
Continue? Chapter 1.1 : Peaceful

'...The floor is cold...'

"We have succeeded! We have summoned the Hero!"


"He seems to still be unconscious. What should we do, my King?"

'King... I think I got it now.'

"Hmm. Let's wait a little. He may be tired due to the Summoning."

'If this is a different World, then...'

"As you wish."



[Quintz Kritan] [17]

[Level : 1]

[Exp : 0/100]

[HP : 100]

[MP : 100]

[Class : Hero]

[Skills] (4)

{x10 Experience}

{x5 Skill Points}

{x5 Stat Points}

{Player's Decision}

'Ah, I can see it in my head. {Player's Decision}? I know a lot about Games, but what the hell is this?'

"My King, he still seems to be asleep."

'They still think that?'

"...Very well. Go get some water."

Opening his eyes, Quin Slowly sits up.

"Oh! Hero! You have finally awoken!"

Looking around the room, there were 3 things to note.

1. The Knights looked ragged with rusted Armor and Weapons.

2. There were large Windows, almost like a Church he visited once.

3. The King was Skinny as hell.

'Is he... the King?'

"Ahm. Hero! I have summoned thee here to help all of Humanity!"

"All of... Humanity?"

"Yes! Please, grow strong, gain plenty of Skills, and Defeat the Demon King! As well as the Demon Lords that have spread throughout the Lands!"

"Hmm... That sounds pretty cool. Alright..."

"Oh! Thank you Hero! Applaud for the Hero!"

All at the same time, the Knights began applauding Quin.

Standing up straight, Quin raises his right hand, as if giving his promise.

Then, in a loud voice, just enough for everyone to hear.

"I refuse!"

Immediately, the clapping stopped.

There was a moment of silence.

"...H-Hero? What do you..." The King had a slight twitch in his eye.

"I said I refuse. I would rather live life comfortably. I don't want to work for any sort of Company or Government."

Everybody was stunned.

There was another moment of silence.

The King's Face began to glow red.

"You... You dare to reject me!? I brought you here! I gave you my Hospitality! You are a 'Hero'! You must obey the King's Orders!"

"King? Are you sure? In my eyes, aren't you a Kidnapper? I was brought here against my Will, and was suddenly given an unreasonable task."

"Ha! As if you, a mere Other World Hero, could ever talk to this mighty King!"

"Oh come on! I'm the Last Guy that you should have summoned! And even if I wasn't, who would want to work for a Twig like you!"

Redder than before, the King shouts in fury.

"Execute him!"

Before he could move, Quin was impaled in his back, causing him to fall over.

"Wait! Don't stain the floor! Throw him in the Furnace, and let him burn with the rest." The King had a mean Grin on his face.

"Yes, my King."

The Knight who struck Quin began dragging him along the floor.

'...It's cold... Colder than before... Man, I wish I could go back to my Bed. I just want... to be... warm...'

. . .

. . .

. . .

Ah, I died...

Wait, am I dead? Where am I?

[Would you like to Continue?]

... What?

[Would you like to Continue?]

The hell is this? A joke?

[Would you like to-

Yeah, yeah, I get it. Very funny. I just wanna read Manga and go to sleep.

[Would you like to Continue?]

... I hate you. I guess, if I have nothing else to lose.


. . .

Waking up, his vision was immediately flashed with red and orange.

'What is thi-'

Realizing what was happening, it was already too late.

Inside the Furnace, he was burning alive.

Unable to Scream or Move, he simply flailed with pain and agony.

'It hurts. It's hot. I can't breathe. Please, no more.'

[Would you like to aquire the Skills {Fire Immunity} and {Pain Immunity}?]

'What sort of fresh hell is this?'

Unable to think, he simply thought:

'I just want the pain to stop.'


Suddenly, the pain went away.

The Fire was no longer hot. His Skin no longer began to sting or be turned into ashes.

'I... am ali-'

He falls unconscious once again.

. . .

. . .

. . .

[Would you like to Continue?]


[Would you li-

Shut the hell up already! I was just burned alive! Do you know how traumatizing that is!?

. . .

Alright, whatever. I wish to continue. It hurt like hell, but I can't just do nothing until I kick that Twig (King) in the face.


. . .

Waking up once again, he found himself floating on his back... in the middle of the Ocean.

"The Twig was one thing, the Fire was another, but now I have to deal with Water? What kind of hell did I get summoned in to?"

Floating on his back, Quin drifted slowly, aimlessly, and silently.

. . .

A few hours went by, and according to the Sun, it was a little past noon.

Still aimlessly driffting across the sea, Quin was relaxed.

'Ah, this breeze feels nice, and the sound of the Ocean is very soothing.'

[Would you like to acquire the Skill {Hyper Hearing}?]

"... Damn you for ruining the mood. Sure, go ahead."


As if he could hear the fish from below the surface, his sense of hearing grew to an alarming rate.

'That was a bit of a surprise. I almost thought my ears would explode, but I should be fine after a while.'

