill with both modern and ancient books that dates from recent to five thousand years ago, just the place I was looking for, I use my mind to mentally search for the spell book, mapping the place out, then I felt it's presence behind a shelf within a barrier, I smile to myself knowing it would belong to me soon. She maneuver me through the aisle of the shelves bringing me to a window seat, packed with fluffy big silver pillows.
"This is one of my favorite places to sit and read a book, it overlooks the garden," she sit tugging my arm bringing me down with her, my back colliding with the soft pillows.
"Look isn't it beautiful," she gaze out the window, body press against the widow pane looking at peace with the world.
"Yes indeed," I follow her example twisting my body slightly and peer out the window admiring the admittedly calming view.
We spent quite a while looking at the garden, until I got up and pick a random book off the shelve, flipping through it pretending to be interested.
"I loved reading that as a child," she refers to the book in my hand. I took a quick glance at the silver book cover, "The Legendary Tale of Griana", it read depicting the picture of a little infernoam girl covered in dust walking on a dirt path with a setting sun in the background. I raised a brow at her questioningly silently asking her to elaborate.
"Honestly I started reading it because of the silver color, but I stayed because of the awesome plot, a heroine's journey to conquering the world, those type of stories enraptured me when I was young" she smile in nostalgia, presuming remember her younger days.
"Is your favorite color silver?"she seems like the silver kinda a person.
"Yes, hence my obsession with it," she pointed to her outfit and a small chuckle escape my lips at her gesture.
"You had mentioned that you play the piano?" I place the book, that I was careless flipping through, back on the shelf where I got it from, and leaned over the table, placing most of my weight on my elbows, peering up at her on the window seat with fake inquisition.
"Yes, we actually have a music room I'll take you there now, if you want?" slow hesitant excitement dripping form her voice, she currently resemble a child who heard there was no school. A small smile tug at my lips, it was probably her favorite room in the whole mansion, this is going to be easy then.
"Yes, why not," I straightened my figure and gesture to her to lead the way, she stood brushing down her dress before leading me out the library, she pull at the doors and at the same time it was pushed from the other side, standing face to face with us was an elegant fellow whose looks could rival my own, his most striking feature were his mismatched eyes, I had couple inches on him in height. His long blue hair was done up in a ponytail, his cat like eyes narrowed behind his white and blue mask, left web fin ear twitch in annoyance at the limited space between Isria and I.
"Emery, what are you doing here?" her posture stiffening, at seeing whose at the other side.
Emery what an alluring guy.
I have never heard that name before I'll have to research him.
"It really isn't fun watching nobles trip over themselves trying to outdo each other, history class is more entertaining than hearing their latest conquest," his voice drones out, his upper lip tightens and raise slightly at the corner at the mere thought of listening to them.
"Sorry, that you father forces you to these events, when will he stop," her eyebrows furrows together, sympathy radiating off her in waves as she gently rubs his shoulder.
"When I marry another rich noble and secure his bloodline, at this point to him anyone will do as long as I get married before graduation, what year does he think this is?" he rolls his pair of mismatched amber and red eyes, folding his arms across his chest, his left leg bent at his knee. My eyes unconsciously follow his leg movements, his tight leather pants cling to his long legs, his boots were laced up at the side, his white shirt was half tucked into his pants.
He was dressed in casual garment at a formal occasion, I cocked my head to the side in curiosity an observant gleam was in my eye but went unnoticed by the two as they talk to each other, what an interesting fellow. I held my head down thinking about his identity.
The midnight bell rang, signaling the start of the auction, of rare jewels. I'll have to get the book later then, can't say that I was happy about the change of plans.
"Let's go to the auction room now shall we," I clap my hands, and smile at them with hidden ulterior motives.
"Okay, let's go then," Isria agreed cutting her conversation with the guy name Emery short. While walking to the auction room Isria spoke with me animatedly, unaware of the impending disaster. Emery kept looking at me curiously and when our eyes would meet I would wink, he normally look away first until he got use to it.
"Are you bidding?" Isria glance at me curiously as I collect my bidder number.
"If I see anything my mother would like," I replied with a nonchalant shrug.
"Oh, what does she normally like to wear?" she converse while we walk to the upper first class seating area.
"She doesn't have a preference, but ruby suits her the most," the red would complimented her pale skin, I still remember how beautiful it was when the blood slowly drained out of her body staining her snow white skin, it was a work of art. It was the most breathtakingly beautiful moment in my life, she made death such a beautiful thing.
"What about you Emery are you bidding?" I got comfortable in the armchair I was sitting in and turn the unwanted attention to Emery, glancing at his number.
"Yes," he gave a short curt answer.
"Really, I didn't know did your father put you up to this?" Isria fired at him, apparently she didn't know or he doesn't normally bid.
"No, I wanted a rare diamond water, fire bracelet that will be auctioned here," his voice was warm and patient speaking to her, filled with brotherly affection.
Before Isria could reply the auction began bid after bid ridiculous prices were being paid, my seating posture got worse as the auction drew on endlessly. It was quite boring, not something I would spend my vacation doing at least. I had much more important things to do. The invisible clock chime interrupting the auctioneer.
The first chandelier went out, murmurs echoed in the room, everyone spun in their chairs looking for the clock.
I sit up, as the second chandelier went out, a sadistic grin crawls onto my face, the room is now half dark.
The third chandelier went out, the murmurs got louder as the room was shrouded in darkness, "Stay calm everyone," the auctioneers voice booms trying to placate the restless crowd, and the guards tense in preparation for danger.
The temperature starts to drop at a visible speed, chairs screech against the floor as people try to get up to leave.
Gasping was heard as their bodies collided with solid wood, they struggle to leave their chairs, they release scared murmurs when they realized that it was futile, struggling even more unwilling to give up.
All sound and movement seize.
I left my chair, my footsteps were the only sound that could be heard, I stroll down the stairs, each body I walk pass tenses in fear, my grin widens. I leisure took my time up the stairs, walking to the bracelet protected within a glass case.
The last tock.
the sound of the glass breaking reverberates through the room, I grab the jewelry box and made my way back up the stairs, I halt in front of Emery he didn't tense interesting. I lean over, my lips directly beside his ears.
"I hope you like my parting gift," I slowly drawl out, my lips caressing his ears, he shivers at the sound of my voice, I did say that I found him alluring. I place the jewelry box in his hand, and close his fingers around it. I straightened my spine and stalk towards the exit.
It's done master
A black shadow crept towards me from behind and whispers.
"You know what to do, spare the girl and guy I was with though," I commanded, not a hint of the charming emotions I was displaying all night could be found in my voice, the door opens allowing me to exist and slams shut behind me. My cape flows behind me.
The last tick, nothing absolutely, nothing happens for a while.
My grin was now permanent on my face, when I heard it.
Pained, terrified and loud screams erupt like a volcano from the room, not once did my grin leave my face and it blooms with those screams.
Beautiful, the sound was beautiful.
A work of art indeed.
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What do you think of the first chapter? please comment your opinions, I know nothing about dancing and clothes, so I researched a little and hopefully this chapter wasn't bad.
Also remember to vote if you like chapter 1.
Constructive criticism would also be really appreciated, this is my first book after all.