Listening to everything around him, he heard the sound of the fish swimming, the movement of what sounded like suction cups, and the sound of a Whale.

'So there are Whales in this world too. Good to know.'

To his surprise, a small fish appeared next to him.

'What is tha-'

Immediately, the Fish created a large shockwave using Sound.

He tried to listen to the sound once again.

But, he couldn't hear anything anymore.

'OW! THAT HUR- Oh, yeah. Can't feel pain. I also can't feel my-'

Looking at his left arm, it was missing.

The small fish that blew him away reappeared next to him, this time, just staring at Quin.

'That sound... a Whale?'

'This thing... is dangerous. How am I so calm about this?'

With another blast of sound, he was flung even further, this time watching his left leg fly through the air.

'... I guess... reality hasn't completely sunk in yet. I mean, it hasn't been that long ever since I was summoned, so I still feel like i'm in a dream.'

[Would you like to acquire the Skill {Sound Immunity}?]

'Yes please.'


'Now, what to do about that thing?'

As if to answer his question, a Large Winged Creature came swooping down, and snatched both him and the small fish.

'What the hell is this!? Did something seriously pick me up in the middle of the God Damn Ocean?'

Looking up, he was surprised to find out what was carrying him away.

It was a Dragon.

"A Dragon!? So Cool!"

'Oops, I said that out loud'

The Dragon couldn't hear him, and then began to pick up speed.

'Why are they moving faster? Do they have a destination in mind? ... That was a stupid question. It's a Dragon. It probably has a Den or something.'

Once again answering his question, he sees Land in the distance.

'Well I'll be. There is a god.'

Moving towards the Land, he saw what seemed to be a Village.

The Dragon Landed near an Ocean Cliff.

'Is the Dragon a Pet of sorts?'

Putting Quin and the Fish down, the Dragon takes a step forward.

Becoming ingulfed in light, the Dragon suddenly began shrinking.

After a few seconds, the Dragon became humanoid.

Turning to face the things she picked up, Quintz could see that the Dragon was Female.

She walked towards them and looked at the Fish.

"I couldn't find much. All I got was a Scream Fin and a... Human?" She looked confused.



They both just stood in silence.

About a minute went by, and the Dragon speaks first.

"How are you... alive?"

"I'll answer you, but first I need to die."

"What do you me-"

. . .

. . .

. . .

[Would you like to Continue?]

Sure, I don't see why I would stop here.


. . .

Waking up again, he immediately sits up.

He stretched his whole body, happy that his Arm and Leg were back.

"Seems good. Now, about your question."

The Dragon stood there with a dazed face.

They once again just stared at each other in silence.

As if to break the silence, his stomach growls.

Snapping out of her daze, the Dragon looked at the Fish beside her.

The Fish was near the Edge of the Cliff, and jumped off.

"Wait, no!"

It was too late. The Fish escaped back into the Ocean.

"Damn it. Now what am I gonna eat."

Turning towards Quin, her face began to grow angry.

'Uh oh. I feel as though I just got myself in a bit of trouble.'

Walking towards him, she stops right in front of him.



"You'll help me find more food. If you don't..."

She brings her face closer and breaths a small stream of smoke.

"...Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, cover yourself. You're more exposed than the wild animals."

Looking down, he realized that he wasn't wearing any clothing.

'So much happened in a short amount of time that I forgot about clothes.'

Looking around, he saw a plant with very large leaves.

Taking a few, he makes something to cover himself.

A few attempts later, and he succeeds. Standing up, he walks towards the Dragon.

"Finally. What took you so... Wait, isn't that..."

'What? Is there something wrong with what I'm weari-'

[Would you like to acquire the Skill {Poison Immunity}?]

'... Hm?'

"Are you a fool!? Take that off! Quickly!"

'So... it's poisonous.'

[Would you li-

'Yep. Just give me the Skill already.'


"I said take it off! Most Creatures can't survive the Poison!" She took a step back.

"It's fine. This much won't hurt."

She gave an unsure look, then continued walking.

"We're almost at the Village. When we get there, we'll need to go to my House. You don't seem to use any weapons. Can you use Magic?"

"Magic... I've never used it, but I can try."

As they walked, Quin could hear the sound of voices.

"No Magic, No Weapon. Is there anything you can do that will be useful during hunts?"

"If I had to say, I can be a pretty good distraction."

"Distraction... That reminds me, what was that thing you did earlier? You didn't have an Arm nor Leg. What did you do?"

'Would it be fine to tell her? I'm just going with this flow of events.'

"Instead of telling you, I can show you when we hunt."

"...That is fine. Do you have a Name?"

"Name... Quintz. Call me Quin if you'd like."

"Quin... Quintz. They are not very different."

"Tell me about it. On another note, do you have a name?"

Stopping, she looked to the side, facing away from him.

"That... You do not need to know that for now."

Silently, she continued forward.

Not asking any further, Quin could hear the voices getting louder.

. . .

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